Best Image Alt Text Optimization Tools 2024: top suggestions

Improve your website's accessibility and search engine optimization with these powerful tools for efficient image alt text optimization.

There are the best Image Alt Text Optimization Tools that you can consider now. Improving images for search engine optimisation (SEO) and accessibility is an important part of having a full online presence in the digital world. Using good image alt text is one of the most important parts of this project. Alt text gives textual descriptions to images, which helps people who are blind or have low vision and helps search engines rank websites.

Several tools have come out with advanced features for image alt text optimisation to make this process easier and better. Website owners, content writers, and SEO experts can’t do their jobs without the best Image Alt Text Optimization Tools. This makes sure that all visitors have a smooth experience and increases the chances of being seen more in search engines. Building these tools into your routine will make it easy to write descriptive alt text that follows best practices.

What Are Image Alt Text Optimization Tools?

SEO crawler tools are very important for optimising websites because they scan and analyse web pages in a planned way. They tell you a lot about the structure of a site, find broken links, and rate on-page SEO elements. Tools like Screaming Frog and Moz make auditing easier and help webmasters fix problems that hurt their search engine rankings. Regular crawls allow websites to be constantly monitored and optimised, which keeps them search engine-friendly and improves their visibility, rankings, and overall performance in search results.

Best Image Alt Text Optimization Tools Comparison Table

Alt Text Optimisation Tools like Image SEO Optimizer and SEO Image Optimizer by Booster Apps improve website accessibility and search engine rankings. Images are automatically generated and optimised with descriptive and relevant alt text for SEO and user experience.

FocusOn-page SEO optimizationImage SEO auditsOn-page & technical SEO auditsAll-in-one SEO toolkitHolistic website experience optimization
Free planLimitedYesYesYesNo
On-page SEO auditYesNoYesYesYes
Technical SEO auditLimitedNoYesYesYes
Keyword researchBasicNoYesAdvancedYes
Competitor analysisNoNoYesAdvancedYes
Backlink trackingNoNoYesAdvancedYes


Best Image Alt Text Optimization Tools


  • Comprehensive SEO Audit
  • Keyword Analysis
  • Backlink Analysis
  • Competitor Tracking

SEOptimer, a popular SEO audit and reporting tool, analyses and optimises website images using image alt text optimisation. This image SEO optimizer tool scans your site for missing or poorly optimised alt text and makes recommendations to improve image tag SEO. This helps you write good image alt text. Currently, this is one of the best Image Alt Text Optimisation Tools.

Visit Website


  • User-friendly interface.
  • Comprehensive website audit capabilities.
  • Provides actionable SEO recommendations.


  • Limited features in the free version.
  • Some users may find the interface overwhelming.


Best Image Alt Text Optimization Tools


  • Image Optimization
  • Alt Text Generation
  • Image Compression
  • Boosts Page Load Speed

ImageSEO is a specialised image optimisation tool that is designed to assist you in improving the image search engine optimisation of your website. ImageSEO was developed by Internet Marketing Professionals. Alternate text, file names, and titles are just some of the categories that are included in the tool, which was developed specifically for the purpose of optimally optimising image metadata. Overall, this is one of the best Image Alt Text Optimisation Tools.


  • Specialized in image SEO optimization.
  • Automatically generates image alt tags.
  • User-friendly with a simple setup.


  • Focused mainly on image optimization, lacking other SEO aspects.
  • Limited features compared to comprehensive SEO tools.


Best Image Alt Text Optimization Tools


  • On-Page SEO Checker
  • Website Health Monitoring
  • Backlink Tracking
  • Keyword Rank Tracking

By improving image alt text, Sitechecker’s Image Alt Text Optimisation Tools make websites more accessible and better for SEO. This feature helps search engines understand what’s in images, which boosts their rankings. It’s easy to use Sitechecker, which makes it an important tool for webmasters who want to make their site more accessible and visible. This is the best Image Alt Text Optimisation Tools that you can consider.


  • In-depth website analysis and audit.
  • User-friendly with a clear interface.
  • Offers a free version with valuable features.


  • Some advanced features restricted to premium plans.
  • Limited in terms of ongoing monitoring and real-time alerts.


