How to Turn Off Alarms on Phone

In this article we will try to teach you how to Turn Off Alarms on Your Phone. You may be familiar with the well-known features of smartphones, like texting and browsing the Internet. But smartphones can do many of the same things as other devices, including alarm clocks. Most smartphones come with a clock app that includes programmable alarms and other features, and more alarm apps are available to download as well. If you’re tired of waiting in the morning for your partner to turn off their iPhone alarm, you’re in luck. That’s because Reddit user u/smurfses just discovered a hack you can use to turn it off

It’s a sad fact of life that most days we have to get out of bed earlier than we’d like. Luckily, almost every device these days has some sort of alarm feature to keep you on schedule. That includes your Android phone and tablet, which comes preloaded with a clock app that’s reliable, easy to use, and very compelling. Below we have mention the steps disable Turn Off Alarms on smartphone.

How to Disable Alarms on Android and iPhone

How to cancel or delete an alarm on iPhone

  • Start the Clock app.
  • Tap the Alarm tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • Find the upcoming alarm and tap the green button beside it to cancel it.

To delete the alarm entirely:

  • Start the Clock app.
  • Tap the Alarm tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • Find the alarm and swipe it to the left until you see Delete. Keep swiping all the way to delete it.

How to cancel or delete an alarm on Android

  • If the alarm is already going off, tap Stop at the bottom of the alarm screen.
  • If you tapped Snooze and want to cancel it before the next alarm cycle goes around, start the Clock app and find the alarm that’s still in progress. Tap Snoozing until [the time the snooze will sound again]. This will dismiss the alarm until it’s scheduled to go off again.
  • If the alarm hasn’t gone off at all yet, but the time is approaching, start the Clock app and tap the Alarm tab, then find the upcoming alarm. Tap Dismiss.

To delete the alarm entirely:

  • Start the Clock app.
  • Tap the Alarm tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • Find the alarm and tap it if needed to expand it, so you can see the details. Tap Delete.

Final Words

We hope our article on how to cancel alarm on iPhone and Android will help you and resolve all your problems. Timekeeping is one of mankind’s most enduring innovations. Now, with the advent of smartphones like Android and iPhone, the platform’s native clock utilities have acquired fairly advanced clock capabilities to manage different types of alarms. If you want to know how to turn off alarms on smartphone and tablet then follow the steps mentioned above.

I hope you understand this article, How to Turn Off Alarms on Phone.

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