Unlocking 1Password Chrome Extension with Mac Touch ID

Welcome to our guide on how to unlock the 1Password Chrome extension using Mac Touch ID. If you’re looking for a seamless way to secure your passwords and accounts, this tutorial is for you.

Why Use Mac Touch ID with 1Password Chrome Extension

1Password has always been a convenient password management solution, allowing you to create strong passwords, store sensitive information, and quickly log into your accounts. By utilizing Mac Touch ID in conjunction with the 1Password Chrome extension, you can add an extra layer of security and convenience to the unlock process for your online accounts.

Setting up Touch ID for 1Password on macOS

Before you can use Touch ID with the 1Password Chrome extension, you need to enable it on your macOS device. Here’s how:

  1. Open the 1Password app on your Mac and enter your master key to unlock it.
  2. Navigate to the 1Password menu and select Preferences.
  3. Click on the Security tab and check the box next to Touch ID.

Now, you can unlock 1Password using Touch ID. Please remember to also remember your master password, as there may be instances where you need to enter it instead of using Touch ID.

Ensuring Compatibility

It’s important to note that 1Password X does not support Touch ID. Therefore, make sure you are using the standard 1Password extension that is compatible with the fingerprint sensor. If you are using the Mac desktop app, ensure that your extension is version 4.7.x. If you are using version 1.15.x of 1Password X, it will not work with your device’s fingerprint sensor. Double-check all compatibility specifications to ensure a seamless experience.

Unlocking 1Password Chrome Extension with Touch ID

With Touch ID enabled, you can easily unlock your 1Password Chrome extension. If your password manager is locked, simply follow these steps:

  • Launch the 1Password app on your Mac.
  • Navigate to the 1Password menu and select Preferences.
  • Click on the Security tab.
  • Choose the duration for which you want to require the master password.

If your password manager is locked and you have Touch ID enabled, a pop-up window will appear asking you to use Touch ID or enter your password to unlock it. Simply use your fingerprint sensor to quickly access the extension. If the option to use Touch ID doesn’t appear, you can use the dedicated button on your lock screen to activate it.


Unlocking the 1Password Chrome extension with Mac Touch ID is a great way to enhance security and convenience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily set up and utilize Touch ID with 1Password on your Mac. Keep your passwords secure with this seamless unlocking method and enjoy a hassle-free online experience.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us via the contact form. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family to spread the word about this useful feature!

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