Best Netflix Shortcuts 2024: you need to know these shortcuts

Improve your Netflix experience with these shortcuts for seamless streaming

Knowing how to utilize keyboard shortcuts on Netflix can be a game-changer for laptop streamers. Whether you’re watching the best Netflix shortcuts on a top-notch Windows machine or a sleek MacBook, it’s important to know that the browser version of Netflix lets you use a number of cool shortcuts. For example, you can quickly stop or start what you are watching by pressing the space bar.

Even though this might not sound very exciting, trust me when I say that using these tools will make your streaming experience better. They save you time and effort because you don’t have to mess around with the mouse. With new shows and movies being added to Netflix all the time, it can be hard to keep up with what’s new. This is especially true because a lot of titles don’t show up on the site.

In the same way, Netflix pulls content from time to time to keep things fresh, leaving you to wonder why you can’t find something you wanted to watch. To find the newest material on Netflix, just click the “Latest” button at the top of the screen. This will bring up a full list of all the TV shows and movies that have been added lately. If you scroll down a bit more, you can even see what’s coming up next. Below we have mentioned the best Netflix shortcuts.

Best Netflix Shortcuts

FFull Screen
EscExit Full Screen
PgUpPlay previous episode/movie
PgDnPlay next episode/movie
Left ArrowRewind
Right ArrowFast Forward
Up ArrowIncrease Volume
Down ArrowDecrease Volume

Playback Shortcuts:

MMute audio
Shift+>Increase Playback Speed
Shift+<Decrease Playback Speed
Shift+SpaceToggle Play/Pause
Shift+EnterToggle Play/Pause
Shift+EscExit Full Screen
Shift+RightFast Forward
Shift+UpIncrease Volume
Shift+DownDecrease Volume

Subtitle & Audio Shortcuts:

TShow/Hide Subtitles
+Increase Subtitle Size
Decrease Subtitle Size
BChange Subtitle Background Color
NNext Subtitle
PPrevious Subtitle
Ctrl+TAudio Track and Subtitle Options
Shift+SIncrease Playback Speed
Shift+DDecrease Playback Speed

Media Control Shortcuts:

BSkip back
Shift + >Increase playback speed
Shift + <Decrease playback speed
Shift + NNext episode or video
Shift + PPrevious episode or video
Shift + MSwitch audio and subtitle
Shift + SSkip intro
Shift + SpacePlay/Pause (when focused outside the player)

Accessibility Shortcuts:

Shift + TTurn on/off audio description
Shift + CActivate/deactivate closed captions

Best Netflix Shortcuts for Different Platforms


FFull Screen
EscExit Full Screen
Right ArrowSkip Forward (10 seconds)
Left ArrowSkip Backward (10 seconds)
Up ArrowVolume Up
Down ArrowVolume Down
Shift + >Increase Playback Speed
Shift + <Decrease Playback Speed
EnterStart Playback or Select
Cmd + Opt + COpen Video Controls
Cmd + Opt + TToggle Subtitles On/Off
Cmd + Opt + NSwitch Profiles
Cmd + FSearch
Cmd + ,Open Settings
Cmd + BToggle Browse Section
Cmd + Shift + LToggle Audio Descriptions
Cmd + Shift + MSwitch Monitor
Cmd + Ctrl + FToggle Full Screen Mode

Netflix Shortcuts for Windows:

FFull Screen
EscExit Full Screen
Right ArrowSkip Forward (10 seconds)
Left ArrowSkip Backward (10 seconds)
Up ArrowVolume Up
Down ArrowVolume Down
Shift + >Increase Playback Speed
Shift + <Decrease Playback Speed
EnterStart Playback or Select
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + DDisplay A/V Stats
Ctrl + Shift + LeftSkip to Previous Episode
Ctrl + Shift + RightSkip to Next Episode
Ctrl + Shift + UpIncrease Volume
Ctrl + Shift + DownDecrease Volume
Ctrl + Shift + SToggle Subtitles On/Off
Ctrl + Shift + LToggle Audio Descriptions
Ctrl + FSearch
Ctrl + ,Open Settings
Ctrl + BToggle Browse Section

Netflix Web (Browser):

FFull Screen
EscExit Full Screen
Ctrl + Right ArrowNext Episode
Ctrl + Left ArrowPrevious Episode
Shift + Right ArrowFast Forward
Shift + Left ArrowRewind
Up ArrowVolume Up
Down ArrowVolume Down
Shift + Alt + Left ClickAdjust Audio/Subtitle Sync
Ctrl + Shift + Opt + DDisplay A/V Stats

Netflix Mobile App (iOS/Android):

Tap on ScreenPlay/Pause
Pinch GestureZoom In/Out
Swipe Up/DownVolume Up/Down
Swipe Left/RightFast Forward/Rewind
Double Tap on Left SideGo Back 10 Seconds
Double Tap on Right SideGo Forward 10 Seconds


What are the Netflix shortcuts?

Shortcuts on Netflix are keystrokes or combinations of keystrokes that let you do certain things quickly on the Netflix app.

Are there shortcuts to rewind or fast forward in Netflix?

Yes, you can go back 10 seconds with the Left Arrow key and 10 seconds forward with the Right Arrow key.

Is there a shortcut to adjust the volume in Netflix?

There are no specific shortcuts in Netflix for changing the volume. You can change the volume with the volume controls on your computer or gadget.

Are there shortcuts to adjust playback speed in Netflix?

As far as I know, Netflix won’t have options to change the playback speed until September 2021, so there are no shortcuts for this function.

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