How to Install Watch Command on macOS and Its Importance

If you’re a Mac user, you might be missing the “watch” command feature of Linux. Well, not anymore! In this article, we will guide you on how to install the Watch command on your macOS. The Watch command frequently runs a command or task and displays the output in real-time, making it easier to monitor processes.

Steps to Install Watch Command on macOS

What is a clock and how does it work?

The watch command is a tool that repeatedly executes a command and displays the output on the screen. This can be used to monitor the output of any terminal command in real-time. For example, you can use it to track the disk usage or monitor the progress of a file transfer.

The basic syntax of the watch command is as follows:

watch -n number_of_seconds “command”

The watch command can be easily installed on macOS using Homebrew, MacPorts, or a precompiled binary, which we will discuss below:

Install the Watch on macOS with Homebrew or MacPorts

If you prefer to use Homebrew or MacPorts, you can use the following commands to install the Watch command:

Homebrew: brew install watch

MacPorts: sudo port install watch

How to Install and Run Watch in macOS with Precompiled Binary

If you don’t want to use Homebrew or MacPorts, you can download and install the precompiled binary version of the Watch command:

  1. Download the precompiled “watch” command using by typing:

    curl -O
  2. Make the “watch” command executable:
    chmod +x watch
  3. Test the program to make sure everything is working:
  4. Move the “watch” command to a system location to access it from any terminal location (optional):
    sudo mv watch /usr/local/bin/

Benefits of Installing Watch Command on macOS

  • Allows you to monitor the output of any terminal command in real-time.
  • Helps you track the progress of long-running tasks or processes.
  • Useful in monitoring disk usage or system resources.

FAQ: Install Watch Command on macOS

What is the watch command?

The watch command is a tool that repeatedly executes a command and displays the output on the screen.

How do I install the watch command on macOS?

The watch command can be installed on macOS using Homebrew, MacPorts, or a precompiled binary. The installation steps are provided in this article.

What are the benefits of using the watch command on macOS?

The watch command allows you to monitor the output of any terminal command in real-time, track the progress of long-running tasks, and monitor system resources.

Is the guide “Install Watch Command on macOS” free?

Yes, this guide is free to read.

Final Words

Now that you know how to install the Watch command on your macOS, you can easily monitor processes and tasks in real-time. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below or contact us directly. Keep monitoring!

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