How to Recover Unsaved Word Documents

Word Got You Down? These Tricks Will Revive Your Lost Documents!

People of all ages and backgrounds have had the same experience: losing a Word document. This includes high school students writing book reports and experienced business leaders finalising important quarterly earnings. We all know what it’s like to feel panicked when carefully planned work is just a few words away from being finished and could disappear. In this guide we will solved how to recover unsaved Word documents.

In spite of all the chaos, there is a bright side: there are reliable ways to quickly and easily get back lost Word documents. If you lose something because you deleted it by mistake, your Microsoft Word programme crashed, or the document just disappeared into the digital abyss, a simple and reliable guide can help you get it back.

By using tried-and-true methods, people can get back their important work, saving themselves the stress and possible setbacks that come with losing important data. Understanding these recovery tactics turns what could be a disaster into a manageable problem, making sure that the hard work doesn’t go to waste because of how technology changes.

Common Causes of Document Loss

  • Physical damage (fire, water, natural disasters)
  • Theft
  • Hardware failure
  • Human error (accidental deletion, misplacement)
  • Software malfunction
  • Cyberattacks
  • Emphasize the significance of documents for businesses and individuals.
  • Highlight the potential consequences of document loss, including financial setbacks, reputational damage, and legal repercussions.

How to recover unsaved Word documents

If you’ve already saved the file

  1. Get back to the file you were working on.
  2. Go to File > Info.
  3. Choose the file that says “when I closed without saving” under “Manage Documents.”
  4. Office 2016 Take Care of Files
  5. Choose “Restore” from the menu at the top of the file to erase any earlier copies.
How to recover unsaved Word documents

If you haven’t already, save the file.

  • Click File, then Info, then Manage Documents, and finally Recover Unsaved Documents.
  • Get Back Unsaved Files in Office 2016
  • Pick out the file, then click Open.
  • To save the file, click Save As in the bar at the top of the file.

Does Word keep backup files?

AutoRecover Files

  • Word will save temporary copies of your files on a regular basis, usually every 10 minutes by default.
  • These files are saved in the following place (replace “username” with your real username) and have the ending “.asd”:
  • It’s located at C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles on Windows.
    /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/UnsavedFiles on macOS

Save copies of files

  • If you have “Always create backup copy” turned on in Word’s settings, it will also make a copy of your document every time you save it by hand.
  • This kind of file ends in “.wbk” and is usually kept in the same place as the original file.
How to recover unsaved Word documents

Auto-Save in SharePoint or OneDrive

  • When you save Word files to OneDrive or SharePoint, the AutoSave tool is already turned on.
  • AutoSave saves your changes to the cloud all the time, so you can always view the most up-to-date version from any device and even go back to older versions if you need to.

Best Practices for Regular Document Backups

Do what the 3-2-1 Rule says

  • You should make three copies of your data: one original and two backups.
  • Do not store the copies on the same type of media. Instead, store them on two different types of media.
  • Keep one copy somewhere else to be safe in case of a real disaster.

Back up automatically

  • Auto-backup can be done with backup apps or cloud services.
  • Set up regular backups to happen, like once a day, once a week, or after big changes.
  • This saves time and makes sure that backups are always made.

Pick safe ways to store things

  • Choose storage choices that you can trust to keep your data safe and private.
  • For private files, you might want to secure them.
  • Before you use a cloud service for files, make sure you know how secure it is.

Check Restores Often

  • Test your backups every so often to make sure they can be restored properly.
  • This finds any problems with the backup process and makes sure that the data can be accessed when it’s needed.

Set up a backup schedule

  • Figure out the right backup schedule by looking at how often and how important the changes are.
  • If you need to, you can change the frequency of saves to daily, weekly, or monthly.


Can I retrieve a Word document that wasn’t saved?

How to restore unsaved word documents in Windows? Go to File / Manage Document in Microsoft Word and select the File tab. First select “Document Management,” then choose “Recover Unsaved Documents.” You will see a list of all unfinished Word documents in the new window.

How do I recover an unsaved Word document on a Mac?

Open Microsoft Word on your Mac first. Next, click on the “File” tab in the screen’s top left corner. “Manage Document” and then “Recover Unsaved Documents” are the options from the dropdown menu.

How do I find version history in Word?

Start up the file you wish to see. Click on the file’s name and then click on Version history. If you click on a version, it will open in a new window. Choose “Restore” to go back to a version you’ve already opened.

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