Best Desktop Environments for Linux 2024: your needs

In computing, a desktop environment is an implementation of the desktop metaphor that consists of a bundle of programs running on a computer operating system that share a common graphical user interface, sometimes called a graphical shell.

From my own experience with Linux, I know how important it is to pick the right desktop environment. In Linux, desktop environments are basically a group of programs that are designed to work well together and give the user a smooth experience. A lot of Linux fans like to use the terminal to interact with the OS, but I’ve found that the graphical user interface (GUI) is easier to use, especially for people who are new to Linux.

Choose the option that best suits your needs because every user has different requirements. Some fundamental applications are so well-integrated into the stack that we frequently use them without even realizing they exist. However, it can be challenging to choose the best option for precisely what you’re going to use it for when it comes to things like desktop environments. Below, we have mentioned best Desktop Environments for Linux.

Check the list of best Desktop Environments for Linux


A GNOME-based Linux desktop is called Budgie. It was created and is employed by the Linux distribution Solus. The GNOME stack components are used to create the Budgie desktop. The customization hub for Budgie’s unified notification function is named Raven. It provides access to the media player, power choices, system settings, and calendar. Applets are used to implement desktop elements, such as apps. Overall, this is one of the best Desktop Environments for Linux that you can download.

It’s simple to customize Budgie. Budgie’s desktop components, including the Budgie Menu, which alphabetically arranges category names, and the Icon Tasklist applet, which has some new features, have all undergone significant development. This Linux desktop environment has variations in Manjaro and Ubuntu, among other Linux distributions.


One of the most widely used the desktop environments is KDE. The “Plasma” desktop is another name for it. It’s not my first choice, but it’s incredibly lightweight and very customizable. Yes, it seems that KDE is now the lightest desktop environment, overtaking XFCE. There are several benchmark comparisons and the tests that point to the same conclusion, not just Jason’s test.

Additionally, KDE makes it simpler to use KDE Connect to connect your phone to your Linux system. Additionally, Plasma has a browser integration that allows you to quickly communicate with your phone through your browser. OpenSUSE, Kubuntu, and KDE Neon are a few Linux distributions that use KDE as the default. If you wish to install KDE on Ubuntu, you may also use one of our tutorials. This is the best Desktop Environments for Linux.

Cinnamon / Pantheon

We strongly advise Cinnamon or Pantheon if you’re switching from Windows or macOS, respectively. Cinnamon is a type of gateway DE: it offers a lot of customization choices while also being essentially identical to what you’d expect from Windows. Its workflow is extremely similar to that of Windows 7, and it’s also very gentle on system resources, making it the perfect choice for a relatively old computer that no longer runs Windows well. When you install Cinnamon, things will move quickly.

Pantheon and macOS are similar. Try out elementaryOS if you’re switching from macOS to Linux because it offers the most seamless and integrated experiences with Pantheon among the available options. There are further touchpad motions and features that are planned to make Pantheon work even more like macOS, and the workflow is precisely the same as it is in macOS. Currently, this is the best Desktop Environments for Linux you can check now.


Based on GNOME 2, MATE Desktop Environment was created. MATE was initially created in response to user complaints about GNOME 3, the most recent version of the GNOME shell. Even though MATE is based on the beloved GNOME 2, the team behind it has made numerous enhancements to the desktop environment.

You might want to look at what Ubuntu MATE 20.04 has to offer to get an idea. If we use Ubuntu MATE 20.04 as an example, MATE desktop is appropriate for the majority of people. Of course, this is especially true for those who preferred GNOME 2 but despise the new GNOME. It is important to note that it is a lightweight desktop environment in addition to the user experience. Here you can read the best Desktop Environments for Linux, this is the best choice for you.


“Graphical User Interface,” or Unity, is what the GNOME environment uses. The creators of the most widely used Linux distribution, Ubuntu, “Mark Shuttleworth and Canonical,” started the Unity project. The goal of Unity is to provide desktop or netbook users with a consistent, rich computing experience.

Its window manager is called Compiz, and its file manager is called Nautilus. It has a lens that it uses to direct search requests to the scope. Additionally, it provides details about the system’s many settings, such as power, sound, brightness, active session, etc. This is one of the best Desktop Environments for Linux you can install now.

Deepin DE

The Deepin Linux distribution creates the Deepin DE Linux desktop. It is based on HTML5 and WebKit. The components of Deepin are designed using Go and QML. Deepin components employ the dock, control centre, and application launcher in addition to the desktop. There is a hidden panel that can be used to access the Deepin DE’s adjustable settings. Overall, this is the best Desktop Environments for Linux you can consider.

The look and usability of Mac OS X are almost exact replicas on the Deepin desktop. Its interface is simple and clean, with just the dock at the bottom. The desktop also supports the touch-screen gestures. Hot corners on the Deepin desktop can be customized to give you access to the control panel and the applications menu. This allows for the management of the desktop’s various aspects.


XFCE would be a fantastic option if you have an older or less powerful computer, especially an old netbook. When stripped down, it is exceptionally light and finds a balance between full-fat DEs like KDE and GNOME and extremely light DEs like LXDE or LXQt.

Although it consumes very few resources, there are still many configuration and customization options. With a great icon theme and top-notch menus, Xubuntu’s implementation of XFCE is one of the cleanest and most user-friendly. This is one of the best desktop environments for Linux that you can download.


Because it uses the least amount of RAM and CPU, LXQT is the most recent version of LXDE and is suitable for ageing hardware and cloud servers. It serves as LXDE’s replacement. On a few different distros, including Lubuntu and others, LXQT is the standard environment. supports a variety of keyboard shortcuts as well as integrated energy-saving components. Still, it is one of the best Desktop Environments for Linux you can consider you can consider.


The most well-known desktop environment is probably GNOME, which has several well-known branches such as Cinnamon and has been adopted as the default desktop environment by many well-known Linux distributions. It is intended to be customizable. The goal of the user interface is to provide a distinctive experience; GNOME is not a lightweight desktop environment, which is unfortunate. This is one of the best Desktop Environments for Linux.

Therefore, it is not the best choice if you want to install a Linux distribution on an older machine or one with less than 4 gigabytes of RAM. Thus, if you want a good user experience with, for example, a different look and feel than the traditional Windows layout, GNOME should be an ideal choice. For now, this is the best desktop environment for Linux available for download.


Deepin is a Linux desktop environment that is understated yet stylish. The good news is that it is compatible with a wide range of Linux line distributions, including Arch Linux, Manjaro, and many others. Additionally, it has a properly thought-out and user-friendly layout that makes it extremely productive. Additionally, the standard system is the most user-friendly system possible because it requires less setups.

Major configurations are made using an external pop-up panel. However, users can also launch their applications from the dock, which is located at the bottom of the screen, just like in the Pantheon desktop environment. For now, this is the best Desktop Environments for Linux.


The best Desktop Environments for Linux. Numerous desktop environments exist, each with unique features and operations. According to users, each of these surroundings is the greatest and is ranked higher. Regardless of your level of experience using computers, the list above has a desktop environment that will work for you.

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