Best Augmented Reality Software for Linux

This list is about the Best Augmented Reality Software for Linux. We will try our best so that you understand this list Best Augmented Reality Software for Linux. I hope you like this list Best Augmented Reality Software for Linux. So lets begin:

Quick Info about: Best Augmented Reality Software for Linux

Some significant differences can be seen in the basic performance of most AR-based applications. For example, some solutions focus on detecting graphic markers (such as QR codes or complex graphics), others process data received via GPS, while the rest can combine both functions. An emerging technology is full-body motion capture AR/VR solutions for industries that require believable real-world interactions within their virtual environments.

Anyone who has ever sat in the chair of a software developer was probably surprised when they first learned how much effort and work goes into developing an application. Even the simplest applications have many aspects to consider (for example, scalability, compatibility, resource consumption), and when it comes to complex applications that incorporate 3D graphics, advanced features, and cutting-edge technologies such as augmented reality (AR), the The development process can seem like a web of hopelessly tangled threads that need to come together to create something cohesive.

Advances in augmented reality (AR) technologies have opened up possibilities previously reserved only for our imaginations. Today, it is possible to augment our physical environment in entirely new and fascinating ways using sophisticated computerized imaging. The resulting boom has developers scrambling to find the best open source AR software development kits (SDKs) to build the next big AR-based apps and games.

The best augmented reality software for Linux

oculavis SHARE

oculavis is redefining the way employees interact with machines and plants. The oculavis SHARE augmented reality platform brings this vision to life with expert remote support, augmented reality workflows, and industrial-grade management features that cover use cases such as remote customer service, global networks of production facilities, audits remote or maintenance.

White label options allow our clients to offer their own AR solution based on our award-winning platform. oculavis SHARE prices start at €1,200.00 per user per year. There is no free version. oculavis SHARE offers a free trial version.


Augmentir is the world’s only AI-powered connected workforce platform. Augmentir helps manufacturing and service companies improve the safety, quality and productivity of their workforce. With Augmentir’s suite of AI-powered tools, industrial companies can guide their workers with augmented digital work instructions, support virtual communication and remote work scenarios with Augmentir Remote Assist, and drive continuous improvement with driven operational insights by Augmentir’s AI. Augmentir is helping to create a world where people can consistently do their best work.

With a growing skills shortage and an aging workforce adding to the pressure, as well as recent trends toward remote work and self-employment, manufacturing and service companies are turning to artificial intelligence (AI). ), augmented reality (AR), and connected worker technology. to equip your employees with the tools and knowledge they need to achieve higher levels of safety, quality and productivity. Augmentir’s AI-powered connected worker platform is being used by industrial companies of all sizes to close the skills gap, capture tribal knowledge, and continuously improve operations.


Atheer is an AR-powered platform for frontline workers that improves the productivity and efficiency of frontline manufacturing teams. Atheer helps digitize manufacturing processes, checklists, SOPs, guides, and more. Atheer’s remote AR support allows you to deliver experience anywhere in the world, even when bandwidth is limited. Atheer provides an interactive augmented reality platform.

The platform acts as a gesture-based interactive 3D tool consisting of Atheer and Atheer OS smart glasses. Organizations can use this platform to quickly and easily connect and support frontline workers. To increase productivity and manage the workflow experience, the Atheer AiR platform.


GlarVision is the augmented and connected worker platform. GlarVision allows you to organize and facilitate the daily work of your employees. Through digitized processes, organized workflows and augmented reality guidance, productivity and safety standards are improved. The GlarVision Augmented & Connected Worker platform optimizes the daily work of industrial teams. Frontline workers become more productive, get work done faster, and are safer.

The Connected Worker platform enables process digitization, customizable work instructions, and 2D or augmented reality (AR) guidance to ensure more efficient workflows. Key features include: – Digital and customizable processes – Organized agenda and team workflows – Enhanced mobility in 2D and augmented reality (AR).


Fabrik Website Builder Software is a website building web platform that helps users build a professional portfolio. Features like customizable layouts and themes are easy to use and help users create a personal identity. The custom domain and fabrik community help drive traffic to the user’s website. Beautiful portfolio websites in minutes. Join the world’s leading filmmakers, artists, photographers and designers. Create your website now.

Showing your work is the final step in your production workflow. We’ve worked closely with thousands of creatives to ensure that Fabrik showcases your work in the best light. There are no hidden upgrades with Fabrik – everything comes as standard. Take your online portfolio website from zero to hero in under an hour. Change your website theme as many times as you want without touching your media and content. Connect your factory portfolio to your own custom domain for a truly professional website.


GlarAssist is a remote visual assistance app that connects field workers or customers via video call or streaming session to resolve issues. During the multi-participant session, attendees and assisted persons can use different tools to ensure proper orientation and problem resolution. GlarAssist enables hands-free recordable video calls with augmented reality annotations, chat, freeze mode, file transfer, session analytics, and more.

This innovative product helps experts provide real-time instructions to employees or customers to speed up problem resolution and make it more efficient. While GlarAssist is focused on manufacturing and field service, any user can benefit from this product by quickly resolving unexpected issues, reducing travel costs, and increasing overall service quality.

Zoho Lens

Zoho Lens, the augmented reality-based remote maintenance software, allows you to view problems on assets, from machines to servers, at any time from your desktop by accessing a user’s smartphone camera at the remote location. AR annotations allow you and your client to add additional virtual information to the live camera feed. You can use other annotation tools to draw and write on the screen.

Interact with your customer via VoIP and text chat to provide better remote support. Capture a snapshot of the incoming camera stream to document specific events during the session or to further analyze an issue. Pause the incoming camera feed to further explore, analyze and discuss the technical details of a specific scenario.


Unity is a game development engine that provides a complete ecosystem of intuitive tools and fast workflows to easily create 3D and 2D interactive content. The engine offers cross-platform publishing through its asset store and has a number of resources and knowledge bases available online for developers. In addition to developing games for the mobile industry, Unity can also be used as a middleware development solution for games, architecture, engineering, and construction.

The free version of Unity enables developers to create engaging interactive content with an extensible editor workspace that provides the tools and platform to play, test, and edit games. The unique and powerful animation system makes it easy to develop 2D and 3D content using common conventions. Unity can also be subscribed to as a professional suite that offers full rendering power and cross-platform implementation.

SmartCam3D View

SmartCam3D situational awareness software provides spatial augmented reality overlays on live video at over 30 frames per second. This technology originally served as the primary flight display for NASA’s X38 during initial unmanned testing and is now used in the US Army’s tactical unmanned systems.

Other integrations of this technology include EO/IR gimbals, sUAS pilot apps, an Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK) plugin, and a comprehensive mission management app for the manned ISR market. SmartCam3D provides better situational awareness to a wide range of actors and end users across the ISR ecosystem from the front line to the operations center.

flash of lightning

Blitzz is a video-based support platform that allows users to view customer issues, organize requests, collaborate, share documents, and more. Blitzz is designed for field service professionals such as electrical engineers, insurance providers, medical device technicians, IT specialists, and others. The platform aims to help field technicians and customer service representatives resolve customer issues through two-way video and audio calls, augmented reality, chat, and more.

Blitzz enables users to organize customer inquiries, visualize customer issues, and collaborate and share documents using video technology, chat capabilities, and image markup tools. The solution can be used as a standalone app on desktop, Android, or iOS devices, and customers do not need to have the app installed to find or receive help.

Final words: Best Augmented Reality Software for Linux

I hope you understand and like this list Best Augmented Reality Software for Linux, if your answer is no then you can ask anything via contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes then please share this list with your family and friends.

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