Best Final Fantasy Games for 2024 January: A timeless journey

The games are known for their detailed stories, realistic worlds, memorable characters, and turn-based battle systems that require strategy.

I love Final Fantasy so much because it’s one of the most famous video game series I’ve ever played. It’s not just the huge number of copies sold; it has also had a huge impact on the gaming world. A genre I’ve been a part of since I was a kid has been shaped and defined by it for more than 35 years.

We chose to review the previous mainline, numbered Final Fantasy games and rank our favorites because Final Fantasy XVI is soon to arrive and is prepared to shake up the series once more. This excludes direct sequels and spin-offs like Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, Final Fantasy X-2, and Final Fantasy Tactics.

Well, almost all of the mainline games Final Fantasy XI and XIV were omitted from this list because they are long-running MMOs and are challenging to contrast with their single-player counterparts. But rest assured that a lot of us engage in both, love them, and would place them highly on our own lists of the best Final Fantasy games. Below, we have mentioned best Final Fantasy Games.

Best Final Fantasy Games

Final Fantasy IX

Best Final Fantasy Games

Since each Final Fantasy game has a different set of positives and negatives, it is difficult to choose the “greatest” one. But if we were to choose one game that most closely resembles Final Fantasy, it would have to be Final Fantasy IX. The game begins as a sweet high fantasy adventure set in a world full of colossal castles, swashbuckling heroes, and amazing airships. Overall, this is one of the best Final Fantasy Games.

You take on the role of Zidane, a determined thief who reluctantly joins forces with Princess Garnet, a protected young woman, a stern knight named Steiner, and a wide-eyed teenage magician named Vivi. They meet a villain whose intentions are far more understandable than they’d like to accept as they journey across the beautiful realm of Gaia together.

Final Fantasy II

Best Final Fantasy Games

Every Final Fantasy game tries something new, but Final Fantasy II has the terrible reputation of being the one that just doesn’t work. Some Final Fantasy games are more successful than others. The tale in Final Fantasy II is more extensive and its unique characters are more compelling than those in the first Final Fantasy. The more complex plot is, however, hampered by a confusing levelling system where your party members’ stats increase gradually as a result of performing specific acts. For now, this is the best Final Fantasy Games.

It was a daring attempt to change the typical character growth mechanisms that most console RPGs at the time used, and while many modern RPGs successfully implement concepts like these, Final Fantasy II’s approach is awkward and difficult to understand. Fortunately, the game has become more approachable because to the numerous ports and remakes throughout the years.

Final Fantasy XIII

Best Final Fantasy Games

Even though Final Fantasy XIII is sometimes criticized for being the “corridor FF game that only gets nice after 30 hours,” a modern-day evaluation shows this to be untrue. The PC version of Final Fantasy XIII is an absolute beauty, captivating players right away with its stunning visuals, lovely soundtrack, and relentless commitment to keeping them on the edge of their seats by switching up character pairings and combat strategies every few hours so that no two sections ever feel the same. The game’s active time battle system is its greatest achievement, despite the fact that its cast of characters is a bit uneven. Overall, this is one of the best Final Fantasy Games you can suggest you friends.

Final Fantasy XV

Best Final Fantasy Games

As one of the modern video game’s with the most extensive development cycles, Final Fantasy XV has gained considerable notoriety in the gaming industry. The game took ten years to change into its own game after beginning as a spinoff of Final Fantasy XIII. A respectable critical reaction was nonetheless achieved by FFXV despite some of its problematic development.

It paved the stage for VII Remake by being the first mainline game to delves deeply into real-time action combat. The plot excelled when it focused on Noctis and his friendship with his closest companions, with a vibrant road trip adventure serving as the story’s backdrop and a coming-of-age tale at its core. For now, this is the best Final Fantasy Games.

