Best Weapons in The Finals 2024: a comprehensive guide

Unleash thrilling battles with mighty weapons in "The Finals", a gripping saga of power, strategy and triumph.

Championship battles are filled with intense action, and competitors use a wide range of skills and strategies to try to win The Finals. In the heat of these big fights, the attention always turns to the athletes’ main weapons: their amazing skills and moves that can suddenly tip the balance in their favor. The phrase best Weapons in The Finals describes the extreme level of athletic skill, the combination of talent, experience, and sheer determination that makes these moments so special.

Competitive players show off a variety of weapons that make them stand out at the front of this battleground. Here are the game-changing skills that become the main focus of The Finals’ story: pinpoint accuracy when shooting and lightning-fast agility. Below, we have mentioned the best Weapons in The Finals.

Importance of Choosing the Best Weapons in The Finals

In the finals of a competition, picking the best weapons is very important for winning. The best choice of weapons improves performance by giving players tools that work with the way they play and the challenges they face. Having the right weapons can give you an edge in battle, improve your accuracy, and help you win strategic battles. In high-stakes situations, picking the right weapons is crucial for victory, so players need to carefully think about their loadouts to give themselves the best chance of winning.

Best Weapons in The Finals

In the intense competition of The Finals, weapons are crucial to athleticism and strategy. Players become weapons in their team’s arsenal. These weapons a precise three-pointer or a defensive block determine the game’s outcome.

Riot Shield

Best Weapons in The Finals

The Riot Shield is a medium-class weapon that you can use with the baton as part of a two-handed attack. This strong close-combat weapon can also be used as a first line of defence against people in front of you. When fighting one-on-one, the weapon works well, but it is easily taken out by flanking moves, gas, or enemies with guns. Still, it is one of the best Weapons in The Finals that you can consider.


  • Provides excellent protection against frontal attacks.
  • Can be used defensively to cover teammates.
  • Effective for pushing through enemy defenses.


  • Limited mobility when equipped.
  • Vulnerable to attacks from the sides and behind.


Best Weapons in The Finals

It’s a heavy weapon called the Sledgehammer. You can use it as a heavy weapon or to destroy the arena, which is one of the main draws of The Finals. Though it moves slowly, the sledgehammer is the best melee weapon for the heavy class because it does a lot of damage. Overall, it is one of the best Weapons in The Finals that you can consider.


  • High damage output, especially in close quarters.
  • Can breach through destructible surfaces.
  • Intimidating presence in melee combat.


  • Slow swing speed leaves the user vulnerable.
  • Limited range compared to firearms.


Best Weapons in The Finals

One of the most useful weapons in The Finals is the AKM. Built on the popular AK-47, this Assault Rifle is more than capable at all ranges, with a powerful barrel and plenty of bullets. The AKM is great for Medium players who want to take over the map and get a lot of kills. It can be used to hold buildings and kill anyone who tries to steal your money. This is the best Weapons in The Finals that you can consider.


  • High damage per shot, suitable for medium to long-range engagements.
  • Reliable and widely available ammunition.
  • Versatile customization options.


  • Pronounced recoil makes it challenging to control during sustained fire.
  • Less effective in close quarters compared to SMGs or shotguns.


Best Weapons in The Finals

SH1900 is a shotgun that can two-shot Light and Medium builds close up, like the Valorant Shorty. While shotguns’ main drawback is their limited range, the Cloaking Device makes them ideal for Light players. If you’re camping Cashouts or waiting for an enemy to revive their teammates, the SH1900 will let you destroy enemies quickly and easily. Overall, this is one of the best Weapons in The Finals.


  • Fast firing rate with manageable recoil.
  • Compact and lightweight design.
  • Suitable for close to medium-range engagements.


  • Lower damage compared to other rifles.
  • Limited customization options.


Best Weapons in The Finals

On our list of the best weapons for The Finals Season 1, FCAR comes in at number two. It’s probably the best gun for Medium builds. There may be disagreement in the community about this, especially among those who like the AKM, but after some practice, you’ll find that FCAR is the best option. Currently, this is one of the best Weapons in The Finals.


  • Versatile rifle with a balanced combination of accuracy and firepower.
  • Effective at various ranges.
  • Good handling and recoil control.


  • Mediocre performance compared to specialized weapons at extreme ranges.
  • Can be outclassed in specific scenarios by more specialized firearms.

Tips for Mastering Weapons in The Finals

You might be talking about a game or competition called “The Finals,” where mastering weapons is very important. While I don’t know the exact situation, here are some general tips that might help you get good at weapons in different games or competitions:

Understand Weapon Mechanics: Familiarise yourself with how weapons work. Every gun has its own firing rate, recoil, bullet drop, and reload time. Spend some time getting used to how the weapons you’ll be using work.

Practice Regularly: Regular practice is important for getting good at any weapon. Spend time practicing with the weapons you want to use in The Finals, either in-game or in a safe place. This can help you get better at accuracy, control, and quick responses.

Learn the Patterns of Recoil: Most weapons have patterns of recoil that you can learn to control with practice. Learn how your favourite weapons’ recoil works to get a better handle on your shots, especially when you’re firing continuously.

Get Good at Aiming: Improve your aim by practicing both hip-fire and aiming down sights (ADS). Aiming techniques may need to be changed depending on the situation, so it’s important to be good at both.

Customise Loadouts: You may be able to change your loadout depending on the game or competition. Pick out add-ons or changes that fit the way you play and make your chosen weapons work better.

Tips for Improving Your Skills with Chosen Weapons

Getting better at the weapons you choose, whether for sport, self-defense, or fun, takes hard work, practice, and a thoughtful approach. These tips will help you get better at using the weapons you’ve chosen:

Safety First: Before you work on improving your skills, make sure you fully understand and follow the safety rules for using the weapons you’ve chosen. Get to know the right way to store, use, and maintain things to avoid accidents.

Professional Training: Get professional training from instructors who are certified. Sign up for classes or workshops that are specific to the weapons you want to learn. Professional help can give you a solid base, help you break bad habits early on, and speed up the learning process.

Consistent Practice: Practice that is planned and done over and over again leads to improvement. Every week, set aside time for training. Before moving on to more advanced moves, you should work on the basics, like grip, stance, and aim.

Dry Fire Practice: If you want to get better at controlling the trigger, aligning your sights, and handling your gun in general, you might want to try dry fire practice. Make sure the gun is empty, and always follow safety rules. You can improve your skills without using real bullets when you practise dry fire.

Live Fire Sessions: If you work with guns, you need to do regular live fire sessions at a certified range. Improve your shooting skills by practicing reloading and hitting targets at different distances. Step by step make it harder to keep yourself motivated.


Is the M60 or Lewis gun better The Finals?

All base stats except accuracy were similar, except for mag size. I don’t mind the M60’s low accuracy, but every heavy I see uses the Lewis.

What gun kills the fastest in PUBG?

PUBG’s fastest killing world spawn full-auto AR is AUG.

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