What is Clubhouse? Everything you must be know

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Check What is Clubhouse? Everything you must be know

You’ve probably already heard of Clubhouse. You may not have joined the Clubhouse yet. This is because the new social network has built its name, in part, on exclusivity. Well, exclusivity and being the audio-only app where users spend countless hours networking and promoting their own creations. Following its hyped success, several social media companies have imitated it (or are trying to copy it). However, you still need to get an invite from an existing user to gain access to the Clubhouse, but this may change in the future. Here’s everything you need to know about Clubhouse in case you end up using it.

What is Club House?

Clubhouse is a social audio app, think of it as a call-in radio show for the 21st century. Users enter “Rooms”, where they can listen to (and participate in) conversations on specific topics. When it first launched on iOS in March 2020, Clubhouse created a lot of buzz, in part due to its exclusivity: you had to be “nominated” (also known as a guest) to join. At one point, users were even selling invitations on eBay, and its valuation skyrocketed from $100 million in May 2020 to $4 billion in April 2021. The Clubhouse frenzy prompted other social media apps to develop their own. own versions of Clubhouse, which resulted in Twitter Spaces. , Facebook Live Audio Rooms, Spotify Greenroom, and Amazon’s upcoming Project Mic.

Clubhouse is tight-lipped about the numbers, but interest has definitely cooled off over the last year. It looks like downloads hit an all-time high in February 2021 and dropped off sharply from there. However, there is still room for growth. Clubhouse has become a popular place to discuss political and global issues. For example, a discussion room on the situation in Ukraine reached one million users in mid-April. The app also continues to attract big names. In April 2022, former InStyle magazine editor Laura Brown announced a new Club (more on that later) featuring weekly interviews with celebrities like Elle Fanning, Sophie Turner, and Rebel Wilson.

How to use the Club House

Starting in July 2021, anyone can join the Clubhouse, no invitation required! Download Clubhouse from the App Store or Google Play and you’re ready to go. Clubhouse users can also join or create Clubs, which are groups related to an interest or topic. More on those in our use of the Clubhouse in 2022:

Set up your profile

As with other social media apps, you’ll add a profile picture and a short bio. Clubhouse also asks you to connect your Twitter and Instagram profiles: Clubhouse also asks about your interests, called Topics. These will be used to guide you to clubs, venues or events that you might enjoy.

Follow other users

The clubhouse is all about connections! Connect your Twitter and Instagram accounts or use the search feature to find more people to follow. Once you follow a user, you can sign up to receive a notification every time they talk by tapping the notification icon on their profile.

Chat with users

Backchannel is a chat feature that allows you to send messages to other Clubhouse users. You can message anyone in the app! (I’ll update this post if Dolly Parton gets back to me!)

Join or start clubs.

Think of clubs as super-customizable groups: they can be based on topics or interests, feature regular or recurring conversations, and be open to the public or completely private. Some clubs have guidelines for members, which will be displayed when you click to join. You can also start your own Club, but you must have a verified email address and be active on the Clubhouse. Users are limited to starting one Club at a time. Once you join a club, you will be notified when a room opens or is scheduled. These will appear in your feed. If you are an administrator or founder of a Club, you will be able to open rooms.

The Hallway is the source of your Clubhouse. This is where you’ll see upcoming or active rooms, updates from users you follow, and replays that might interest you.

Walk into a room or open your own.

In addition to the rooms listed in your feed, you can search for rooms by topic or keyword. Live Rooms will show a green bar when you join. You can find out what else is happening in the Clubhouse while listening to a conversation in progress. If you don’t feel the conversation in one room, you can tap the “Quiet Quit” button at the top or just tap another room to join that conversation. Anyone can open a room in the Clubhouse. You can allow access to anyone or limit it to friends, selected users, or people who receive a link. You can also give your room a title, enable chat and replays, and add up to three themes. Theme and room titles are searchable, so adding them will make your room more discoverable.

Join or schedule an event

You will see a calendar icon at the top of the Clubhouse app screen. This is where you’ll see upcoming scheduled events for the clubs or users you follow. You can schedule your own event by tapping the “Start a Room” button at the bottom of your Clubhouse feed and then choosing “Schedule an Event.”

Final words: What is Clubhouse? Everything you must be know

I hope you understand this article, What is Clubhouse? Everything you must be know. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes, please share this article with your friends and family to give us your support.

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