Best Through-Channel Marketing Software 2024: top suggestions

Improve collaboration with your partners with through-channel marketing software and optimize communication, resources and results for improved channel marketing strategies.

In the fast-paced world of modern marketing, finding the best through-channel marketing software is essential for companies that want to streamline their distribution strategies and get the most out of their partners’ engagement and income. Through-channel marketing software is essential for businesses that want to give their channel partners useful tools for targeted marketing, easy teamwork, and measured outcomes.

The best through-channel marketing software has a lot of different features that work together to make it easier for partners to work with you and improve channel success. From easy-to-use campaign management to powerful co-branding tools, this software makes it easier for brands and their channel partners to communicate and work together, which leads to better relationships and more success for both parties. Below, we have mentioned the best through-channel marketing software.

What is Through-Channel Marketing Software?

Through-channel marketing software, which is also called partner marketing or channel marketing automation software, is a tool that helps businesses manage and improve their marketing through indirect sales channels. Businesses can work together with partners, wholesalers, and resellers because it gives them tools for co-branding, customising marketing materials, managing leads, and keeping track of performance. This software makes it easier for the brand and its channel partners to talk to each other. This makes sure that the marketing plan is the same and effective across the whole distribution network.

Best Through-Channel Marketing Software Comparison Table

Through-channel marketing software improves manufacturer-channel partner collaboration. It streamlines content sharing, campaign coordination, and communication. This technology helps firms retain brand consistency, optimise marketing tactics, and drive sales through a unified channel environment, improving marketing efficiency.

Core FunctionMarketingPartnerDataChannelABM
Target AudienceEnterprisesB2BB2BB2BB2B
Key StrengthLocal MarketingPartner Relationship ManagementData ManagementChannel Marketing AutomationAccount-Based Marketing


Best through-channel marketing software


  • Distributed Marketing Platform
  • Co-Op Marketing Automation
  • Brand Asset Management
  • Partner Performance Analytics

The best distributed marketing tool, SproutLoud, helps brand-to-local teams market and sell through channel partners, locations, and frontline employees in a smart way. The AI-powered SproutLoud platform combines digital asset management, channel rewards, co-op marketing funds, and last-mile marketing fulfilment to make it simple for teams to share localised, legal content through traditional, digital, and social media channels.  Still, it is one of the best through-channel marketing software that you can consider.

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  • Comprehensive Marketing Resource Management (MRM) platform.
  • User-friendly interface and intuitive navigation.
  • Robust analytics and reporting capabilities.


  • Integration with certain third-party tools may be limited.
  • Some users may find the initial setup process complex.


Best through-channel marketing software


  • Unified Channel Management
  • Partner Relationship Management (PRM)
  • Channel Marketing Automation
  • Through-Channel Marketing Analytics

ZINFI makes partnerships possible so they can grow. We give businesses an infinite number of ways to grow their partner ecosystem and make money. We help our customers do this by speeding up connections, collaboration, and business between them and their partners. This gives them more control, visibility, and predictability. Overall, it is one of the best through-channel marketing software that you can consider.


  • End-to-end channel management solution.
  • Strong partner relationship management features.
  • Customizable and scalable to meet diverse business needs.


  • Learning curve for users new to the platform.
  • Occasional delays in customer support response.


Best through-channel marketing software


  • Data Enrichment and Cleansing
  • Personalized Customer Data
  • Real-time Data Integration
  • Marketing and Sales Analytics

MioDatos is a tool for marketing automation that can help you with all of your marketing needs! You can send out marketing emails, make landing pages, social media posts, referral campaigns, marketing papers, and more! Make ads for the quarter, holidays, the release of new products, and other events. This is the best through-channel marketing software that you can consider.


  • Advanced data analytics and insights.
  • User-friendly dashboard and reporting tools.
  • Strong emphasis on data security and compliance.


  • Integration options may be limited for certain systems.
  • Pricing structure may not be suitable for small businesses.


