SE Ranking vs SEMrush: which SEO tool is right for you?

SE Ranking offers SEO tools, while SEMrush is a comprehensive digital marketing suite.

Businesses and people who want to improve their online visibility and organic search rankings can’t do without SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) tools. Users can improve their websites, content, and digital marketing strategies by using these tools, which offer a variety of features and insights. They are useful because they can look at how well a website is doing, keep track of keyword rankings, learn about competitors, and give useful advice on how to improve search engine rankings and get more organic traffic.

Today’s digital world is very competitive, and search engines like Google are very important for getting people to visit websites. To stay ahead of the competition and make sure your website follows the latest best practises and search engine algorithms, you need SEO tools. When it comes to SEO tools, SE Ranking and SEMrush stand out as strong competitors.

Each has its own features and functions that are specifically designed to meet the needs of SEO professionals and digital marketers. We will look at the specific features of SE Ranking and SEMrush in the next section, which will help you make an informed choice based on your SEO goals and plans.

SE Ranking vs SEMrush Comparison table

The table below shows how SE Ranking and SEMrush compare in terms of SEO, keyword research, and competitor analysis. SE Ranking has the most important tools, but SEMrush has a more complete set of tools with more advanced features for more in-depth digital marketing strategies.

FeatureSE RankingSEMrush
SEO AnalysisComprehensive SEO audits and reports, keyword tracking, and on-page SEO optimization.Extensive SEO analysis, keyword research, site audits, and competitor research.
Keyword ResearchKeyword research tools, including keyword suggestion, competitor keyword analysis, and keyword grouping.Advanced keyword research with keyword difficulty scores, keyword trends, and competitor keyword analysis.
Backlink AnalysisBacklink monitoring, analysis of referring domains, and toxic link detection.Extensive backlink analysis, including referring domains, anchor text, and competitive backlink research.
Competitor AnalysisCompetitor research tools, including organic and paid search competitor analysis.Robust competitor analysis, including organic and paid search competitors, traffic analysis, and market positioning.
PPC Advertising ToolsBasic PPC analysis and management tools.Advanced PPC advertising tools, including ad research, ad campaign management, and ad performance analysis.
Content MarketingContent marketing tools for content planning and tracking.Content marketing toolkit with content research, topic analysis, and content optimization features.
Social Media ManagementSocial media posting and monitoring, social analytics, and scheduling.Social media management and analytics, including social posting, ad management, and competitive social analysis.
ReportingCustomizable SEO and marketing reports with white-label options.Customizable reporting with white-label capabilities, including scheduled PDF reports.
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SE Ranking vs SEMrush: Site Audit and On-Page SEO

SE Ranking vs SEMrush

The site audit tool from SE Ranking is very simple and easy to use. You can get a clear picture of your site’s overall health as well as specific suggestions for how to make it better. The site audit tool from SE Ranking also has some special features that other tools don’t have. For example, you can use it to check your site for certain keywords and see how it stacks up against your competitors.

SEMrush’s site audit tool does more than SE Ranking’s, but it can be harder to understand how to use. The site audit tool from SEMrush gives you a lot of information and data, but it can be hard to make sense of it all. Also, SEMrush’s site audit tool doesn’t have some of the cool features that SE Ranking’s tool does, like the ability to check your site for certain keywords and see how it stacks up against different sites.

FeatureSE RankingSEMrush
Site audit toolEasy to use, clear recommendations, unique featuresComprehensive, but can be difficult to use
On-page SEO toolsEasy to use, clear recommendations, unique featuresComprehensive, but can be difficult to use

SE Ranking and SEMrush both have many tools that can help you make your site’s on-page SEO better. The on-page SEO tools from SE Ranking are simple to use and give clear suggestions for how to make things better. The on-page SEO tools from SE Ranking also have some cool extras, like the ability to compare your site to competitors’ sites and make your site better for certain keywords.

There are more on-page SEO tools in SEMrush than in SE Ranking, but they can be harder to use. The on-page SEO tools from SEMrush give you a lot of information and data, but it can be hard to make sense of it all. Other than that, SEMrush’s on-page SEO tools don’t have some of the cool features that SE Ranking’s tools do, like the ability to compare your site to competitors’ sites and make your site better for certain keywords.

