Why is there no iPhone 9? The truth behind Apple’s numbering strategy

Have you ever wondered why Apple skipped the iPhone 9 and went straight to the iPhone 8 and iPhone X? In this blog post, we’ll dive into the reasons behind Apple’s unconventional numbering strategy and shed light on some theories that explain this decision.

The evolution of iPhone naming

Apple is known for releasing new iPhone models every year with upgraded features and designs. However, they broke their sequential numbering tradition when they introduced the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, completely skipping the iPhone 9. While they have added letters to their naming scheme before, this move seemed peculiar. So, what’s the story behind it?

The significance of the iPhone X

The iPhone X, pronounced as “ten,” was released to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. Apple wanted to introduce a radical redesign and showcase the future of their brand with this model. The “X” in the name represents the Roman numeral for 10 and signifies a significant leap forward in terms of design and technology.

Avoiding confusion and encouraging sales

Another reason behind skipping iPhone 9 is to prevent consumer confusion. Releasing iPhone 8, 9, and 10 in the same year might make consumers consider the iPhone 9 as an intermediate option, potentially impacting sales of the other two models. By skipping iPhone 9, Apple focused on promoting the iPhone 8 and iPhone X as distinct and desirable choices.

Cultural considerations

Some theories suggest that Apple may have avoided the number 9 due to its negative connotations in Japan. In Japanese culture, the number 9 sounds similar to the word for “suffering” or “torture”. Since iPhone sales in Japan are significant, Apple might have wanted to avoid any potential negative associations with the iPhone 9.

The iPhone XR: The closest to iPhone 9

If you’re looking for a phone that can be considered the equivalent of the iPhone 9, the iPhone XR is the nearest match. Although it was released as part of the iPhone X series, the XR offers a mid-range option with slightly lower specs and a more affordable price tag.

In conclusion

So, there you have it! The iPhone 9 doesn’t exist due to Apple’s marketing tactics and strategies to drive sales. The iPhone X symbolizes the future of the brand, while avoiding the number 9 may have been a precautionary measure to maintain market appeal in Japan. It’s fascinating how Apple’s numbering strategy can impact consumer perception and market dynamics.


1. Why did Apple skip the iPhone 9?

Apple skipped the iPhone 9 to differentiate the iPhone 8 and iPhone X and prevent confusion among consumers. By skipping a number, they aimed to highlight the unique features and significance of the iPhone X as a redesigned flagship model.

2. Does the iPhone XR serve as the iPhone 9?

The iPhone XR can be seen as the closest equivalent to the iPhone 9. It offers mid-range specifications and a more affordable price compared to the higher-end iPhone XS models. However, it was released as part of the iPhone X series, not under the name of iPhone 9.

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