Warning Signs of Data Breaches You Should Know Of

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Check Warning Signs of Data Breaches You Should Know Of

A data breach is a security incident in which malicious insiders or external attackers gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or sensitive information, such as medical records, financial information, or personally identifiable information (PII). Data breaches are one of the most common and costly types of cybersecurity incidents. They affect businesses of all sizes, industries, and geographies, and occur with frightening regularity.

Data breaches come in all shapes, sizes, and levels of exposure. They can range from a few log files inadvertently made publicly available to the leaking of hundreds of thousands of users’ personally identifiable information (PII). Don’t think that just because you have a secure network, a leak can’t happen to you. Many exposures occur not because of a failure of the strongest link (the network), but because of a failure of the weakest link (the people). Phishing, social engineering, spear phishing, and the natural tendency of humans to trust each other are areas that attackers can exploit to gain access to data they shouldn’t.

Every security professional’s worst nightmare: Being notified by law enforcement or another third-party entity that you’ve experienced a data breach. Unfortunately, this nightmare is common among organizations experiencing an incident. Despite advances in technology protections and other risk mitigation methods, most victim organizations are “unaware of ongoing attacks and exfiltration of sensitive data from their networks for weeks or even months.”

Warning signs of data breaches you should know about

Their policies are all style, no substance

Many organizations have well-documented and carefully thought-out data protection and cybersecurity policies. After all, these policies are essential to demonstrate compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks, establish your risk posture, and understand how your business is organized.

However, they mean little unless they are enforced and backed by sound technical controls and business processes. In other words, your data protection policies must have substance.

Identity theft (spear phishing)

Spear phishing is an evolution of the basic phishing attack. It’s similar in that a scam email or other message is created to trick you into providing information, but different in that spear phishing targets a specific person. The message uses previously obtained PII to make it more authentic and increase the chances of success.

Unfortunately, since spear phishing is just a more targeted form of phishing, there is no technical solution that can completely eliminate it. On the contrary, the only way to counter these types of attacks is to be aware of the problem.

Do not respond to any email requesting PII of any kind unless you have been directly notified by a trusted source that such email is coming. Periodically check the router or proxy logs. Does there seem to be a lot of connections to strange areas, especially those that look almost, but not quite, like yours?

Are you accessing a lot of very long URLs or URLs that contain IP addresses? These are immediately obvious signs of phishing attacks, and you may want to initiate breach containment procedures if you have any.

Unusually slow internet or devices

Your security policy and end-user training programs should provide immediate reporting and investigation of devices or a corporate network that suddenly appears to be running slower than normal. This may indicate embedded malware or viruses or suspicious outgoing traffic. Users should never assume that IT is not responding to reports of slow devices, which is certainly worth investigating.

Blocked user accounts

If users are suddenly unable to access their accounts with valid credentials, it could be a sign that a cybercriminal has already compromised the account and locked out the user. It’s critical that IT teams review account access and password changes after user reports of a locked account, especially if users are confident that valid credentials were entered correctly. To reduce the risk of unauthorized access with valid user credentials, multi-factor authentication can be a valuable tool.

unauthorized Wi-Fi

This one is so simple it’s easy to miss, but it’s important enough to be a key point of attack: Wi-Fi. Is the network you are connecting to really the real desktop network or is it a copy of the man in the middle?

Setting up copies is too easy for attackers and can reveal a lot of information about network activity, especially if insecure protocols (such as HTTP) are used. Setting up a rogue Wi-Fi hotspot is also easy, with devices the size and shape of a cell phone available at minimal cost, so it’s imperative that you take steps to protect your network against such attacks.

There are several things that can be done to mitigate this, including rewiring sensitive systems (if applicable), using the app’s BSSID (if possible), and most importantly, using a VPN on a secure server. known for everything you don’t want leaking. (which should be everything).

Unusual outgoing traffic

IT Business Edge lists unusual outbound traffic patterns among “the most telling signs that something is wrong.” This high volume of traffic may be due to criminals using their apps to communicate with the outside world. It can also indicate data transfer. Regular monitoring of traffic patterns can be a crucial way to detect suspicious activity early.

Final words: Warning Signs of Data Breaches You Should Know Of

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