Best Account-Based Data Software 2024: unlock business success

Unlocking strategic potential with account-based data software, customized data solutions for targeted decision-making and improved business performance.

In the fast-paced world of modern business, making strategic decisions depends on how accurate and deep the data insights are. The best Account-Based Data Software can help your business do better. It’s a game-changing solution that will change how companies deal with their customers. This state-of-the-art software fits right into your workflow and gives you access to complete, real-time data on your most important accounts.

Businesses can improve their marketing strategies, make campaigns more relevant to each customer, and build stronger relationships with them by using the best Account-Based Data Software. This software has powerful features like predictive analytics and data enrichment that make sure your team has the most accurate and up-to-date information. This gives them the power to get more people to engage with and buy from you. Below, we have mentioned the best Account-Based Data Software.

What is Account-Based Data Software?

Account-Based Data Software is used in business-to-business (B2B) marketing and sales to give specific high-value accounts targeted and personalised data insights. This software gathers, sorts, and analyses information about important customers so businesses can make smart choices, tailor their marketing, and change the way they talk to customers. This software assists companies in making better and more personalised plans to connect with and keep their most valuable customers by focusing on individual accounts.

Best Account-Based Data Software Comparison Table

Account-Based Data Software transforms B2B marketing with targeted insights into high-value accounts. It collects and analyses data to help businesses personalise outreach and boost engagement. Lead generation, strategic relationships, and sales alignment with key account needs are enhanced by this software for unparalleled business growth.

FeatureDatanyzeLeadSiftTerminusPipedriveExpandi Group
Data EnrichmentYesYesLimitedLimitedLimited
Lead GenerationYesYesYesLimitedLimited
Account TargetingYesYesYesNoLimited
Sales AutomationLimitedLimitedLimitedYesYes
CRM IntegrationYesYesYesYesLimited
Social Media IntegrationNoLimitedLimitedNoYes


Best Account-Based Data Software


  • Technographic Data Insights
  • Account Scoring
  • Lead Enrichment
  • Real-time Website Tracking

Marketers can use Datanyze to pick and choose prospects for their lists and also get leads before and after they’re in the pipeline. The full software doesn’t have a price listed, but Datanyze does have a free Chrome extension that marketers and salespeople can use to find new customers without spending a lot of money. Still, it is one of the best Account-Based Data Software that you can consider.

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  • Advanced lead generation and data enrichment capabilities.
  • Real-time data updates for more accurate prospecting.
  • Integration with various CRM and sales tools.


  • Higher pricing for additional features.
  • Learning curve for users unfamiliar with advanced data tools.


Best Account-Based Data Software


  • Social Media Lead Identification
  • Intent Signals Monitoring
  • Customized Lead Scoring
  • Competitor Analysis

LeadSift is another business that combines a platform with human help. Marketers can set their parameters and let LeadSift’s team do the hard work. They can also search the LeadSift database themselves. Then, LeadSift sends updates based on which targets are talking to competitors, which ones are actively engaging, and which ones are showing signs of wanting to buy. Overall, it is one of the best Account-Based Data Software that you can consider.


  • Social media listening for targeted lead identification.
  • Real-time insights into buyer intent signals.
  • Integration options with CRM systems.


  • May require additional tools for comprehensive lead nurturing.
  • Some users might find the interface complex initially.


Best Account-Based Data Software


  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platform
  • Predictive Analytics for Account Targeting
  • Multi-Channel Campaign Orchestration
  • Ad Retargeting and Personalization

Platform Terminus provides full-service ABM software. For example, it helps you make account lists with the information you need to make your strategies more effective. Utilizing Terminus, you can locate accounts exactly where they are and send campaigns straight to them. The software lets you control retargeting, automation, and email campaigns, and it also gives you access to campaign performance metrics. This is the best Account-Based Data Software that you can consider.


  • ABM-focused platform for targeted marketing.
  • Multi-channel engagement capabilities.
  • Integration with CRM and marketing automation tools.


  • Implementation can be complex for some users.
  • Initial setup may take time for optimal use.


