Technology for Students, Everything you Need to Know

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Check Technology for Students, Everything you Need to Know

When you go to college, you need all the household necessities to make your dorm room nice and comfortable, but these days you also need the best technology you can get. We’ve rounded up all the top picks from our many buying guides to bring you the best tech gadgets for every college student. At a minimum, you’ll need a laptop, printer, and chargers to get through your first semester, but it’s always nice to have fun tech like headphones, speakers, smart home devices, and more in your second home.

You can also click on any of the links below to go to the gadget you are looking for. Whether you go to school virtually or in person, there is no doubt that technology will be a daily necessity. The good news is that because this need is so common, affordability is high and there are options to fit just about any budget.

smart pens

The smartpen is a simple yet impressive fusion of technology and education. It is a pen that allows you to digitally record all your class and lecture notes through intelligent software that digitizes your written text and a sensitive microphone that records audio. Once loaded, you can use smartpen programs like the Live scribe Echo smartpen to mark any point in your digitized text and play the audio that matches when you wrote the note.

After use, the smartpen software allows you to upload your recordings and notes to programs like Evernote or Google Docs. Whether you’re using your smartpen to capture a lecture, or a journalist or business student using your device during a field trip or meeting, Live scribe is the digital native’s way of keeping track of grades .

digital textbooks

As the tablet and e-reader become more popular, digital textbooks are also becoming the main technologies for students. And since the digital versions are remarkably easy to use, streamlined and lightweight, it’s easy to see why the popularity of digital textbooks is growing, given the option to upload the complete works of Shakespeare or have them all in one email. electronic. have readers available.

Not only do digital textbooks weigh significantly less than even a print textbook, there is also the added bonus that digital textbooks cost about 40% less than print textbooks; Combining technology and education doesn’t always have to be expensive. Chegg is a helpful resource for students to find cheaper digital textbooks, homework help, and internship opportunities.

technological backpacks

If you’ve ever wandered around campus with a bag full of tech that ran out of power, then you might be interested in tech backpacks, bags that not only neatly and securely store all of a student’s tech, but also keep you on the go. allow you to charge your devices without an outlet.

Tech backpacks, offered by companies like Voltaic and Eclipse, are great for those who can’t live long without access to technology. And that’s not all; By using solar power, tech backpacks are often eco-friendly too!

smart lights

Depending on how much time you spend in your apartment or house as a student and how much your tracking work relies on good lighting, you may want to get a smart light. Smart light features vary by manufacturer, but one example, the AwoX StriimLight, is a smart light that plugs into an outlet like a regular light bulb and streams music directly from a mobile device or computer via Bluetooth for playback. through the light’s own loudspeakers.

This is the perfect student technology for a party or gathering at home (to protect your laptop and speakers from the inevitable spills) or as a review aid, allowing for dim lighting and background music. And for those of you who love a little ambience while you study, LIFX Smart Lights offer a full spectrum of changing colors that can be changed with the push of a button to suit your study mood.

Final words: Technology for Students, Everything you Need to Know

I hope you understand this article, Technology for Students, Everything you Need to Know. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes, please share this article with your friends and family to give us your support.

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