Best ZTNA Solutions 2024: suggested for modern enterprises

ZTNA is an IT security solution that provides secure remote access to an organization's applications, data and services based on clearly defined access control policies.

In today’s cybersecurity landscape, the best ZTNA solutions prioritize simplicity and ease of management when safeguarding your organization’s IT systems. Because cybersecurity threats are getting worse, this focus on making management easy for everyone is more important than ever. The main goal is not only to stop these threats from happening, but also to limit the damage that could be done to your valuable data and systems if a breach does happen.

In a world full of malicious intrusion attempts, hacking attempts, phishing scams, and data breaches, keeping staff from getting too much access to IT systems is a growing cybersecurity challenge. So, the best ZTNA solutions are made to provide a single, all-encompassing platform that keeps your computer systems and data safe, even if your employees’ login credentials have been stolen.

What is ZTNA?

ZTNA is an acronym for “Zero Trust Network Access.” It is a framework and way of thinking about cybersecurity that is meant to improve network security and protect against new cyber threats. The Zero Trust model is based on the idea that you should “never trust, always verify,” which means that no entity, inside or outside the network, is trusted by default. Instead, every user and device, no matter where they are, is constantly verified and authenticated before they are given access to network resources.

Factors to consider when choosing a ZTNA solution

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solutions are made to give secure access to network resources while assuming that no user or device can be trusted by default. When picking a ZTNA solution for your business, you should think about a few things to make sure it meets your security and business needs:

???? Ability to Grow: Think about the needs of your organization now and in the future. Make sure the ZTNA solution can grow as the number of users and devices increases without affecting performance.

???? How the User Feels: A good ZTNA solution should make things easy for the user. Users should be able to get to resources easily and not have to wait long or deal with problems.

????️‍????️ Visibility and Compliance of Devices: The solution should let you see what devices are connecting to your network and enforce security policies based on the health and compliance of those devices.

☁️ Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Environments: If your company works in a multi-cloud or hybrid environment, make sure that the ZTNA solution can work with resources on different cloud platforms and on-premises infrastructure without any problems.

???? Capabilities for Integration: Check how well the ZTNA solution works with your existing security and network infrastructure, such as firewalls, identity providers, and SIEM systems.

Best ZTNA Solutions Comparison Table

The “Best ZTNA Solutions” comparison table gives information about the best Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solutions. It shows the most important features, security features, scalability, and user experience. This helps organizations choose ZTNA solutions that will improve their network security and access control.

FeatureSecurityScalabilityZero Trust ArchitectureRemote AccessCloud-BasedApplication Filtering
Google BeyondCorpStrongExcellentYesYesYesYes
Symantec Secure Access CloudStrongExcellentYesYesYesYes
Zscaler Private Access (ZPA)StrongExcellentYesYesYesYes


Best ZTNA Solutions


  • Cloud-based Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution.
  • Offers secure access to resources from anywhere.
  • Simplifies network management and reduces the attack surface.
  • Supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) and user identity verification.
  • Provides granular access controls and application-level security.

With the fast and reliable GoodAccess VPN, you can protect your business’s apps and assets. GoodAccess focuses on small and medium-sized businesses and offers static IP services from the Czech Republic. These services include a web-based dashboard and extra security features like detecting suspicious visitors.

Plus, GoodAccess gives you the peace of mind of a zero-trust model and the convenience of remote access from anywhere. It also has good pricing plans and a free trial. GoodAccess should be your first choice if you want to protect your business from any possible risks. For now, this is one of the best ZTNA Solutions you can consider now.

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  • Easy to set up and manage.
  • Strong emphasis on security and compliance.
  • Granular access control.
  • Scalable for businesses of all sizes.


  • Limited global server presence.
  • May not have advanced features for large enterprises.

Google BeyondCorp

Best ZTNA Solutions


  • Google’s approach to implementing Zero Trust security.
  • Focuses on identity and context-based access controls.
  • Uses user and device trust scores for access decisions.
  • Offers a software-defined perimeter for secure access.
  • Integrates with Google Workspace and other SaaS applications.