Best Image Alt Text Optimization Tools


  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Site Audit
  • Backlink Analysis

SEMrush is a flexible SaaS platform for managing your online visibility and content marketing. It gives users the power to improve their digital strategies and is known for its powerful SEO and competitive analysis tools. With features like image alt text optimisation, SEMrush offers complete SEO solutions, which is why businesses that want to succeed online can’t do without it. Overall, it is one of the best Image Alt Text Optimisation Tools that you can consider.


  • Comprehensive suite covering SEO, SEM, and competitive analysis.
  • Powerful keyword research capabilities.
  • Regularly updated database for accurate insights.


  • Can be expensive for small businesses.
  • Steeper learning curve compared to simpler tools.


Best Image Alt Text Optimization Tools


  • Accessibility Checker
  • Quality Assurance
  • SEO Insights
  • Content Optimization

Siteimprove is an all-encompassing digital optimisation platform that also includes features for optimising the alt text of images. Through the optimisation of images and the metadata associated with them, the tool assists you in enhancing the performance of your website, as well as its accessibility and overall user experience. Still, it is one of the best Image Alt Text Optimisation Tools that you can consider.


  • Holistic approach covering SEO, accessibility, and analytics.
  • Automated checks for website quality and compliance.
  • Integration with other digital marketing tools.


  • Higher pricing for advanced features.
  • May be overwhelming for users seeking only basic SEO functions.

How to Use Image Alt Text Optimization Tools Effectively

Image alt text optimisation tools are very helpful for making your website’s images more accessible and better for SEO. Here’s how to make good use of them:

Choose the Right Tool: Yoast SEO, Image SEO Tool by SEO Review Tools, and Alt Text Checker by Siteimprove are some of the image alt text optimisation tools that you can use. Pick a tool that works well with your current workflow and meets your needs.

Upload or Type in Images: Depending on the tool, you can either type in image URLs or upload images directly. Make sure you pick the pictures you want to improve.

Look at the suggested alt text: After the images or URLs are uploaded, the tool will offer alt text suggestions based on image recognition technology or what you type in by hand. Carefully read over these suggestions.

Change the Alt Text: The tool’s suggestions can be useful, but you need to change the alt text to accurately describe what the image is about. Think about where the image fits on the page and include relevant keywords when it makes sense.

Focus on Descriptiveness: Pay attention to how descriptive the alt text is. It should clearly explain what the image is about and how it can be used to people who can’t see it. Try not to be too wordy while still giving enough information for someone to understand what the picture means.

How to choose the Right Tool for Your Alt Text Optimization Needs

When picking the right tool for alt text optimisation, there are a few things you should think about that can affect how well and quickly your image optimisation works. How to Pick the Right Tool:

Figure out what you need: Know why you need the tool. Are you mostly looking for a tool that will automatically make alt text for images, or do you also need one that will let you change the alt text for each image by hand? Do you need extra features like analysing images, making sure the site is accessible, or connecting to other platforms?

Look into the Tools That Are Out There: Look into the tools that are out there that are designed specifically for optimising alt text. Look for tools that can do things like automatically create alt text, edit alt text by hand, process a lot of files at once, analyse images, check for accessibility, and integrate with other programmes.

Think about how easy it is to use: Pick a tool that is simple to understand and get around. The tool’s interface should be easy to use, so you can quickly learn how to make the alt text for your images work best. Check to see if the tool makes it easy to optimise alt text both automatically and by hand.

Check for Accuracy and Quality: Check to see how accurate and well-written the tool’s alt text is. For tools that automatically create alt text, look for ones that use complex algorithms and machine learning to correctly describe images. If you want to edit the alt text by hand, make sure the tool gives you tips and suggestions on how to write descriptive and useful alt text.

Check Customization Options: If you need to edit the alt text by hand, make sure the tool lets you change the alt text for each image so it fits the image’s purpose and context. Look for features that let you add descriptive keywords, relevant content, and follow guidelines for accessibility.


Which AI can write alt text for images?

Image alt text is generated automatically by AltText AI. Include alternative text on every image to boost SEO and site accessibility.

Is alt text legal?

YES! Alt-tags are required by UK and US accessible design laws for all images. Images that serve no purpose (spacers, etc.) can have no alt-tag.

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