How to Unpair Apple Watch from iPhone

This tutorial is about How to Unpair Apple Watch from iPhone. We will try our best so that you understand this guide. I hope you like this blog, How to Unpair Apple Watch from iPhone. If your answer is yes, please do share after reading this.

So lets keep reading for intertesting info:

Check How to Unpair Apple Watch from iPhone

You may need to unpair your Apple Watch from your devices for various reasons. It could be that you no longer want to use the Apple Watch or you have bought a new model of Apple Watch. If you are using the Apple Wallet app with the transit card, please also remove your transit card from your Apple Watch before unpairing it. This will transfer your remaining balance to another Apple Watch or iPhone that has your Apple ID signed in.

Depending on whether you want to put the Apple Watch up for sale or just pair it with another iPhone, the process is slightly different. Regardless of your final destination, this is how you unpair the Apple Watch. Unpairing Apple Watch from iPhone resets the wearable device to factory settings.

Since the watch will be erased in the process, your iPhone will automatically create a backup of it. That’s one of the reasons why it’s important to keep your Apple Watch close to your iPhone during the following steps.

How to Unpair Apple Watch from iPhone

  • Apple says to first remove any Transit cards you’ve stored with Apple Watch (Watch app on iPhone > Wallet and Apple Pay > Transit Cards).
  • While keeping the watch and iPhone close together, open the Watch app on the iPhone.
  • Choose the My Watch tab at the bottom, then tap All Watches in the top left corner.
  • Tap the circled “i” next to the watch you want to unpair.
  • Choose Unpair Apple Watch, and then tap Unpair again.
  • If you have a cellular plan, choose to keep or drop the plan (you’ll still need to call your carrier if you really want to cancel the plan).
  • Enter your Apple ID password if prompted.
  • When the unpairing is complete, you will see the message “Start pairing”.

Final words: How to Unpair Apple Watch from iPhone

I hope you understand this article, How to Unpair Apple Watch from iPhone. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes, please share this article with your friends and family to give us your support.

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