Best Data Extraction Software 2024: for data retrieval and analysis

for retrieving structured, poorly structured and unstructured data from a variety of sources for storage or further data transformation.

The best data extraction software is utilized to retrieve structured, poorly structured, and unstructured data from diverse sources for storage or further manipulation. This software helps businesses because it lets them find and pull out data, which can then be used for business intelligence. This makes it easier to analyze information that is not well organized. With the help of data extraction software, businesses can use unstructured data that is not being used to its full potential.

To make sure that the data is correct and well-organized, data extraction software works with data quality software and data preparation software to help clean and organize the data after it has been extracted. Also, combining data extraction solutions with data integration software can be helpful because it lets you combine different types and sources of data into a single platform. Below we have mentioned the best data extraction software.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Data Extraction Software

There are a few important things to think about when choosing data extraction software. Here are some important things to think about that can help you make a good choice:

Data Sources and Formats: Think about the kinds of data sources and formats from which you need to get information. The software should work with the data sources you use, like databases, websites, application programming interfaces (APIs), or documents. It should also be able to deal with different types of data, like structured (CSV, XML) or unstructured (PDF, HTML) data.

Methods of Extraction: Look at the software’s methods of extraction. Look for features like web scraping, API integration, database querying, and file parsing. The software should have extraction options that are flexible and can be changed to fit your needs.

Ease of Use: Think about how easy the software is to use. It should have an easy-to-understand interface and a clear workflow that make it easy to set up and run extraction tasks. If you don’t have a lot of technical skills, it can be helpful to use a visual or code-free approach.

Scalability and Performance: Figure out how the software can be used and how well it works. Find out if it can handle large amounts of data well and do tasks like data extraction quickly. As your data needs grow, the software should be able to keep up.

Best Data Extraction Software Comparison Table

The best data extraction software solutions are shown in the comparison table below. These software choices have been carefully chosen based on their features, how well they work, how easy they are to use, and what customers have said about them. Each entry in the table gives a brief summary of the software’s features, such as the ability to pull data from websites, databases, and documents, among other places. Also included for comparison are things like automation capabilities, data transformation capabilities, integration options, and pricing models.

ToolTypeKey FeaturesIntegrationPricing ModelOfficial Link
InfrrdAI PlatformIntelligent document processingAPICustom pricingVisit Website
RossumAI PlatformData extraction from invoices and receiptsAPI, ZapierCustom pricingVisit Website
CentralpointCMSContent management and digital experienceAPI, integrationsCustom pricingVisit Website
Nintex RPARPA PlatformRobotic Process AutomationAPI, integrationsSubscription pricingVisit Website
DiffbotWeb ScrapingData extraction from websitesAPICustom pricingVisit Website


Best Data Extraction Software


  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology that has been improved.
  • Intelligent data extraction capabilities.
  • Automatic sorting and indexing of documents.
  • Integration with systems and workflows already in place.
  • Validation of data and checks for accuracy.

Infrrd OCR is a cloud-based data capture tool that uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and artificial intelligence algorithms to pull data from unstructured documents. Users can get information from documents like contracts, utility bills, PDF forms, product spec sheets, passports, licenses, and receipts. Overall, this is one of the best data extraction software you can consider now.

The most important things about Infrrd OCR are that it can perform line item, auto-classify documents, extract business names, and have pre-set categories. The platform has an API for different kinds of content, such as bank statements, receipts, and invoices. Deep-learning algorithms are used by Infrrd OCR to quickly identify a business from its logo or trademark.


  • Advanced tools for pulling out data.
  • It works with many different types and formats of documents.
  • Offers automation and workflows that can be changed.
  • Data extraction is accurate and reliable.
  • works with systems and software that are already in place.


  • Small businesses may have to pay a lot for prices.
  • Larger organizations have few options for growing.
  • To set up and configure, you need some technical knowledge.
  • Customer service might not be as helpful as wanted.
  • Some users might find the user interface hard to understand or too much to handle.


Best Data Extraction Software


  • Machine learning algorithms that are very good at getting information out of data.
  • Capturing data from both structured and unstructured documents with high accuracy.
  • Integration that works well with different data sources and applications.
  • Intelligent data validation and verification.
  • Workflows and automation options that can be changed.

Rossum is an intelligent cloud-based data extraction plugin that is powered by artificial intelligence. It helps businesses get the information they need from invoices, receipts, purchase orders, and bills of lading to speed up account payable workflows. There are features like data validation, support for multiple formats, tracking of usage, and performance metrics. For now, this is one of the best data extraction software you can consider now.

The AI-based application automates data capture by importing documents through API calls, emails, file uploads, scanning, image capture, or data sources. Users can separate multiple documents within a file by using a separator page and printing QR codes on papers to identify them. It also helps professionals take care of the whole lifecycle of a document, from importing, reviewing, delaying, exporting, and removing it.


  • Powerful technology for getting data.
  • High accuracy is achieved by using AI and machine learning.
  • Setup is simple, and the interface is easy to use.
  • It works with different types of documents and languages.
  • Offers the ability to automate and integrate.


  • For more advanced features and customization options, you may need to know how to use technology.
  • Few ways to report and analyze data.
  • When compared to other options, prices may be higher.
  • May encounter occasional inaccuracies in data extraction.
  • Complex document structures don’t get much help.


