How to Use Clipboard Sharing on Google Chrome

Every new version of Google Chrome comes with a slew of bug patches, speed improvements, and frequently an entirely new set of features. You can quickly copy and paste text between PCs and smartphones thanks to the most recent upgrade to Chrome’s capabilities, which was released not too long ago. If you have some text or an image file copied on your Desktop computers that is running Windows 10, you can now send this content to your Android device by using Google Chrome.

This is the case regardless of which operating system your personal computers is running. If you have previously duplicated the information on your computer running Windows 10, this might be the problem. To start making advantage of this functionality, all you need is Google Chrome version 78 or a later version installed on both of your devices. This is the sole need.

In addition to this, you will be need to have a Google Account and to configure that account in such a way that it syncs across all of your devices. Chrome’s ‘Shared Clipboard’ function is protected by end-to-end encryption, which means that even if someone tries to access it, they won’t be able to do so even if they are successful. This is yet another essential aspect that needs to be taken into account.

Enabling Clipboard Sharing

Clipboard sharing is disabled by default, but you can easily enable it by following these steps:

  1. Type “chrome://flags” into the search bar of Google Chrome when it’s open.
  2. Type “Clipboard” into the search field, and you should see three items show up in bold.
  3. Select each item and change the “Enabled” setting from the drop-down menu on the right.
  4. There should be a blue dot in front of each entry to show that the choices are now turned on.
  5. The last step is to click the “Relaunch” button to make the changes take effect.

Using Clipboard Sharing

Once you’ve enabled clipboard sharing, you can easily share content between Chrome on your desktop and Chrome on your Android device. Here’s how:

  1. In Chrome on your PC, pick out the text you want to share.
  2. Pick “Copy to your device” from the menu that comes up when you right-click.
  3. To get to the Paste menu on your Android Phones, start a text field and hold down your finger.
  4. To paste the text you copied from your desktop Chrome, tap the “Paste” button.


What is the clipboard access extension for Chrome?

You may more effectively manage and access any text that you have copied with the help of the Clipboard History extension for Google Chrome. This extension is both strong and user-friendly. You can easily keep track of the most recent 100 items that you copied with the help of this extension, and you can view them in a list that is accessible immediately from within your browser.

How do I get files from my clipboard?

To copy, you can still use the Ctrl + C keys, and to paste, you can still use the Ctrl + V keys. This is good news for anyone who want to use keyboard shortcuts. You may also access the clipboard by pressing the Windows key in combination with the letter V. This will allow you to view everything that you have copied from any device or program, such as Word or Excel.

How do I paste from clipboard?

After you have copied something, you are able to paste it on iOS and Android devices alike. Simply touching or holding down on the programyou want to paste into for an extended period of time will bring up a paste choice for you to choose from.

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