Best Linux Keyboard Shortcuts 2024: to boost your productivity

Master Linux efficiency with these key shortcuts to streamline tasks and navigate seamlessly for optimal productivity.

The world of Linux is always changing, and speed and efficiency are very important. Knowing the best Linux Keyboard Shortcuts can make all the difference in the world. The Linux operating system has a lot of keyboard shortcuts that can make things easier to use and speed up work. Linux fans can easily get around in their digital worlds, thanks to the wide-use terminal and the simple desktop environments.

By using the keyboard to its fullest, Linux users can quickly run commands, switch between virtual desktops, and change windows. The holy trinity of Ctrl, Alt, and Shift, along with letter and number keys that are placed just right, makes for a very useful combination. Linux has a lot of keyboard shortcuts that you can use whether you like the command line or the graphical user interface. Below, we have mentioned the best Linux Keyboard Shortcuts.

Why Keyboard Shortcuts Matter in Linux

In Linux, keyboard shortcuts are very useful for many reasons. By letting users do things without using a graphical interface, they greatly increase efficiency and productivity. This is especially helpful on servers, where a graphical user interface might not be available. For Linux users, learning keyboard shortcuts can also speed up and improve their workflow, making it easier to move around and control the system. Developers, system administrators, and power users can benefit the most from this skill.

Tips for Mastering Linux Keyboard Shortcuts

In Linux, learning how to use keyboard shortcuts can make you much more efficient and productive. Here are some tips to help you learn how to use Linux keyboard shortcuts:

???? Start with the basics: For example, to copy, press Ctrl+C, to cut, press Ctrl+X, to paste, press Ctrl+V, and to undo, press Ctrl+Z.

???? Check out these Terminal Shortcuts: Learn how to use important terminal shortcuts like cd to move between directories, ls to list files, and Ctrl+L to clear the screen.

????️ Master Shortcuts for Navigation: Shortcuts can help you get around in the terminal or file manager. You can use Ctrl+A to go to the start of a line and Ctrl+E to go to the end.

✏️ Learn How to Change Text: Learn how to use keyboard shortcuts to change text in text editors like Nano and Vim. ‘dd’ deletes a line in Vim, ‘yy’ copies a line, and ‘p’ pastes it.

????️ Learn Shortcuts for Window Management: For example, if you use GNOME or KDE, learn the shortcuts for managing windows. Some common ones are Alt+Tab to switch between apps and Alt+F4 to close a window.

Best Linux Keyboard Shortcuts

Learning how to use Linux keyboard shortcuts makes you more productive and efficient. To open a terminal, press Ctrl+Alt+T. To stop a process, press Ctrl+C, and to leave a terminal, press Ctrl+D. When you press Alt+Tab, you can switch between apps. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+T will open closed tabs again. Learning these shortcuts makes it easier to move around in Linux and speeds things up.

File Operations:

Ctrl + N (or Cmd + N)New File
Ctrl + O (or Cmd + O)Open File
Ctrl + S (or Cmd + S)Save
Ctrl + Shift + SSave As
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SSave for Web
Ctrl + P (or Cmd + P)Print
Ctrl + W (or Cmd + W)Close
Ctrl + Shift + WClose All
Ctrl + Q (or Cmd + Q)Quit Photoshop

Edit Operations:

Ctrl + Z (or Cmd + Z)Undo
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo
Ctrl + X (or Cmd + X)Cut
Ctrl + C (or Cmd + C)Copy
Ctrl + V (or Cmd + V)Paste
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy Merged
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste Into
Ctrl + A (or Cmd + A)Select All

View Operations:

Ctrl + + (or Cmd + +)Zoom In
Ctrl + – (or Cmd + -)Zoom Out
Ctrl + 0 (or Cmd + 0)Fit on Screen
Ctrl + R (or Cmd + R)Show/Hide Rulers
Ctrl + H (or Cmd + H)Show/Hide Extras (e.g., grid, guides)
Toggle Screen Mode

Tools and Layers:

VMove Tool
MMarquee Tool (Rectangular or Elliptical)
LLasso Tool
WMagic Wand Tool
IEyedropper Tool
BBrush Tool
EEraser Tool
GGradient Tool
TType Tool
Ctrl + J (or Cmd + J)Duplicate Layer
Ctrl + E (or Cmd + E)Merge Down

Best Linux Keyboard Shortcuts for Different Platforms

Different desktop environments in Linux, such as GNOME, KDE, and XFCE, have different keyboard shortcuts. You can open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T, copy with Ctrl+C, paste with Ctrl+V, and close windows with Alt+F4. Learning platform-specific shortcuts makes people more productive by making it easier for them to move around and get things done quickly on their Linux systems.

Common Linux Shortcuts:

Ctrl + Alt + TOpen Terminal
Alt + F2Run Command
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo
Ctrl + ASelect All
Ctrl + DDuplicate
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + Shift + SSave As
Alt + F4Close Window

Wine (Adobe Photoshop CC on Linux) Shortcuts:

Ctrl + NNew
Ctrl + OOpen
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + WClose
Ctrl + F4Close Tab (if applicable)
Ctrl + Shift + NNew Layer
Ctrl + JDuplicate Layer
Ctrl + EMerge Down
Ctrl + GGroup Layers
Ctrl + Shift + GUngroup Layers

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Linux Keyboard Shortcuts

Finding the root cause of problems and fixing them is part of troubleshooting common issues with Linux keyboard shortcuts. Here are some things you can do if your Linux system is having trouble with keyboard shortcuts:

Look at the keyboard layout: Make sure that the layout of your keyboard is set up correctly. Some shortcuts might not work right on some layouts. Check the layout settings in your system’s settings.

Problems with keyboard shortcuts: Look for keyboard shortcuts that don’t work well together. The same shortcut may be used for more than one thing in some programmes or desktop environments. To fix conflicts, change the shortcuts in the system settings.

Check how the system is set up: Check the settings and configurations on your desktop that have to do with keyboard shortcuts. You might be able to change keyboard shortcuts in the settings manager for each desktop environment, like GNOME, KDE, or XFCE.

Start up the Desktop Environment again: If keyboard shortcuts are giving you trouble, restarting the desktop environment might fix the issue. To do this, either log out and then back in or restart your computer.

Check out Keybindings in Apps: Some programmes have their own ways of setting up keybindings. Make sure there are no conflicts or problems with shortcuts by checking the settings for each app.


What is Ctrl R Linux?

Ctrl+R: Remember the last command that matched the characters you typed.

What does Shift F7 do?

Press and hold F7 Checks the chosen word against a thesaurus. Press and hold F12 Save the file that’s open. Like pressing Ctrl+S.

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