Google released BeyondCorp Enterprise ten years ago. It was a comprehensive zero-trust network architecture that changed the way traditional network security and VPN-based remote access worked. It is now a full, secure access control system that protects users’ access to Google resources both on-site and from afar.

Google was one of the first companies to use this model of security, and its innovations have made zero-trust the solution of choice for many businesses. BeyondCorp has advanced ZTNA security features, fine-grained access control, and deployment support that can be done quickly and on a scalable scale. Overall, this is one of the best ZTNA Solutions you can consider now.


  • Developed by Google, a reputable tech company.
  • Focuses on user and device identity verification.
  • Strong security features.
  • Integrates well with Google services.


  • May require a complex setup.
  • Not ideal for organizations not already heavily invested in Google’s ecosystem.

Symantec Secure Access Cloud

Best ZTNA Solutions


  • Part of the Symantec (now NortonLifeLock) security suite.
  • Provides ZTNA capabilities for secure remote access.
  • Uses identity and device posture for access control.
  • Offers integration with other security solutions.
  • Enables secure access to on-premises and cloud resources.

Symantec Cybersecurity Services from Broadcom offer businesses powerful ways to protect themselves, such as endpoint protection, data loss prevention (DLP), and web filtering. The best security package, Symantec Endpoint Security (SES) Complete, keeps organizations safe from endpoint threats by using cloud-based protection, AI-driven threat hunting, and guided management. The features of SES Complete determine how much it costs, and it can be bought from a Broadcom resale partner on a subscription basis for each device. Still, this is one of the best ZTNA Solutions you can consider now.


  • Part of a well-known cybersecurity company.
  • Offers a wide range of security features.
  • Scalable for enterprise use.
  • Integration with other Symantec products.


  • May have a steeper learning curve.
  • Costs can be high for smaller businesses.

Zscaler Private Access (ZPA)

Best ZTNA Solutions


  • Cloud-native ZTNA solution from Zscaler.
  • Provides secure access to applications without exposing them to the internet.
  • Offers micro-segmentation and least-privilege access controls.
  • Integrates with SAML and other identity providers.
  • Supports a wide range of devices and endpoints.

ZPA, an innovative cloud-based zero-trust solution, makes sure that devices in different places can securely connect to confidential apps in the public cloud or in a data center. So, people who shouldn’t be able to access these apps can’t. ZPA can be used on devices that are managed or not, and it can protect any private app, not just web apps.

Also, its zero-trust network access (ZTNA) gives users outbound authorization instead of expanding the network like older VPNs did, and IP addresses are hidden, which makes DDoS impossible. Thus, this is one of the best ZTNA Solutions you can consider now.


  • Strong security with micro-segmentation.
  • Scalable for enterprises.
  • Easy integration with existing infrastructure.
  • Good global server presence.


  • Costs may be prohibitive for small businesses.
  • Requires a solid understanding of network configurations.


Best ZTNA Solutions


  • Zero Trust network security solution from NordVPN.
  • Offers secure access to corporate resources over the internet.
  • Provides end-to-end encryption and strong access controls.
  • Includes VPN functionality for secure remote work.
  • Integrates with NordPass for password management and identity security.

With NordLayer, it’s never been easier to keep businesses safe from online threats. This innovative cybersecurity solution is powered by NordVPN’s advanced technology. It lets organizations of any size keep their networks safe with a zero-trust network access solution and Security Service Edge services. No physical hardware is needed, and its cloud-native design makes it scalable and flexible enough to meet the needs of any business, big or small. Overall, this is one of the best ZTNA Solutions you can consider now.


  • Part of NordVPN, a reputable VPN provider.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Strong encryption and security features.
  • Good for remote work and small to medium-sized businesses.


  • Limited server presence compared to larger ZTNA providers.
  • May not offer all the advanced features required by large enterprises.


