Best QuickTime Player Keyboard Shortcuts 2024: Need to Know

Master QuickTime Player with key keyboard shortcuts for seamless playback control and an enhanced video experience.

Using the best QuickTime Player Keyboard Shortcuts makes using the app easier. Learning these commands saves time, improves playback control, and simplifies media manipulation. With these shortcuts, adjusting volume, playback, and video settings is effortless. Using these optimised shortcuts streamlines your workflow, whether you’re a multimedia professional editing complex files or a casual viewer enjoying digital content.

These keyboard shortcuts make using QuickTime Player easy and fun, making digital media engagement more productive. By using these shortcuts, users are able to interact with media at their own pace, which includes the ability to quickly switch between full-screen and windowed mode as well as locate specific moments within a video. A list of the most effective keyboard shortcuts for QuickTime Player can be found outlined below.

Why Keyboard Shortcuts Matter in QuickTime Player?

QuickTime Player’s keyboard shortcuts make it easier to use and more efficient. They let people do common tasks without having to use the mouse alone, which makes control faster and more accurate. This is very important when you are moving around in a video, editing it, or changing the settings for playback. Shortcuts on the keyboard save time, speed up work, and make it easier for users to interact with QuickTime Player. This makes it an easier tool for editing and playing media.

Best QuickTime Player Keyboard Shortcuts

QuickTime Player has useful keyboard shortcuts for controlling video playback without any problems. Press “Space” to play or pause, “Cmd + →” to skip ahead, and “Cmd + ←” to go back. Use the “↑” or “↓” keys to change the volume. Use “Cmd + Ctrl + 3” to take a screenshot and “Cmd + Ctrl + N” to record what’s on the screen. These shortcuts make things easier for users.

General Navigation:

LIncrease playback speed (Press multiple times)
JDecrease playback speed (Press multiple times)
KReset playback speed
← (Left Arrow)Rewind by 5 seconds
→ (Right Arrow)Fast forward by 5 seconds
↑ (Up Arrow)Increase volume
↓ (Down Arrow)Decrease volume
FToggle fullscreen
Cmd + TShow/hide movie inspector

Editing and Playback Control:

Cmd + CCopy selection
Cmd + XCut selection
Cmd + VPaste selection
Cmd + ASelect all
Cmd + ZUndo
Cmd + Shift + ZRedo
Cmd + SSave
Cmd + PPrint
Cmd + EExport
Cmd + IShow movie properties
Cmd + RRecord
Cmd + BShow/Hide playlist
Cmd + ,Preferences

Timeline and Markers:

ISet In Point
OSet Out Point
Cmd + Left BracketMove to previous marker
Cmd + Right BracketMove to next marker

Advanced Navigation:

Cmd + ↑Zoom in timeline
Cmd + ↓Zoom out timeline
Cmd + 1Actual size
Cmd + 2Half size
Cmd + 3Double size
Cmd + UOpen URL

Advanced Editing:

Cmd + Shift + VPaste and Match Style
Cmd + JJoin selected clips
Cmd + ESplit clip at playhead
Cmd + TAdd marker at playhead

Best QuickTime Player Keyboard Shortcuts for Different Platforms

QuickTime Player makes controlling multimedia easier on many platforms by giving you a lot of different keyboard shortcuts. On a Mac, press “Space” to play or pause and “Cmd + →” or “Cmd + ←” to skip ahead or back. “Space” and “Ctrl + →” or “Ctrl + ←” work the same way on Windows, so users can switch between platforms without any problems.


SpacebarSpacebarPlay / Pause
FFEnter/Exit Full Screen
Cmd + FCmd + FEnter/Exit Full Screen (Alternative)
Cmd + 1Cmd + 1Actual Size
Cmd + 2Cmd + 2Double Size
Cmd + 3Cmd + 3Fit to Screen
Cmd + Left ArrowCmd + Left ArrowRewind
Cmd + Right ArrowCmd + Right ArrowFast Forward
Ctrl + Cmd + Up ArrowCtrl + Cmd + Up ArrowIncrease Volume
Ctrl + Cmd + Down ArrowCtrl + Cmd + Down ArrowDecrease Volume
Cmd + TCmd + TShow/Hide Controller
Cmd + ECmd + EEdit Menu
Cmd + KCmd + KCut
Cmd + CCmd + CCopy
Cmd + VCmd + VPaste
Cmd + ACmd + ASelect All

Tips for QuickTime Player Keyboard Shortcuts

Use QuickTime Player keyboard shortcuts to maximise efficiency. To control playback, use “Space” to play/pause, “Cmd + →” for fast forward, and “Cmd + ←” for rewind. Adjust volume with “↑” or “↓.” Take screenshots with “Cmd + Ctrl + 3” and record with “Cmd + Ctrl + N.” Simplify multimedia:

???? To play or pause: To quickly play or pause a video in QuickTime Player, press the Esc key. This is a quick way to change the playback settings without having to use the mouse.

???? Move forward or backward: To go forward, press the Right Arrow key. To go backward, press the Left Arrow key. You can move through the video at different speeds by pressing and holding these keys.

???? Change the volume: To change the volume, just press the Up Arrow key to make it louder or the Down Arrow key to make it quieter. This is a quick way to change the volume of the sound while it’s playing.

???? Full Screen: Press Command (⌘) + F to go into or out of full-screen mode. This shortcut is useful for making the viewing area bigger and getting more into the video.

???? How to Move From Frame to Frame: To move through the video frame by frame, press the Period (.) key to go forward and the Comma (,) key to go backward. This helps you carefully look at or edit videos.

Troubleshooting for QuickTime Player Keyboard Shortcuts

The Apple company made QuickTime Player, a media player that lets people play audio and video files. Even though QuickTime Player doesn’t have a lot of keyboard shortcuts, here are some general steps you can take if you’re having problems with it:

???? Please update QuickTime Player: Make sure you have the most recent version of QuickTime Player. Updates may fix bugs and make things better, which can fix problems.

???? Look for File Compatibility: Check to see if QuickTime Player can play the video or audio file you want to play. If the player doesn’t support the file type, you may need to change the file or find a different player.

???? Check the system requirements: Make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements for QuickTime Player. You can find out exactly what your operating system version needs by going to the Apple website.

???? Start up QuickTime Player again: The problem should still be there after you close and restart QuickTime Player. Restarting the application can sometimes fix short-term problems.

???? Start up your computer again: If starting QuickTime Player again doesn’t help, try starting your computer again. This can help fix short-term problems and make the system’s resources work better again.


What is Alt key on Mac?

Mac’s Alt key is also called Option and is next to Command.

What is Control Shift t?

Opens link in new tab. Drag links to blank tab strip spaces. Tab opens in new window. Move a tab from the tab strip.

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