Best Data Extraction Software


  • Robust extraction of data from a variety of sources and formats.
  • Processing and analyzing data in real time.
  • A lot of options for cleaning up and changing data.
  • System integration with CRM and ERP.
  • There are advanced security features to protect data.

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Digital Experience Platforms lists Centralpoint by Oxcyon. It is a technology built on the Microsoft platform and can be set up locally or in the cloud. It is a knowledge management solution with n levels and a role-based structure. More than 350 businesses utilize it globally. Most of the time, it is an enterprise-level Intranet or a private way for partners and clients to log in. Still, this is one of the best data extraction software you can consider now.

Through its scheduled Data Transfer routines, Centralpoint automatically brings together different types of data, both structured and unstructured. Centralpoint also offers data mining and metadata enrichment to help all users, based on their roles, get the most out of federated search. Centralpoint integrates easily with back office technologies like SharePoint, Peoplesoft, Workday, SAP, Oracle, and others. This makes it possible to search for and keep track of all user activity from a single point of access.


  • Features for getting all kinds of data.
  • Has a number of built-in integrations and connectors.
  • Manages business processes and automates work flows.
  • Large organizations can use it.


  • Setup and implementation may require technical skills.
  • Small businesses can spend a lot on licensing costs.
  • Only a few document types or formats can be opened.
  • Some users may find it hard to figure out how to use it.
  • Response times from customer service can vary.

Nintex RPA

Best Data Extraction Software


  • Drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to automate a process.
  • AI technologies are used for intelligent data extraction.
  • Support for different systems and data formats.
  • Integration and automation of work processes.
  • Scalability and security features for businesses.

Foxtrot by EnableSoft is a way for businesses of all sizes to enter data through the cloud. It lets people automate manual data and process tasks. It is mostly used by people in banking, insurance, manufacturing, health care, and billing for medical care. There are three parts to Foxtrot: the Script Centre, the View Centre, and the Run Centre. Users can make tasks in the Script Centre, change variables in the View Centre, and change the speed of the script in the Run Centre. Thus, this is one of the best data extraction software you can consider now.


  • Robust data extraction capabilities.
  • Offers a way to create automation workflows without having to write any code.
  • Works well with other Nintex products and Microsoft technologies.
  • Offers scalability for automation at the enterprise level.
  • Good customer service and resources for training.


  • Support for platforms other than Windows is limited.
  • Compared to other RPA solutions, the price may be higher.
  • Some users may find it hard to figure out how to use it.
  • Some bugs or problems with stability.


Best Data Extraction Software


  • Web scraping and data extraction on a higher level.
  • Web pages can automatically recognize and pull out data.
  • Structured data is sent out in different formats, such as JSON, CSV, and so on.
  • Data analysis and extraction from unstructured sources that are powered by AI.
  • Solution that can be changed and grown to fit different needs.

Diffbot is a knowledge management system that works in the cloud and is made for businesses of all sizes. It can be used in many areas, such as marketing, business intelligence, sales, and hiring. Most of the time, engineers use the solution to get web data. Face detection, sentiment analysis, product extraction API, article extraction API, image extraction API, and identifying the author are some of the most important features.

Some of the things that Diffbot sells are knowledge graphs, AI:X, and crawlbot. Knowledge graphs look through many things, like people, companies, and articles, to find connections between them and do analysis. Diffbot Query Language (DQL) can be used to do this. Overall, this is one of the best data extraction software you can consider now.


  • Powerful tools for getting data and scraping websites.
  • It works with a lot of different websites and data sources.
  • Output is clean and well-organized.
  • Offers infrastructure that can grow and is very reliable.
  • With a lot of API documentation, it’s easy for developers to use.


  • To use advanced features, you need to know how to program.
  • Some users may occasionally have problems with rate limiting or getting to their data.
  • Response times from customer service can vary.

How to Maximize the ROI of Data Extraction Software?

There are a few important things to think about when choosing data extraction software. Here are some important things to think about that can help you make a good choice:

Data Sources and Formats: Think about the kinds of data sources and formats from which you need to get information. The software should work with the data sources you use, like databases, websites, application programming interfaces (APIs), or documents. It should also be able to deal with different types of data, like structured (CSV, XML) or unstructured (PDF, HTML) data.

Methods of Extraction: Look at the software’s methods of extraction. Look for features like web scraping, API integration, database querying, and file parsing. The software should have extraction options that are flexible and can be changed to fit your needs.

Ease of Use: Think about how easy the software is to use. It should have an easy-to-understand interface and a clear workflow that make it easy to set up and run extraction tasks. If you don’t have a lot of technical skills, it can be helpful to use a visual or code-free approach.

Scalability and Performance: Figure out how the software can be used and how well it works. Find out if it can handle large amounts of data well and do tasks like data extraction quickly. As your data needs grow, the software should be able to keep up.


What is data extraction software?

A tool or program for extracting structured or unstructured data from different sources like databases, websites, documents, and more is called “data extraction software.” It automates the process of collecting data, turning it into a format that can be used, and storing it so that it can be analyzed or used in other ways.

Can data extraction software handle unstructured data?

Yes, a lot of software tools for extracting data can deal with unstructured data. They often use methods like natural language processing (NLP) or optical character recognition (OCR) to get useful information from unstructured sources like documents, emails, or social media feeds.

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