Use Wikipedia in Microsoft Word

In this article, we will show you how to use Wikipedia in Microsoft Word. Microsoft hired Charles Simonyi to develop a word-processing application. The first version was released in 1983. Initially, MS Word was not very popular, owing to its radically different look compared to WordPerfect, the leading word processor at that time. However, Microsoft improved Word continually over the years, including a 1985 version that could run on a Mac. The second major release of Word, in 1987, included an upgrade of major features, in addition to new functionalities such as support for rich text format (RTF).

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia that provides open content to its users. It is written collaboratively and openly by a community of actual and self-proclaimed experts called Wikipedians. It is a type of website that facilitates collaboration and modification of content and structure, called a “wiki.” Its purpose and scope eventually became a website that, like an encyclopedia, stores information on almost all known topics, and so it was named Wikipedia as a fusion of these two concepts. Below we have mentioned the steps to use Wikipedia in Microsoft Word on PC.

How to Use Wikipedia in Word

For anyone with a current Microsoft license or Microsoft 365 subscription, the Wikipedia add-in is a tool you should already have in Microsoft Word. If you’re not sure if you already have the add-in, go to the Insert tab in the Word ribbon and you should see the Wikipedia icon in the Add-ins group. If you don’t see it but would like to add it, check out the article published here that shows you how to find, install and open add-ins. To use and save the information found in Wikipedia in your Word document, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open a clean Microsoft Word document

Step 2: Click on the Insert tab on the top ribbon

Step 3: In the middle of the tab, you will find the Wikipedia button

Step 4: Once you have clicked on the button a pop-up will appear on the right-hand side of your screen

Step 5: In the search bar, enter the subject heading you are researching.

Step 6: Underneath the search bar, four separate buttons will appear. Each button with take you to specific areas that are covered in the search. These are Sections, Images, Infobox, and References.

Step 7: In your Word document, place your cursor where you want the information to be in the document.

Step 8: Moving back to the Wikipedia pop-up, select the information you would like to add. Highlight the relevant text, or click on the image you would like to insert.

Step 9: You will then see a “plus” sign to the top left of the highlighted text/image. Click on this to see the relevant information added to your Word document.

Step 10: Remember to always replace your cursor before adding more information.

Final Words

We hope our article on how to use Wikipedia in Microsoft Word will help you and resolve all your problems. Wikipedia is a site where you can collection information from, this app is used for many official purposes, you can also use the Wikipedia to know about something on your MS Word, to do this follow the steps mentioned above.

I hope you understand this article, Use Wikipedia in Microsoft Word.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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