Best Market Research Tools 2024: gain a competitive edge

Market research tools enable companies to gain data-based insights into trends, consumer behavior and competition in order to make informed decisions.

Business is always changing, so to stay ahead, you need to know a lot about market trends and how people act. Having the right tools is very important for this project, and the market is full of them. The best Market Research Tools are the key to actionable insights for businesses that want to make decisions based on data. Businesses can’t do without these tools because they help them navigate the complicated worlds of their industries with accuracy and foresight.

The best market research tools are a group of programmes that work together to make gathering, analysing, and interpreting data easier. These tools, ranging from complete market analysis platforms to easy-to-use survey tools, let you gather and analyse useful data in a wide range of ways. Below, we have mentioned the best Market Research Tools.

Importance of Market Research in Business

Market research is very important for businesses to do well. There are market trends, customer needs, and competitors that companies can learn from. Businesses can make smart choices about product development, pricing, and marketing by collecting information on what customers like and how they act. Market research helps businesses meet customer needs by lowering risks, finding opportunities, and figuring out how to do so. In the end, it makes a company more competitive, helps it focus its business efforts, and helps it stay in business and grow in a world where things are always changing.

Best Market Research Tools Comparison Table

Businesses need market research tools to collect, analyse, and interpret data for decision-making. Survey platforms, analytics software, and social listening tools reveal consumer behaviour, market trends, and competition. These tools help businesses strategize and compete.

FeatureQualarooSurveyMonkeyTypeformGoogle TrendsBuzzSumo
Survey CreationYesYesYesNoNo
Survey TemplatesLimitedExtensiveLimitedNoNo
Data AnalysisBasic AnalyticsAdvanced AnalyticsBasic AnalyticsBasic TrendsContent Analysis
IntegrationLimitedMany IntegrationsLimitedGoogle ProductsLimited
User InterfaceIntuitiveUser-FriendlyIntuitiveSimpleUser-Friendly
Response CollectionReal-time FeedbackReal-time ResponsesReal-time ResponsesReal-time DataReal-time Mentions


Best Market Research Tools


  • Real-time feedback collection.
  • Targeted surveys based on user behavior.
  • Insightful analytics and reporting.
  • Customizable survey designs.

To conduct market research, Qualaroo is the best tool available, and it is also among the best online survey software that is currently available. Additionally, it offers users insights that can be put into action, in addition to providing a platform for conducting market research that is simple to use. Still, it is one of the best Market Research Tools that you can consider.

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  • Real-time user feedback.
  • Targeted surveys for specific user segments.
  • Integration with various platforms.


  • Pricing can be on the higher side.
  • Limited customization options for survey design.


Best Market Research Tools


  • Easy-to-use survey creation interface.
  • Wide range of question types and templates.
  • Powerful data analysis tools.
  • Integration with popular platforms.

SurveyMonkey is another piece of market research software that lets users give their opinions in a variety of ways and offers new market research techniques. They’ve put together an enterprise-level platform with a set of specialized market research and customer experience tools so that businesses of all sizes can use feedback to improve their work. Overall, it is one of the best Market Research Tools that you can consider.


  • User-friendly interface.
  • Extensive survey question options.
  • Robust analytics and reporting features.


  • Free plan has limitations.
  • Advanced features are only available in paid plans.


Best Market Research Tools


  • Sleek and interactive survey design.
  • Conversational form experience.
  • Advanced logic and branching capabilities.
  • Integration with various third-party apps.

Typeform is a tool that makes it easy to make forms, surveys, quizzes, polls, and more that are fun and easy to use. The best thing about it is that you can make beautiful, conversational forms with it. Typeform lets you make cool surveys with interactive parts that can be changed, like pictures and videos, that make people want to take action. This is the best Market Research Tools that you can consider.


  • Sleek and interactive survey design.
  • Intuitive user experience.
  • Conditional logic for dynamic surveys.


  • Limited features in the free plan.
  • Pricing may be considered high for some users.

