Top rated Documentary Movies

This list is about the Top rated Documentary Movies. We will try our best so that you understand this list Top rated Documentary Movies. I hope you like this list Top rated Documentary Movies. So lets begin:

Quick Info about: Top rated Documentary Movies

Nowadays, it’s fashionable to call the era of documentary filmmaking – we’re talking about the years before, when we’ve seen cursed events like The Tiger King and The Last Dance – the heyday of the genre. This is only partially true. Yes, we love queuing up a Netflix crime documentary as much as you do. Discuss what Carole Baskin did or didn’t do. We only ask that you go back a few years, where even more gems await.

For example: You have to go back to 1996 if you want a sports documentary that moves you as much as MJ in The Last Dance. That year, When We Were Kings he won an Oscar for his portrayal of Mohammed Ali. Take a few years and you’ll see Sound and Fury, a beautifully shot look at the deaf community and the way we communicate with each other. Now, whichever season of the genre is your favorite, don’t worry: we’ve been making movies for decades to collect the best of them. Here are the best documentaries of all time.

Here is the list of top rated documentary films

when we were kings

Rating: 4.8/5

A documentary about the 1974 Zairean Heavyweight Championship, “The Rumble in the Jungle”, between champion George Foreman and outside challenger Mohamed Ali.

It is 1974, Mohammed Ali is thirty-two years old, and many believe that he has reached his peak. George Foreman is ten years younger and the heavyweight champion of the world. Supporter Don King wants to make a name for himself and offers both fighters $5 million each to fight each other, and when they accept, King has no choice but to find the money. He finds a supporter in Mobutu Sese Seko, the dictator of Zaire, and plays “Rumble in the Jungle.” A music festival is also planned, featuring America’s top black artists including James Brown and BB King.

Final words: Top rated Documentary Movies

I hope you understand and like this list Top rated Documentary Movies, if your answer is no then you can ask anything via contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes then please share this list with your family and friends.

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