Maximize Your Productivity: How to Use Google Calendar Time Insights

Are you struggling to keep track of how you spend your time at work? With Google Calendar’s Time Insights feature, you can easily monitor and manage your productivity. This guide will teach you how to utilize Time Insights to its fullest potential.

Time Insights is an innovative feature that breaks down your schedule into three parts, allowing you to see how much time you’ve spent on specific events and who you’ve met with. By setting your working hours, you’ll have a better understanding of how to manage your time more efficiently.

How to Use Google Calendar Time Insights to Track Your Productivity

  • Open Google Calendar on your computer.
  • Click “More information” in the left sidebar.
  • Explore the Time Insights section.
  • In Time Insights, click “Set business hours.”
  • Enter your working hours and location settings. Check the box to “Enable working hours.”

Once you’ve completed these simple steps, your Time Insights will be activated. Now you’ll have a more comprehensive breakdown of your schedule, making it easier to see how you’re spending your time. With this information, you can make tweaks to your schedule to maximize your productivity.


How do I access Google Calendar Time Insights?

You can find Time Insights in the left-hand sidebar of Google Calendar. If you don’t see it, click “More information.”

How do I set my working hours?

In Time Insights, click “Set business hours.” Enter your working hours and location settings and check the box to “Enable working hours.”

What information does Time Insights show me?

Time Insights breaks down your time by events, meetings, and who you meet with. With this feature, you can see how much time you’re spending on specific events in your Calendar.

Is Google Calendar Time Insights available for all Google users?

No, Time Insights is currently only available for Google accounts for work and school as part of Google Workspace.

Final Words

With Time Insights, you can gain valuable insights into your productivity and make adjustments accordingly. By setting your working hours and utilizing the features that Google Calendar provides, you’ll be able to maximize your efficiency and get more done in less time. Share this guide with your peers to help them also drive their productivity to greater heights.

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