Best Netflix Keyboard Shortcuts 2024: for seamless streaming

Use these important shortcuts to navigate Netflix effortlessly and make your streaming experience even more enjoyable.

Even though Netflix is always adding new shows and movies, it’s easy to get around its huge library of movies and TV shows if you have the right tools. Welcome to the world of the best Netflix Keyboard Shortcuts. These shortcuts will change everything for users who want to get more done and feel more in charge.

These keyboard shortcuts make it easy for Netflix users to manage their account and play and pause movies, among other things. These keyboard shortcuts can be used by people who just like to watch shows once or twice a week or all at once. You can quickly change between episodes and adjust the volume with them. Explore a wealth of Netflix shortcuts to take charge of your experience.

These shortcuts make watching Netflix easier in a web browser or app. Unlocking these commands saves time and improves the user experience, making movie nights and TV show marathons more enjoyable. Below, we have mentioned the best Netflix Keyboard Shortcuts.

Why Use Keyboard Shortcuts on Netflix?

Using keyboard shortcuts on Netflix makes watching more enjoyable by making it easier to control the video. You can quickly and easily move around with shortcuts like “F” for full-screen mode, “spacebar” to play or pause, and “arrow keys” to rewind or fast-forward.

This can be especially helpful when indulge-watching because you won’t have to keep moving the mouse. With keyboard shortcuts, streaming is easier to use and faster, so viewers can focus on the content without being interrupted or having to move their mouse around a lot.

Benefits of Using Netflix Keyboard Shortcuts

There are several benefits to using keyboard shortcuts while streaming content on Netflix. This will make your viewing experience easier and faster. Some good reasons to use keyboard shortcuts for Netflix while you’re streaming:

???? Easy to Get Around: You can quickly move around in Netflix’s user interface by using keyboard shortcuts. Without a mouse or touchpad, you can get to different parts of the app, like Home, Search, and My List.

???? Controls for playback: Shortcuts on the keyboard make controlling playback easy. Simple key commands make it easy to play, pause, rewind, fast forward, and change the volume, which improves the viewing experience as a whole.

???? Taking care of subtitles: You can turn subtitles on and off and change settings like font size and style without stopping what you’re watching with keyboard shortcuts.

⏭️ Skip the beginning and end: By pressing certain keys on your keyboard, you can skip Netflix’s intros and recaps. You can save time and get right to the content when you use this feature to watch a series all at once.

???? Full-screen mode right away: You can quickly switch between full-screen and regular viewing modes by pressing a group of keys. This makes it easy to change the screen size to suit your needs.

Best Netflix Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for Netflix make your viewing experience faster and easier. The spacebar stops and starts playback, “F” goes full screen, and “Esc” closes the program. The left and right arrows move the track forward or backward, and the up and down arrows change the volume. “M” turns off the sound, and “Shift” + “,” or “.” speeds up or slows down the video. Learning these shortcuts gives you more control and makes indulge-watching a breeze.

Netflix Keyboard Shortcuts:

SpacebarToggle Play/Pause
EnterToggle Play/Pause
FFull Screen
EscExit Full Screen
Left ArrowRewind
Right ArrowFast Forward
Up ArrowVolume Up
Down ArrowVolume Down
Shift + Left ArrowRewind (fast)
Shift + Right ArrowFast Forward (fast)
F11Full Screen (browser-specific)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SAccess Streaming Quality Menu (browser-specific)

Adobe Photoshop CC Keyboard Shortcuts:

Ctrl + NNew
Ctrl + OOpen
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + Shift + SSave As
Ctrl + PPrint
Ctrl + WClose


Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + TFree Transform
Ctrl + ASelect All

Viewing and Navigation:

Ctrl + +Zoom In
Ctrl + –Zoom Out
Ctrl + 0Fit to Screen
SpacebarHand Tool (temporary)


Ctrl + JDuplicate Layer
Ctrl + EMerge Down
Ctrl + GGroup Layers
Ctrl + Shift + NNew Layer

Brush and Tools:

BBrush Tool
EEraser Tool
GGradient Tool
VMove Tool
Ctrl + TText Tool
SClone Stamp Tool

Best Netflix Keyboard Shortcuts for Different Platforms

Learning the Netflix keyboard shortcuts makes streaming faster. To play or pause in Windows, press Space. To go fullscreen, press F. To fast forward or rewind, press Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow. To do this on a Mac, press Space and Option + Left/Right Arrow. Check the smart TV’s owner’s manual to find out what shortcuts to use. These shortcuts make using Netflix easier on a number of different devices.

Web Browsers:

SpacebarToggle Play/Pause
EnterToggle Play/Pause (some browsers)
FFull Screen
EscExit Full Screen
Left ArrowRewind
Right ArrowFast Forward
Up ArrowVolume Up
Down ArrowVolume Down
Shift + Left ArrowRewind (fast)
Shift + Right ArrowFast Forward (fast)

Windows 10 App:

SpacebarToggle Play/Pause
FFull Screen
EscExit Full Screen
Left ArrowRewind
Right ArrowFast Forward
Up ArrowVolume Up
Down ArrowVolume Down
Shift + Left ArrowRewind (fast)
Shift + Right ArrowFast Forward (fast)

macOS App:

SpacebarToggle Play/Pause
FFull Screen
EscExit Full Screen
Left ArrowRewind
Right ArrowFast Forward
Up ArrowVolume Up
Down ArrowVolume Down
Shift + Left ArrowRewind (fast)
Shift + Right ArrowFast Forward (fast)

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Netflix Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for Netflix can make it easier to control playback and get around the site quickly. These shortcuts often have problems, so here are some common ways to fix them:

Check to See if Your Browser Works: Make sure you’re using a browser that can handle keyboard shortcuts for Netflix. Browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari work with it. Check that you have the most recent version of your browser.

Turn on add-ons for your browser: Keyboard shortcuts might not work properly with some browser add-ons. Turn off Netflix or use it in private browsing or incognito mode to see if the problem still happens.

Start your browser over: Close your browser and open it again to reset its settings and fix any short-term problems. This easy step can fix a lot of problems.

Check to see if the operating system works with it: On some operating systems, Netflix keyboard shortcuts might not work the same way. You should make sure that the shortcuts you’re using work with the OS you’re using (Windows, macOS, etc.).

Check for updates to your system: It is important to make sure that your operating system has the most recent updates. This is very important if you want to use Netflix on a smart TV, game console, or streaming device.


What is F7 keyboard?

F7—Spell and grammar check in Microsoft Apps (Word). When starting Windows, press F8 to access the boot menu.

What is locked on Netflix?

Most TV shows and movies are ad-supported, but some are not due to licensing restrictions. Lock icons appear when searching or browsing Netflix for these titles.

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