Best Account-Based Data Software


  • Pipeline Management
  • Deal Tracking and Visibility
  • Email Integration
  • Sales Performance Analytics

Pipedrive is a customer relationship management (CRM) software that assists sales teams in managing their pipelines and closing more deals. Due to the fact that it offers a graphical user interface for tracking deals and automating repetitive tasks such as lead capture and follow-up, it is considered to be one of the best account-based marketing tools. Overall, this is one of the best Account-Based Data Software.


  • User-friendly interface for sales pipeline management.
  • Customizable workflow and automation features.
  • Robust integrations with various third-party apps.


  • Advanced reporting features may be limited.
  • Some users may find certain customization options restrictive.

Expandi Group

Best Account-Based Data Software


  • LinkedIn Automation Tools
  • Connection Request Personalization
  • Campaign Tracking and Reporting
  • Multi-Account Management

Expandi Group combines B2B advertising, marketing, and data-driven demand generation with industry sales, marketing, and support. After acquiring Jabmo, Expandi’s B2B account-based marketing platform helps marketers and salespeople create omnichannel digital marketing strategies, set sales alerts, analyze reports, track customer intent, create personalized ads, prioritize accounts based on third-party intent signals, and create memorable. Currently, this is one of the best Account-Based Data Software.


  • Specialized in LinkedIn automation and lead generation.
  • Features for personalized outreach on the platform.
  • Scalability for larger outreach campaigns.


  • LinkedIn’s policies may impact automation effectiveness.
  • Requires careful use to avoid potential account restrictions.

Benefits of Using Account-Based Data Software

Account-Based Data Software is made to help account-based marketing (ABM) strategies by giving you useful information and insights about specific accounts. Why using account-based data software is a good idea:

Targeting with accuracy: Account-Based Data Software helps marketers find the accounts that are most likely to convert and target them. This level of accuracy helps marketers focus on high-value accounts and make the best use of their resources.

Better personalisation: Marketers can make campaigns that are very specific and personalised if they have a lot of information about each account. Personalisation is important for connecting with decision-makers and influencers in the targeted accounts, which raises the conversion rate.

Greater ROI: Organisations can get a better return on investment (ROI) by focusing their marketing on accounts with a lot of value. Account-Based Data Software helps make the best use of marketing budgets by focusing resources on accounts that have the best chance of bringing in the most money.

Adding to the data: Account-Based Data Software often has data enrichment features that give you more information about the accounts you’re interested in. This improved data can include firmographic details, techographic insights, and other useful details that give a fuller picture of the target accounts.

Strategies for marketing and sales that work together: Account-Based Data Software helps the sales and marketing teams work together better. Giving both teams a single view of account data lets them work together, making sure that their interactions with target accounts are unified and consistent.

Choosing the Right Account-Based Data Software for Your Business

It is very important to choose the right account-based data software if you want to get the most out of account-based marketing (ABM) and make sure that your personalised strategies reach the right accounts. When picking account-based data software for your business, here are some important things to keep in mind:

Quality and accuracy of data: Make sure the software gives you correct and useful information. When information is wrong, it can waste resources and make targeting less effective. Look for a solution that checks and updates its data sources on a regular basis.

Complete Coverage of Data: You should pick a platform that covers a wide range of data types, such as firmographic, technographic, and demographic data. This gives you a full picture of your target accounts.

Capabilities for integration: Make sure that the software works well with the CRM and marketing automation tools that you already have. Integration makes workflows easier and makes sure that data is the same on all platforms.

A/B testing and account segmentation: You should be able to divide and target accounts in the software based on things like industry, company size, and technology stack. With this feature, you can make your marketing strategies fit the needs of specific groups.

Ability to grow: Think about how the software can be expanded to meet the needs of your growing business. You should make sure that it can handle more data and still give you good information as your account-based marketing grows.


Is HubSpot an ABM platform?

HubSpot’s ABM tools customise content and stakeholder engagement.

Is HubSpot similar to Zoho?

HubSpot and Zoho CRM make it easy to organise contact, lead, and sales data like call logs, contact notes, and sales signals.

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