Best ZTNA solutions


  • Identity-based access control.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) support.
  • Integrates with various applications and services.
  • Centralized policy management.
  • Adaptive access based on user behavior.

Okta Identity-Driven Security is a ZTNA solution that is mostly for larger companies. If you go for it, you will get single sign-on across multiple platforms, multi-factor authentication, a lot of lifecycle management options, and flexibility. Okta’s sign-in components and Universal Login make secure authentication and authorization across multiple apps easy. Users can log in with their usernames and passwords or with their social media accounts.


  • Strong identity and access management capabilities.
  • Extensive integration options.
  • User-friendly interface.


  • Limited network visibility compared to specialized ZTNA solutions.
  • Additional costs for certain features and add-ons.


Best ZTNA solutions


  • Software-defined perimeter architecture.
  • Zero-trust, least-privilege access.
  • No VPN required.
  • Strong security through encryption and authentication.
  • Easy-to-use access control policies.

Twingate is a company that offers remote access solutions. Its main goal is to help distributed workforces access corporate resources in a safe way that doesn’t slow down their work. Twingate’s cloud-based ZTNA solution lets IT and security teams set up a software-defined perimeter and centrally manage user and device access to corporate applications without using extra hardware or changing their existing infrastructure.


  • Zero-trust architecture designed for remote access.
  • Easy setup and management.
  • Decentralized and cloud-native.


  • May require additional tools for broader security coverage.
  • Smaller user base compared to larger competitors.

Perimeter 81

Best ZTNA solutions


  • Secure access to corporate resources.
  • Easy deployment and management.
  • Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) with user and device verification.
  • Network segmentation and micro-segmentation.
  • Cloud-native architecture.

Perimeter 81 is a security platform that has a strong ZTNA solution for protecting cloud setups, networks, and software apps. It offers secure remote access, user group management, and a VPN that is good enough for businesses. It has a single platform for management, private servers with dedicated IP addresses for each team, and encryption for both incoming and outgoing traffic. Access to public VPN networks, WiFi security, two-factor authentication, and communication with identity providers are also possible.


  • User-friendly interface.
  • Scalable for small to large businesses.
  • Offers a full suite of security features.


  • Pricing can be relatively high for smaller organizations.
  • Limited integration options compared to some competitors.

How does ZTNA work?

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a security framework and architecture that makes the assumption that no one should be trusted by default, whether they are inside or outside the network. Instead of relying on traditional network perimeter security, ZTNA focuses on securing access to applications and resources based on identity, context, and policies. How ZTNA works is like this:

???? User and Device Identity Authentication: ZTNA starts by making sure the user and the device trying to use network resources are who they say they are. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is often used to make sure that the user is who they say they are and that the device is allowed.

???? Contextual Awareness: ZTNA takes into account information about the user and device, like where they are, what kind of device they are using, when they are accessing the network, and more. Contextual awareness helps people make decisions about access based on the specifics of the request.

???? Secure Access Broker (SAB): ZTNA usually uses a Secure Access Broker (SAB), which acts as a middleman between users/devices and the resources they want to access. The SAB looks at requests for access and makes sure that security rules are followed. It might use a method called “reverse proxy” to make secure connections easier.

???? Policy-Based Access Control: ZTNA uses a set of dynamic policies to decide if a user or device should be allowed to use certain applications or resources. These policies can be based on different things, like the user’s role, the device’s compliance, and the request’s context.

???? Least Privilege Principle: ZTNA follows the principle of least privilege, which means that users and devices only have access to the resources they need to do their jobs. This makes it harder for people to get in without permission and reduces the attack surface.


How does ZTNA differ from traditional VPNs?

Once a user is authenticated, traditional VPNs often give them access to the whole network. ZTNA, on the other hand, limits access to certain resources based on identity, device posture, and context, which makes it harder for people to attack.

Does ZTNA replace traditional firewalls and antivirus software?

Traditional security measures like firewalls and antivirus software work well with ZTNA. It adds an extra layer of security by putting the focus on identity-based access control and making it harder for hackers to get in.

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