Best Free Keyword Research Tools 2024: powerful SEO insights

Improve your SEO strategy with these invaluable free keyword research tools for effective content optimization.

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), keywords are like a map that shows you the way to success and visibility online. To get around this market effectively, you need to use the best Free Keyword Research Tools. These tools are the most important part of any successful SEO strategy because they help you figure out what words and phrases your audience is looking for. This lets you make your content more relevant and effective.

There are a lot of choices, but a few stand out because they offer powerful features without breaking the bank. People have always liked Google’s Keyword Planner because it gives you a lot of information straight from the world’s most popular search engine. Ubersuggest by Neil Patel also gives users detailed keyword analysis and information about their competitors, which helps them fine-tune their strategies. Below, we have mentioned the best free keyword research tools.

What are Keyword Research Tools?

Software or websites that help you find and study the words and phrases people use to find information on search engines are called keyword research tools. These tools help you find keywords that are relevant for things like optimising your website, writing content, and advertising online. Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs are a few examples. By learning about the most common search terms, businesses can make their content and marketing more targeted, boost their search engine rankings, and become more visible online overall.

Best Free Keyword Research Tools Comparison Table

Online content optimisation benefits from free keyword research tools. Users can find relevant search terms, search volume, and competition on Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, and AnswerThePublic. These tools give content creators and marketers insights to improve SEO and online visibility without spending more.

Competitor AnalysisYesLimitedNoYesYes
Rank TrackingYesLimitedNoYesYes
Content AnalysisYesNoNoLimitedYes
User InterfaceRobust and Feature-richSimpleBasicUser-friendlyComprehensive
Global DatabasesYesLimitedNoYesYes
Integration SupportMany third-party integrationsLimitedNoLimitedLimited


Best Free Keyword Research Tools


  • Comprehensive SEO toolkit.
  • Competitive analysis.
  • Keyword research.
  • Backlink analysis.

It’s easy to get into the details with Semrush, which gives you a lot of keyword data and SERP features like featured snippets, reviews, site links, image packs, and more. You can also do granular analysis of current results. You can use a lot of different keyword research tools on Semrush, from the basic traffic and search volume data to content-driven keyword research and competitive keyword gap analysis. Currently, this is one of the best free keyword research tools.

Visit Website


  • Comprehensive keyword research and competitive analysis features.
  • Robust site auditing capabilities.
  • Offers a wide range of tools beyond keyword research, such as backlink analysis and PPC


  • Can be expensive for smaller businesses.
  • Interface can be overwhelming for beginners.


Best Free Keyword Research Tools


  • Keyword research platform.
  • Data-driven insights.
  • Search volume analysis.
  • Competitor keyword tracking.

It has filters that let you narrow down search results to countries, provinces, and cities, and it supports keyword metrics for more than 100,000 locations. It also works with up to 45 languages and has metrics that most free keyword tools don’t have. Also, GetKeywords shares data in real time, while many other keyword tools use data that has already been saved. Overall, this is one of the best free keyword research tools.


  • Simple and straightforward interface.
  • Provides basic keyword suggestions.
  • Affordable pricing.


  • Limited features compared to more comprehensive tools.
  • May lack advanced analytics and competitive insights.


Best Free Keyword Research Tools


  • Focus on finding questions people ask online.
  • Content ideation based on popular queries.
  • Helps in creating targeted content.
  • Improves long-tail keyword strategy.

QuestionDB is a great tool for coming up with blog post ideas. It uses a number of question-and-answer sites, such as Reddit and Quora, to find questions that people are actively asking about your keywords. You can do as many searches as you want with the free version of the tool without having to create an account. This is the best free keyword research tools that you can consider.


  • Focuses on extracting questions from search engines and social platforms.
  • Helps identify content ideas based on popular questions.
  • Free to use.


  • Limited in scope compared to full-fledged SEO tools.
  • May not provide extensive keyword analysis or competitive insights.


Best Free Keyword Research Tools


  • Keyword research tool.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Localized keyword suggestions.
  • SERP analysis for chosen keywords.

This tool has many useful features and makes it easy to find keywords that aren’t too hard for SEO. KWFinder is a great choice for new bloggers because it has a simple layout, lots of useful features, and a nice look. It gives you many ways to look for keywords, even ones that aren’t very common. Overall, it is one of the best free keyword research tools that you can consider.


  • User-friendly interface.
  • Offers detailed keyword metrics and difficulty scores.
  • Provides localized keyword research options.


  • Some advanced features may require higher subscription tiers.
  • May not offer as extensive competitor analysis as other tools.


Best Free Keyword Research Tools


  • All-in-one SEO platform.
  • Competitor analysis.
  • Keyword research.
  • Rank tracking and site audit features.

Serpstat lets you look at keywords quickly and in great detail. Their reports are easy to read and show things like the number of searches, how hard the keyword is, which pages rank for that keyword, and more. This information is easy to understand thanks to graphs and other visual aids. Still, it is one of the best free keyword research tools that you can consider.


  • Comprehensive SEO and PPC research capabilities.
  • Provides in-depth competitor analysis.
  • Offers a range of features for content optimization.


  • Interface can be complex for beginners.
  • Pricing plans may be relatively high for smaller businesses.

How to Use Free Keyword Research Tools Effectively

You can find useful keywords for your content, SEO strategies, and marketing campaigns if you know how to use free keyword research tools well. Here are some tips for getting the most out of these tools:

Know Your Goals: Make sure you know what you want to achieve before you use any keyword research tool. Figure out what you want to achieve with your keyword research, whether it’s to move up in the organic search rankings, get more people to visit your website, or target specific groups.

Pick the Correct Tool: You can use Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, AnswerThePublic, and Keywords Everywhere, all of which are free to use, to find keywords. To find the best tool for your needs, compare them based on their features, how easy they are to use, and how accurate their data is.

Start with Seed Keywords: First, use seed keywords, which are broad terms that are related to your niche or topic. This will help you start your keyword research. These are the building blocks for coming up with more specific and useful keyword ideas.

Check Out Keyword Suggestions: Based on your seed keywords, use the keyword research tool to make a list of related keywords and phrases. Look into different variations, long-tail keywords, and questions that the people you want to reach might use to find what they need online.

Look at Search Volume and Competition: To figure out which keywords to focus on first, look at metrics like search volume, competition level, and keyword difficulty. Focus on keywords that have a good number of searches and not too much competition.

Selecting the Best Free Keyword Research Tool

Picking the best free keyword research tool can have a big effect on the content and search engine optimisation (SEO) of your website. When choosing a free keyword research tool, here are some things to think about:

Keyword Ideas and Variations: A good keyword research tool should give you a lot of keyword ideas and variations that are relevant. To make your content more interesting, look for tools that can help you find long-tail keywords and terms that are related to them.

Search Volume Data: The tool should give you search volume data, which shows how often people are looking for certain keywords. This information helps you focus on keywords that people are more likely to search for.

Competition Analysis: Look at how much competition there is for the keywords you’ve chosen. A good tool should tell you how much competition there is, which will help you find keywords that have a good mix of search volume and competition.

SERP Analysis: Some tools let you look at the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for certain keywords. This can help you figure out what kind of content does well in search results and what you need to do to compete.

Interface That’s Easy to Use: Look for a tool that has an interface that is simple and quick to use. A tool that is easy to use and effective can save you time and make researching keywords more fun.


Is Semrush keyword free?

Free Semrush users can use it forever. You won’t be asked for your bank info or charged for using free tools.

Is YouTube a backlink?

Yes. YouTube can help you get backlinks and targeted traffic. It also boosts brand awareness and organic referral traffic!

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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