How To Use Kindle without Amazon Account

Get away from the Amazon grip! Find out how to add books to your Kindle without making an account and how to change its settings.

A cheaper alternative to mainstream tablets, Kindle devices appeal to budget-conscious consumers. Kindles are cheaper than other tablets, making them appealing to budget-conscious shoppers. In this article we talk about how to use Kindle without Amazon account.

Kindle’s affordability extends beyond the initial purchase because users can enjoy their e-readers without an Amazon account. This is useful for those seeking a cheaper tablet or non-Kindle ebooks. Amazon encourages users to connect their accounts for a seamless purchasing experience in their vast digital library, but the Kindle can operate independently.

This independence from Amazon allows users to explore a variety of reading materials outside the Kindle ecosystem. Thus, the Kindle appeals to a wider audience with different tastes and needs due to its affordability, versatility, and accessibility.

Why Should You Use a Kindle Without an Amazon Account?

  • Concerns about privacy: If you use a Kindle without an account, Amazon may not be able to see what you read or record data about your device. It won’t connect to your Amazon account or keep track of what you read.
  • Cost savings: You can save money because you don’t have to buy all of your EPUB or MOBI books from Amazon. Instead, you can sideload them onto your Kindle. This can help you save money if you read a lot.
  • Being without an Amazon account gives you more flexibility. It gives you more freedom not to have an Amazon account. You can organise your library and move books to your Kindle in different forms with Calibre or another ebook management software. Other free books and ebooks in the public domain might not be on the Kindle shop.
  • Parental control: For your child’s safety, don’t connect their Kindle to your Amazon account. This lets you limit their access to books and stops them from buying them without your permission.

How To Use Kindle without Amazon Account

How To Use Kindle without Amazon Account

Disconnecting Your Device:

  1. Check Registration: If you’ve already registered your Kindle with an Amazon account, you’ll need to deregister it first. Go to Settings > Account & Lists > Deregister Your Kindle.
  2. Airplane Mode: Put your Kindle in Airplane Mode to avoid any accidental connection to the internet and potential account prompts.

Managing Reading Material:

  1. Sideloading Books: Use a software like Calibre to convert your ebooks (e.g., EPUB, PDF) to the Kindle-compatible format (.MOBI or .AZW). Connect your Kindle to your computer and transfer the converted files directly to its internal storage.
  2. Send via Email: Amazon assigns each Kindle a unique email address. Find this address under Settings > Send-to-Kindle > Email Address. Email your ebooks in .MOBI or .AZW format to this address, ensuring it’s authorized in your “Approved Personal Document Email List” settings.
  3. USB Transfer: Connect your Kindle to your computer and treat it like an external drive. Copy your ebooks directly to the “Documents” folder on the Kindle storage.

Acquiring Reading Material:

  1. Free Ebooks: Several websites offer free ebooks in Kindle-compatible formats. Popular options include Project Gutenberg, Smashwords, and Open Library.
  2. Local Libraries: Many libraries offer ebook borrowing services compatible with Kindles. Check with your local library for details.
  3. Purchase from Non-Amazon Stores: Some online bookstores sell ebooks in .MOBI or .AZW format, allowing you to purchase directly without Amazon.

Deregistering Your Kindle From Your Amazon Account

If you have already registered your Kindle, you can deregister it if you like. This will limit its functionality to being an eBook reader, but you can still get your reading done. Again, you won’t be able to use Collections, buy books or media from Amazon or download their freebies. You should return your Kindle books on Amazon before registering your device from your Amazon account. 

How To Use Kindle without Amazon Account
  1. Turn on your Kindle and select Settings.
  2. Select My Account and then Deregister.
  3. Hit the Deregister option to confirm your decision in the popup menu.

Pros and Cons of Using Kindle without Amazon

Book SelectionSideloading and alternative stores offer more ebooks, including free and public domain ones. Avoid Amazon’s monopoly for better deals.Limited Amazon library and deal access. Alternative stores may have fewer items or lower quality.
Account and PrivacyAvoid linking Amazon to your personal data and reading habits. More ebook collection and management control.Can’t use Whispersync or Amazon Cloud storage for books. May miss Amazon’s personalised recommendations and offers.
Device FunctionalityJailbreak your Kindle to add tools and apps for customisation. Access to EPUB and other ebook formats not supported by Amazon.May void warranty or damage Kindle if done incorrectly. Could lose Kindle features or have compatibility issues.
CostAlternative stores or free sources may offer cheaper ebooks. Avoid Amazon’s ebook DRM and repurchase fees.

Offline Reading on Kindle without Amazon

Downloading Kindle books first

  • While connected to Wi-Fi, download books from the Kindle Store or your library to your Kindle. You can access downloaded copies offline.
  • Send to Kindle: Email ebooks to your Kindle using “Send to Kindle”. File format should be compatible (AZW, MOBI, PRC).

Sideloading ebooks

  • Convert non-Kindle formats: Use Calibre to convert EPUB, PDF, and other ebooks to AZW3.
  • Connect your Kindle to your computer and move converted ebooks to “documents”. You can access them on Kindle.

Ebook readers alternatives

  • Calibre and Kindle app: The Kindle app requires an Amazon account for syncing, but you can manage and transfer ebooks without Amazon.
  • Alternative ebook readers: Try Kobo, Nook, or Moon+ Reader. These support more formats and may allow ebook sideloading.


Can a Kindle be used without an Amazon account?

You can read books transferred to a Kindle via USB or email without an Amazon account, but you can buy and download books from the Kindle store with one.

Can I use Kindle without subscription?

Can I Use My Kindle Without Subscription? Yes, you can read Kindle books on your Kindle or with the free Kindle app without a subscription. Separately, Kindle Unlimited offers books you would otherwise have to buy.

How do I buy books on Kindle?

The Kindle and Amazon apps don’t sell Kindle books. Instead, browse Amazon on your iPhone and buy the book. Buy the Kindle version.

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