Best Blinkist Alternatives 2024: for summarized content

Explore diverse knowledge with Blinkist alternatives like Instaread, SumizeIt and Joosr, which offer condensed insights into different genres.

Information consumption is always changing, so people are looking for quick ways to learn. Blinkist has become a popular choice for people who believe in the power of short book summaries. The best Blinkist Alternatives, on the other hand, offer a wide range of different platforms, each with its own special features and ways of making learning easier. Finding the best Blinkist Alternatives can lead you to learning platforms that fit your needs and preferences.

These platforms are designed to meet your specific needs, whether you are looking for more in-depth analyses, a wider range of content, or different viewing formats. Options range from services that focus on audiobooks to platforms that focus on creating original content. Below, we have mentioned the best Blinkist Alternatives.

What is Blinkist?

When you sign up for Blinkist, you will receive “Blinks,” which are concise summaries of non-fiction books. In each and every Blinkist summary, the most significant aspects of a book are condensed into a concise form that can be read or listened to in a span of fifteen minutes.

People are able to quickly comprehend the primary concepts of a book without having to read the entire book. There is a wide variety of books available on Blinkist, including those pertaining to self-help, business, science, and other subjects.

Best Blinkist Alternatives Comparison Table

Numerous Blinkist alternatives cover different book summarization preferences. GetAbstract covers more topics than Instaread, which provides brief insights. Sumizeit specialises in non-fiction, and StoryShots has animated summaries. Each option condenses literature for time-saving consumption differently.

Content TypeBook SummariesBooksBook SummariesEducational QuizzesCorporate Training
AccessibilityAnytime, AnywherePhysical CopyAnytime, AnywhereOnline PlatformOnline Platform
InteractivityLimitedNo InteractivityLimitedHighly InteractiveHighly Interactive
Learning StyleReading-focusedReadingReading and QuizzesGamified QuizzesAdaptive Learning
Target AudienceReaders with time constraintsBook EnthusiastsReaders with time constraintsStudents, EducatorsCorporate Learners


Best Blinkist Alternatives


  • Rapidly digest book summaries.
  • Available on mobile devices.
  • Condenses books into key insights.
  • Ideal for busy readers seeking quick knowledge.

InstaRead is another Blinkist substitute. InstaRead summaries are longer than Blinkist’s, but they may be better for lesson planning. However, its library is smaller, and the summaries may miss important details. InstaRead is a paid programme, but you can try it for seven days before buying. Currently, this is one of the best Blinkist Alternatives.

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  • Provides quick summaries of books.
  • Saves time for busy individuals.
  • Allows for easy access to key insights.


  • May lack depth compared to full-length readings.
  • Limited interactivity or engagement compared to reading full books.


Best Blinkist Alternatives


  • Traditional book format.
  • Durable physical copies.
  • Varied genres and topics.
  • Offers immersive reading experience.

People can use the social network known as Hardcover to keep track of what they have read and what they want to read, to form long-lasting connections with other readers, and to discover books that can change their lives. We are opposed to Amazon, we are in favor of authors, we are actively seeking feedback, and we are just getting started. Overall, this is one of the best Blinkist Alternatives.


  • Durable physical format.
  • Aesthetically pleasing.
  • Often preferred by traditional readers for the tactile experience.


  • Can be bulky and inconvenient to carry.
  • Usually more expensive than digital or paperback versions.


Best Blinkist Alternatives


  • Provides concise summaries.
  • Covers diverse range of content.
  • Designed for quick consumption.
  • Helps grasp main ideas efficiently.

Shortform is more interested in depth than in breadth. Their guides to books are very thorough. Think about 20 to 30 minutes to read or listen. These people want you to get the most out of every book. Because of this, each guide includes background information and interesting quotes from other books that are related. This is the best Blinkist Alternatives that you can consider.


  • Concise summaries of various topics.
  • Time-efficient way to gain knowledge.
  • Offers curated content for quick consumption.