Google Trend

Best Market Research Tools


  • Explore search interest over time and regions.
  • Discover related queries and topics.
  • Compare search terms for insights.
  • Visualize data with intuitive graphs.

Researching keywords with Google Trends can help you make your content better for search engines. SEOs and marketers can learn a lot about what people around the world are looking for from this tool. You can find out a lot about what people are looking for by using Google Trends. Overall, this is one of the best Market Research Tools.


  • Real-time and historical search trend data.
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface.
  • Wide range of data visualization options.


  • Limited to search data.
  • May not provide detailed industry-specific insights.


Best Market Research Tools


  • Analyze content performance across social media.
  • Discover trending topics and influencers.
  • Identify popular content for engagement.
  • Track competitors’ content strategies.

BuzzSumo is a tool for researching and analysing content that can help you learn a lot about the market. When it comes to market research, BuzzSumo can help you understand the content landscape in your industry (and beyond), find out what your target customers are interested in, find niche influencers, and keep track of how your content is doing compared to that of your competitors. Currently, this is one of the best Market Research Tools.


  • Identifies popular content and trends.
  • Analyzes competitor performance.
  • Influencer identification and outreach.


  • Subscription can be expensive.
  • Limited historical data in the basic plan.

Tips for Maximizing the Effectiveness of Market Research Tools

To learn useful things about your target market, competitors, and industry trends, you need to make sure that your market research tools work as well as they can. Here are some ways to get the most out of the tools you use for market research:

Make Your Goals Clear: Write down your research questions and goals in a clear way before you use any tools. You can choose the right tools and analyse the data if you know what you want to achieve.

Pick the Right Tools: There are many tools you can use for market research, such as platforms for surveys and analytics and tools for keeping an eye on social media. Your research goals and the type of data you need should help you choose the right tools.

Keep up with tools: There are a lot of changes happening all the time with market research tools. Keep up with new tools and changes to ones you already have. You might be able to do more with new features or tools, or they might work better with the way you do things now.

Use More Than One Tool: One tool might not give you all the answers you need. You might want to use more than one tool to get a full picture. To get feedback from customers, for instance, use survey tools, analytics tools, and social listening tools to find out how people feel about your business online.

Use advanced analytics: A lot of tools have features for advanced analytics. Figure out how to use these tools to get more out of your data. Learn about the different metrics and how they fit in with your business goals.

How to Choose the Right Market Research Tool for Your Business

It is important to pick the right market research tool for your business in order to learn useful things and make smart choices. Here are some steps that will help you choose the best option:

Find Out What You Need for Your Research: To start, write down your specific research goals and the kinds of data you need to gather. Figure out whether you need quantitative data (like demographics or statistics) or qualitative data (like opinions or preferences). Think about things like your research’s scope, your target audience, and the industry you’re in.

Set Your Budget: Figure out how much money you can spend on tools for market research. Some tools have free versions with limited features, while others need a one-time payment or a subscription to get to the more advanced features. Think about how much the tool is worth compared to how much it costs.

Research the Tools That Are Out There: Look into the many tools that are out there for market research. Some of these tools are survey platforms (like SurveyMonkey and Qualtrics), data analytics software (like Google Analytics and Tableau), social media monitoring tools (like Hootsuite and Sprout Social), and research databases (like Statista and IBISWorld) that are specific to a certain industry.

Features and Functions: Think about how the features and functions of each tool fit with the research you need to do. Look for tools that let you make your own surveys, analyse data in a powerful way, report in real time, connect to a lot of different data sources, and integrate with other software.

Think about the user experience: Pick a market research tool that has an easy-to-use interface and a design that makes sense. It should be simple to use the tool and come with clear instructions on how to create surveys, gather data, and figure out what the results mean. Check to see if the tool comes with training materials or customer service to help with setup and fixing problems.


What is CSAT score?

Customer satisfaction, or CSAT, is a common key performance indicator used to measure customer satisfaction with your company’s products and services.

How is NPS measured?

Your Net Promoter Score is the percentage of customers who scored 9 or 10 minus the percentage who scored 0 to 6.

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