Final Fantasy III

Best Final Fantasy Games

Undoubtedly one of the most significant games in the series is Final Fantasy III. The employment system, which would later become a semi-regular feature of the series, and the fuzzy floating Moogles—who are arguably the Final Fantasy mascot—were among the first to be included in the game. It’s one of the few games in the series that you can safely skip, though.

The primary failing of Final Fantasy III is that it isn’t Final Fantasy V, which expanded upon and improved the concepts that III first introduced. Despite the fact that Final Fantasy III notably eschewed the NES, it has a number of readily accessible versions available today, such as the Pixel remaster on PC and mobile devices as well as the 3D remake on PC, DS, and PSP/Vita.

Final Fantasy XIV

Best Final Fantasy Games

As a massively multiplayer online game rather than a single-player adventure, Final Fantasy XIV is one of the series’ oddest games. Once you start playing, though, you’ll notice that the game has all the hallmarks of a Final Fantasy adventure, from its extensive Job system to its memorable villains to its crystal-filled plot. While the plot of A Realm Reborn’s basic game is somewhat predictable, things pick up steam in the first expansion, Heavensward, and continue to heat up from there.

Due to its fast-paced combat and extensive gameplay possibilities, FFXIV is a pleasure to play, whether by yourself or with company. You might choose to read the main plot or take other options, such as decorating a house, competing in a card game tournament, or entering a fashion show. Overall, this is one of the best Final Fantasy Games.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Best Final Fantasy Games

Since its namesake will, as you might imagine, also be on this list, include Final Fantasy VII Remake here seems a little pointless, but the life that was breathed into Midgar allowed for an excellent blend of nostalgia and fresh, untapped depth. Although not all of the changes made were beneficial I’m still not sure how the scenario in President Shinra’s office turned out the end result was a startling revelation of Shinra’s dystopian metropolis. The more action-focused Final Fantasy games, of which Remake is unquestionably the greatest, have dominated the series’ most recent ten years of games. Remake serves as a stand-in for these games. Currently, this is one of the best Final Fantasy Games.

Final Fantasy

Best Final Fantasy Games

We consider the original Final Fantasy to be a sophisticated and fun adventure that still holds up today, despite the fact that some people view it as a basic remnant of early console RPGs. It only takes a few hours to finish, but because you can change your party’s roles straight away, it’s simple to test out different builds every time you play. Additionally, because the game’s main plot device is a timeloop, replayability is ingrained in the story from the start. Final Fantasy is a fun, if outdated, role-playing game that you can finish in a single afternoon, much like the first Dragon Quest. Currently, this is one of the best Final Fantasy Games.

Open up the most recent Pixel remaster on Steam, iOS, or Android if you recently finished Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin and want to know what happens next in the plot. Having said that, we heartily suggest the Dawn of Souls collection for PSP or GameBoy Advance due to its newly adjusted difficulty, high-quality features, and superb sprite work.

Final Fantasy VI

Best Final Fantasy Games

Although Final Fantasy VII is the most well-known game in the series, many believe Final Fantasy VI to be the superior title. When creating this game, Squarest was able to maximize the Super Nintendo’s capabilities. Everything was carefully developed, including the graphics, sound, music, characterization, and plot. It was unheard of at the time and is still a rarity now to get 14 playable characters, all with interesting backstories. I could go on and on about Final Fantasy VI, but I’ll just say it’s a mainstay of the JRPG genre. Overall, this is one of the best Final Fantasy Games.

Final Fantasy XII

Best Final Fantasy Games

Final Fantasy XII for the PlayStation 2 was praised for its original twists on the traditional gameplay paradigm, even though it’s regrettably not as well-known as some fans would wish. Its battle might perhaps best be described by picturing an offline, single-player version of an MMORPG like World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV.

Fans of Star Wars will identify with the location and plot because it was successfully done for what it set out to do. This is especially true for A New Hope, as Vann and company form a motley crew of rebels attempting to make their way through a world of fantasy where political unrest is rampant.

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