  • May lack depth compared to full-length resources.
  • Not suitable for individuals seeking comprehensive understanding.


Best Blinkist Alternatives


  • Interactive learning platform.
  • Engaging quizzes for students.
  • Customizable quiz creation.
  • Supports various subjects and levels.

Quizizz lets you create interactive quizzes, polls, and presentations that participants can access on any device. Choose presenter-led or self-learning for your audience. Live leaderboards and performance data impress. With over 20 million monthly users, Quizizz is used for employee training, orientation and onboarding, customer engagement, eLearning, and teaching in schools, homes, and offices worldwide. Overall, it is one of the best Blinkist Alternatives that you can consider.


  • Interactive and engaging quizzes.
  • Can be used for educational purposes or recreational purposes.
  • Offers customizable features for different learning needs.


  • Limited to quiz-style learning.
  • May not suit all learning styles or topics.


Best Blinkist Alternatives


  • Employee training platform.
  • Utilizes microlearning techniques.
  • Tailored to individual learning needs.
  • Tracks progress and engagement.

The frontline enablement solution Axonify is backed by science and has been shown to make workers more productive. No matter how big or small the organization is, Axonify gives frontline workers what they need to learn, connect, and get things done. It does this through daily intelligent reinforcement, embedded two-way communication, and guided task management. Still, it is one of the best Blinkist Alternatives that you can consider.


  • Personalized microlearning approach.
  • Gamified learning experience.
  • Tracks progress and provides feedback to learners.


  • Content may be limited depending on the platform.
  • Requires consistent engagement to be effective.

How to Make the Most of Blinkist Alternatives

Getting the most out of Blinkist alternatives means using these platforms in a number of smart ways so that you can learn and gain knowledge quickly. Here are some ideas:

Select the correct answer: Check out some alternatives to Blinkist, like getAbstract, Instaread, or SumizeIt, and pick the one that works best for you and the way you like to learn. Think about things like the range of content, the price, and the ease of use.

Set clear goals for learning: Set clear goals for what you want to learn or what you want to look into on the other platform. Setting clear goals will help you concentrate on what you’re reading and get the most out of what you find.

Prioritize content selection: Picking content that fits your interests, career goals, or areas you want to improve should be your top priority. Don’t just pick summaries or book abstracts at random. This focused approach will help you get the most out of the material.

Take notes and summarize: While reading abstracts or summaries, make notes on important points, insights, or ideas that strike a chord with you. Writing a summary of the information in your own words helps you understand and remember it better, which means you can better internalise it.

Add to your learning with other resources: Use Blinkist alternatives as an extra tool, not as your only way to learn. Read related books, articles, podcasts, or take online courses to learn more about the things that were talked about in the summaries.

Selecting the Right Blinkist Alternative for You

The best alternative to Blinkist for you will depend on your preferences, needs, and goals. What you should do to make the right choice is as follows:

Figure Out Your Top Priorities: You should think about what features are most important to you. Are you mostly interested in getting access to audio content, book summaries, or both? Do you want a lot of titles or a collection that is more carefully chosen? Do you need extra features like taking notes or highlighting?

Evaluate Content Selection: Look at the selection of books that are available on each alternative platform. Make sure they have content or summaries in the types of books and subjects you like. You can choose a platform that focuses on something you’re interested in, like business, self-help, or fiction.

Think About the Price: Look at the different options and compare their price plans. Some may charge monthly or yearly fees for a subscription, while others may let you buy individual summaries one time. Think about how much you can spend and how important the content is to you.

Periods of Time for Trials: A lot of alternatives offer free trials or limited free access to their content. Before you sign up for a subscription, use these free trials to check out the platform and see if it meets your needs.

User Experience: Look at how each option works and how easy it is to use. Is it simple to get around the platform? Does it improve your experience with features like personalised suggestions or keeping track of your progress?


Is there a free version of Blinkist?

Everyone can get our free Daily Pick at

Does Blinkist use AI?

Our audio experts use AI to keep our audio content high-quality and engaging.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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