SE Ranking and SEMrush are both great tools for on-page SEO and site audits. But they are not the same in some important ways that could make one better for your needs than the other.

SE Ranking vs SEMrush: Rank Tracking

As someone who has been tracking my rankings for a few years now, I have found that both SE Ranking and SEMrush work well, but each has its own pros and cons. Overall, I like SE Ranking better for keeping track of ranks. I trust it more than SEMrush because it is more accurate. One of the more useful features of SE Ranking is that it lets you keep track of your rankings on more search engines and devices.

FeatureSE RankingSEMrush
Accuracy and reliabilityMore accurate and reliableLess accurate and reliable
Range of featuresMore featuresFewer features
Ease of useMore user-friendlyLess user-friendly

Accuracy and reliability: SE Ranking is more trustworthy and accurate than SEMrush. The rank tracking data from SE Ranking seems to be more in line with the real search results. Sometimes, SEMrush’s rank tracking data is wrong, especially for keywords that are very competitive.

Range of features: SE Ranking has more level of rank tracking features than SEMrush. SE Ranking, for instance, lets you keep an eye on your rankings on more search engines and devices. SE Ranking also has a lot of other features, like the ability to see how your competitors are doing and make your own rank reports.

The backlink analysis tool from SE Ranking is pretty simple to use and gives you a good picture of a website’s backlink profile. It has the following features:

  • Backlink overview: This feature gives you an overview of the website’s backlink profile, showing you the number of backlinks, the domains that link to it, and how the anchor text is distributed.
  • Backlink explorer: With the backlink explorer feature, you can look at individual backlinks by drilling down into the website’s backlink profile. You can sort backlinks by domain authority, anchor text, and other factors.
  • Backlink monitoring: You can keep an eye on changes to a website’s backlink profile over time with this feature.
FeatureSE RankingSemrush
Backlink overviewGoodGood
Backlink explorerGoodExcellent
Backlink gap analysisN/AYes
Backlink monitoringYesYes

The backlink analysis tool from Semrush is stronger than the one from SE Ranking, but it’s also harder to use. It has the following features:

  • Backlink overview: Like SE Ranking, Semrush gives you an overview of a website’s backlink profile.
  • Backlink Explorer: The backlink Explorer on Semrush is better than the one on SE Ranking. Plus, it gives you more information about each backlink and lets you filter backlinks by a wider range of criteria.
  • Backlink gap analysis: Backlink gap analysis lets you see the differences between the backlink profiles of your website and those of your competitors.
  • Backlink monitoring: Like SE Ranking, Semrush lets you see how the website’s backlink profile changes over time.

I believe SE Ranking’s backlink analysis tool is a good pick for new users and small businesses. It’s simple to use and gives you a good picture of a website’s backlink profile. The backlink analysis tool from Semrush is better for large businesses and SEO experts with a lot of experience. It’s stronger and gives you more information about the backlink profile of a website.

SE Ranking vs SEMrush: Reporting and Analytics

SE Ranking vs SEMrush

SE Ranking and SEMrush both have a lot of different reporting and analytics tools. With both tools, you can keep an eye on your site’s traffic, ranking for certain keywords, and other important SEO metrics. SE Ranking lets you make your own reports or choose from a number of pre-made reports. Also, you can set up reports to be sent to you regularly.

SEMrush also lets you make your own reports and comes with a number of pre-made reports. SEMrush reports, on the other hand, tend to be more complicated and have more data than SE Ranking reports.

FeatureSE RankingSEMrush
Keyword databaseSmallerLarger
Backlink analysis toolsLess advancedMore advanced
SEO featuresWide rangeWide range
PPC featuresLimitedWide range
Social media marketing featuresLimitedWide range
Reporting and analytics featuresWide rangeWide range

SE Ranking is easier for me to use than SEMrush. The reports from SE Ranking are easier to understand and the interface is easier to use. On the other hand, I’ve found that SEMrush has more advanced data and features. If you have a lot of experience with SEO, you might like SEMrush better than SE Ranking.

SE Ranking vs SEMrush: Keyword Research

SE Ranking and SEMrush are two of the best-known SEO tools on the market, and they can both do powerful keyword research.

