How to Run OneNote Windows Desktop Version on Ubuntu Using WINE?

If you’re a Linux user and a fan of Microsoft’s OneNote for note-taking, you might struggle to find an official OneNote version for the Ubuntu OS. However, P3X OneNote, a free and open-source application built with Electron, enables you to use OneNote on Linux systems, including Ubuntu. In this article, we’ll show you how to install and use OneNote Windows Desktop Version on Ubuntu using WINE.

Why Use P3X OneNote?

Microsoft OneNote is an application used for free information collection and collaboration in a multi-user environment. While alternative note-taking apps such as Zim, Joplin, SimpleNote, and Google Keep exist, some people prefer OneNote and miss it when switching from Windows to Linux. Hence, P3X OneNote is a great choice here, working independent of any browser as a desktop application and allowing you to connect to your Microsoft account.

Installing P3X OneNote on Ubuntu Using Snap

The easiest way to install P3X OneNote on your Ubuntu system is by using Snap. First, update your system’s software packages and install Snapd package using the package manager. After entering the following command, you can install P3X OneNote using Snap:

$ sudo snap install p3x-onenote

Once installed, open P3X OneNote, and it will prompt you to sign in to your Microsoft account.

Installing P3X OneNote on Ubuntu Using AppImage

Another method to install P3X OneNote is by using an AppImage. An AppImage is a universal software package for portable applications on Linux that can be downloaded and run on any Linux platform without the need for installation. Here’s how:

1. Visit the Github launch page and download the supported Appimage file for your system architecture. Alternatively, use the following wget command to download it in the terminal:

$ wget

2. Grant the executable permission to the application image file and run the following commands:

$ chmod + x P3X-OneNote-2020.4.169.AppImage
$ ./P3X-OneNote-2020.4.169.AppImage

Final Thoughts

Now you know how to use OneNote Windows Desktop Version on Ubuntu using WINE. If you’re a fan of OneNote and prefer using it on Ubuntu over alternatives, you can consider P3X OneNote. Moreover, if you face any issues, feel free to ask for assistance through the contact form.


  • What is P3X OneNote?

    P3X OneNote is an open-source note-taking application built with Electron, which works independently of any browser as a desktop application. It enables you to use Microsoft OneNote on Linux, including Ubuntu.

  • How can I install P3X OneNote on Ubuntu?

    You can install P3X OneNote on Ubuntu by using Snap or an AppImage. For Snap, update your software packages and install the Snapd package, then install P3X OneNote using the command “sudo snap install p3x-onenote”. For AppImage, download the supported Appimage file for your architecture from the Github launch page, grant the executable permission, and run it using terminal commands.

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