Best through-channel marketing software


  • Channel Marketing and Sales Enablement
  • Automated Multi-Channel Campaigns
  • Partner Collaboration and Communication
  • Channel Performance Analytics

One of the top companies in Channel Marketing Automation is Zift Solutions, which is based in Durham, North Carolina. The company was recently named the Top Channel Marketing & Management (CMM) Vendor by SiriusDecisions. Throughout the sales lifecycle, they focus on deep involvement, visibility, and collaboration. Overall, this is one of the best through-channel marketing software.


  • Comprehensive partner marketing and management platform.
  • Robust automation features for streamlined workflows.
  • Strong emphasis on partner collaboration and engagement.


  • Initial implementation may require dedicated resources.
  • Some users may find the interface overwhelming at first.


Best through-channel marketing software


  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Platform
  • Personalized Content Engagement
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment
  • Analytics and Reporting for Engagement Metrics

Folloze, located in Foster City, offers their Personalised B2B Marketing Platform, which they define as the most effective method for generating credible pipeline that will convert, ranging from targeted ABM to broad-based nurture. The Folloze platform is a solution that specifically focuses on ABM and offers personalisation and marketing services. Currently, this is one of the best through-channel marketing software.


  • Account-based marketing (ABM) and personalization features.
  • Intuitive content creation and distribution tools.
  • Integration with popular CRM platforms.


  • Advanced features may require additional training.
  • Limited customization options for certain elements.

Benefits of Implementing Through-Channel Marketing Software

Platforms that make it easier for channel partners like resellers, distributors, or franchisees to do marketing work are called through-channel marketing (TCM) software. Businesses that use indirect sales channels can get a lot of benefits from putting TCM software to use, including:

Control from One Place: TCM software gives you a central place to oversee marketing activities across multiple channel partners. This lets companies keep their branding, messaging, and advertising efforts consistent.

Brand Consistency: Make sure that all of your channel partners are using the same brand by giving them access to approved marketing materials, collateral, and campaigns. This helps give customers a clear picture of the brand.

Content Distribution That Works: TCM platforms help companies send marketing content like product information, sales materials, and promotional items to their channel partners quickly and easily. This makes sure that partners have access to the newest and most useful resources.

Coordinated Campaigns: TCM software makes it easier for the brand and its channel partners to work together on marketing campaigns. This makes sure that campaigns run at the same time, which increases their effectiveness and reach.

Data and Analytics: Find out how well marketing activities are working with different channel partners. A lot of the time, TCM software comes with analytics tools that help businesses see how well their campaigns are doing, see how engaged their partners are, and make decisions based on data.

Tips for Choosing the Right Through-Channel Marketing Software for Your Business

Businesses that want to improve their marketing across channels and partners must make sure they choose the right Through-Channel Marketing (TCM) software. For help with your choice, here are some tips:

Write down your goals: Outline your Through-Channel Marketing goals and objectives in a clear way. Know what you want to achieve, whether it’s more sales, a consistent brand, or more partner engagement. This will help you pick out TCM software.

Check for User-Friendliness: Pick a TCM platform that is easy to understand and use. Your partners and team members are more likely to use the software effectively if it has a simple interface and is easy to get around in.

Scalability and Flexibility: Think about how long the TCM software can be used. Make sure it can expand with your company and change as your needs do. Check to see how customisable the platform is and how well it can work with partners of different shapes and sizes.

Integration Capabilities: Find out if the TCM software can work with the marketing technology stack you already have. To make sure everything runs smoothly, the software should work well with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, marketing automation platforms, and analytics tools.

Support for Channels: Check to see if the TCM software works with all of the channels your business uses. Digital channels like social media, email, print, and more could be part of this. Make sure the software works with your multichannel marketing plan.


What is a channel marketing program?

Channel marketing involves selling products to end customers through distributors and resellers.

Is SEO a monthly fee?

You can pay for your SEO plan monthly, fixed contract, one-time project, or hourly, depending on the firm or consultant and your demands. Some agencies charge a monthly fee or a project fee.

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