How to Easily Switch from Windows to Linux

If you’re tired of Windows 10 or don’t want to upgrade to Windows 11, it’s time to consider Linux — an open-source operating system that’s free of built-in ads, constant updates, and data gathering. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make the switch from Windows to Linux.

Choose Your Linux Distribution

Unlike Windows and macOS, Linux comes in different distributions, or “distros,” each with its own interface and set of features. For beginners, Linux Mint is a popular and beginner-friendly choice. It offers a familiar desktop environment based on Ubuntu and has a large community for support. Other distros to consider include Zorin OS and Ubuntu.

Create Your Installation Drive

Download the 64-bit “Cinnamon” version of Linux Mint and create a bootable installation drive using Rufus. Make sure to back up your data and restart your computer before installing Linux.

Install Linux on Your PC

To install Linux, access the boot menu by pressing a certain key during restart, choose the USB drive option, and select to boot into Linux Mint. Double-click the “Install Linux Mint” icon, choose to install third-party software, and select whether to clean your hard drive or dual boot with Windows. Once done, restart your PC to start using Linux Mint.

Get Familiar with Linux and Install Apps

Linux has its own app store where you can download free open-source applications. You can use the graphical software manager or the command line to install and uninstall applications. Use “sudo apt update” and “sudo apt install [application name]” to install apps and “sudo apt remove [application name]” to uninstall. Periodically, update your apps from the graphical tool or by running “sudo apt update” and “sudo apt upgrade” from the command line.


What are the advantages of using Linux over Windows?

Linux is open-source, which means it’s free to use and modify. It also has better security and privacy features compared to Windows. Linux has a variety of distributions that cater to different needs and preferences, and it generally uses fewer system resources, leading to better performance and fewer crashes.

Can I still use the Windows apps I’m used to on Linux?

Some Windows apps may not be compatible with Linux, but there are usually alternative apps that offer similar features. Alternatively, you can use a Windows emulator like Wine to run some Windows apps on Linux. However, it’s always a good idea to research the availability of your favorite apps on Linux before making the switch.

Switching to Linux may seem intimidating, but with this guide, you’ll be able to make the switch with ease. Explore Linux’s features and communities to find the best distribution and apps for you. And if you ever get stuck, don’t hesitate to seek help from the Linux community.

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