Keyword Database

With over 25 billion keywords, SEMrush has a much bigger keyword database than SE Ranking, which only has 7 billion. In other words, SEMrush is better at finding niche and long-tail keywords. The keyword database for SE Ranking is still big enough for most users, though, and it’s always getting bigger.

I have found, though, that SE Ranking’s keyword data is more exhaustive and correct. SE Ranking also has some features that make it easier to look at and manage your keywords. For example, you can make keyword groups and sort keywords by search volume, competition, and other factors.

Keyword Difficulty

You can use the keyword difficulty scores from both SE Ranking and SEMrush to figure out how hard it will be to rank for a certain keyword. Most people think that SEMrush’s keyword difficulty score is more accurate, but SE Ranking’s is still useful.

Keyword Intent

SE Ranking is better at figuring out keyword intent, which is what the searcher is trying to do with a keyword. You can use this to help you pick the best keywords for your content.

Keyword Grouping

SEMrush does a better job of putting together groups of keywords that are related. This can help you find new keyword opportunities and write more targeted content.

Keyword Tracking

You can keep an eye on your rankings for certain keywords over time with keyword tracking tools from both SE Ranking and SEMrush. SE Ranking’s keyword tracking is still very good, but SEMrush’s is better all around.

FeatureSE RankingSEMrush
Keyword database size7 billion keywords25 billion keywords
Keyword accuracy and completenessHighHigh
Keyword analysis and management featuresGoodExcellent

The prices of the two tools are another big difference between them. Even though SEMrush costs more than SE Ranking, it has more features, such as SEO, PPC, and social media marketing tools. You can get SE Ranking for less money, and it’s a good choice for SEO-focused businesses.

SEMrush has more backlinks and referring domains in its database, and its tools for analysing backlinks are more complete. For instance, SEMrush lets you sort backlinks by domain authority, traffic rank, anchor text, and other factors. You can also see a full history of your backlink profile, which tells you when each link was found for the first time and if it is still live.

If you want a quick and easy way to look at your backlink profile, SE Ranking is a good choice. SE Ranking tells you basic things about your backlinks, like the traffic rank, domain authority, and anchor text. You can also see a list of the domains that send people to your site.

FeatureSE RankingSEMrush
Database sizeSmallerLarger
Backlink analysis toolsLess comprehensiveMore comprehensive
Backlink historyLimitedDetailed

I’ve learned that SEMrush is better for a more in-depth look at backlinks. For instance, I just recently used SEMrush to find some low-quality backlinks that were hurting the ranking of my website. By getting rid of these backlinks, I was able to raise my ranking. The other thing I’ve found is that SEMrush is better than SE Ranking at tracking the growth of backlinks. I noticed that SE Ranking said my backlinks had grown a lot one time, but when I checked SEMrush, I saw that my backlink profile had stayed pretty much the same.

SE Ranking: Pros and Cons


  • Affordable pricing.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Good for small businesses.


  • Fewer advanced features.

SEMrush: Pros and Cons


  • Comprehensive feature set.
  • Robust competitor analysis.
  • Extensive keyword research.


  • Steeper learning curve for beginners.

SE Ranking vs SEMrush: which one should you consider?

If you have to choose between SE Ranking and SEMrush, it will depend on your SEO needs. SE Ranking is an affordable option with an easy-to-use interface that works well for beginners and small businesses. It does good keyword research and can keep track of your rank. On the other hand, SEMrush is a complete powerhouse that professionals and larger businesses like.

It’s great at content optimisation, backlink monitoring, and in-depth competitor analysis. The price of SEMrush is higher because it has more features. Finally, SE Ranking might be enough if you’re just starting out or don’t have a lot of money. On the other hand, SEMrush is the best all-in-one SEO solution.


Is a lower SEMrush rank better?

You can find out how much bigger or smaller a competitor’s website is by comparing their Semrush rank to yours. The website has a bigger online presence if its Semrush Rank is close to 1.

Is the SE Ranking accurate?

Tracking ranks is 100% accurate. The best position tracking tool on the market that gives you accurate rankings that aren’t affected by your browser settings or search history.Five days ago

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