Top rated Sci-Fi Tv Shows

This list is about the Top rated Sci-Fi Tv Shows. We will try our best so that you understand this list Top rated Sci-Fi Tv Shows. I hope you like this list Top rated Sci-Fi Tv Shows. So lets begin:

Quick Info about: Top rated Sci-Fi Tv Shows

It’s strange to think that a TV show set in space, one that heralded, in its initial description, that the cosmos was the “final frontier,” was once considered the pop cultural lookalike of an unwanted intruder. . Yes, a concept like Star Trek was both of its time and clearly ahead of it; history has more than vindicated Gene Rodenberry’s idea of ​​boldly going where no man had gone before.

But given the number of top-tier shows set in the far reaches of the galaxy and using the genre for deep, pulpy purposes over the last 30 years, it seems crazy to think that one of the most innovative sci-fi series ever was a network. outcast and a ratings fiasco. Today, there is an entire cable network dedicated to this type of programming. You can’t turn on your TV/Roku/wireless display device without running into spaceships, alien invasions, and weird sci-fi themes.

Here is the list of top rated sci-fi tv shows

the orville

Rating: 4.7/5

THE ORVILLE is an hour-long sci-fi series directed by Jon Favreau (“The Jungle Book,” “Iron Man”) from Emmy Award-winning creator and executive producer Seth MacFarlane (FAMILY GUY, “Ted”). in the future that follows the adventures of the USS Orville, a medium-sized reconnaissance ship. The crew, both human and alien, confronts the wonders and dangers of outer space, while dealing with the familiar, often amusing, problems of everyday people in a workplace…even if some of those people are from different countries. planets and the workplace is a faster-than-light spaceship.

under the dome

Rating: 4.6/5

An invisible and mysterious force field descends on a small real town of Chester’s Mill, Maine, USA, keeping the inhabitants inside, cut off from the rest of civilization. The captive inhabitants must discover the secrets and purpose of the “dome” or “sphere” and its origins, while learning more than they ever knew about each other and the animals as well.

Under the Dome is the story of a small town that is suddenly and inexplicably cut off from the rest of the world by a huge transparent dome. The residents of the city must grapple with surviving post-apocalyptic conditions as they search for answers about the dome, where it came from, and if and when it will disappear.


Rating: 4.5/5

In futuristic Metro City, a brilliant scientist named Tenma builds Astro Boy (Freddie Highmore), a robot boy with super strength, X-ray vision and the ability to fly. Astro Boy will explore the world and find acceptance, learning what it is to be human. When he discovers that his friends and family in Metro City are in danger, he uses his incredible powers to save everything he loves.

The Jetsons

Rating: 4.4/5

The Jetsons made their feature film debut in a movie about family, friends and everything. George’s strict boss, Mr. Spacely, is determined to get his external factor into his ore asteroid miles away to make 1,000,000 gears, but all the VPs sent to run him have disappeared for some reason, so Mr. Spacely has to find someone else. to execute him: he must be someone immensely brave and immensely stupid. So who does he choose? George Supersonic. So George packs up his family: Jane, his sensible and loving wife; Judy, his rebellious teenage daughter who has gotten a new boyfriend: a galactic rock superstar; Elroy, a basketball champion who loses faith in his father; and Rosie, the cheeky girl of his.

So while Judy meets another guy and enjoys a great mall, George gets to work with his new friend, a robot foreman named Rudy 2. The factory is soon sabotaged on opening day, so George plans to investigate. and disappears. . So it’s up to Elroy and his new friends to save George. Together for the trip are Judy and Jane. A wild and futuristic game on a screen bigger than your TV.


Rating: 4.3/5

In the 21st century, Jeff Tracy, a former astronaut, amasses a huge fortune and decides he must use it to help others. His response to this desire is to create International Rescue, a unique private emergency response service equipped with specially designed vehicles and equipment to enable the organization to respond to any crisis, whether it be at sea, in the air, on land or on land. in the air. space.

Jeff’s five sons volunteer as drivers and field agents, as does “Brains” (aka Hiram B. Hackenbaker) as a team engineer. Also, Jeff’s friend Kyrano and his daughter Tin Tin agree to be support staff. In addition to the field team, IR also maintains an intelligence network with Lady Penelope and her ex-con Parker as key operatives in this arm. The series follows this team as they respond to various requests for help from around the world and beyond.

mork and mindy

Rating: 4.2/5

Mork (Robin Williams) is a bumbling alien from the planet Ork sent to Earth in an egg to study its inhabitants. He will report to his unseen superior, Orson (Ralph James), until he is reassigned. On Earth, he meets Mindy McConnell (Pam Dawber), an average woman who takes him in and protects him. Befriending Mork, she signs up for some crazy adventures as Mork learns about human life, acting (and looking) very eccentric along the way.

In addition to yelling “Nanu, Nanu,” Mork had an uncanny ability to impersonate celebrity voices. Eventually, Mork and Mindy’s relationship jumped from strong friendship to romance, and they married, eventually having a son, Mearth from Earth (Jonathan Winters), who aged backwards like his father.

the twilight zone

Rating: 4.1/5

The Twilight Zone is a place that exists at any moment in time, space or mind… but always when you least expect it. When you are in this realm of limitless possibilities, be careful what you say or do. The right decisions can help you find your way back…sometimes with more luck and wealth. Wrong decisions often lead to madness and death, or an eternity trapped in this dimension. Carefully pass the sign that says you have entered the Twilight Zone.

Planet of the Apes

Rating: 4/5

Complex sociological themes run through this sci-fi classic about three astronauts stranded on a futuristic planet where apes rule and humans are slaves. The stunned trio discover that these highly intellectual monkeys can walk upright and talk. They have even established a class system and a political structure. The astronauts suddenly find themselves part of a devalued species, trapped and imprisoned by the monkeys.

the outer limits

Rating: 3.9/5

The Outer Limits is generally considered to be in the shadow of its more popular predecessor, The Twilight Zone. While it depended on the TZ format, it was still a format that regularly struck gold: get the best writers and actors you can and whip up a different and imaginative story every week. In fact, it did so well that there was a lot of arguing about which story belonged on which show.

The Outer Limits is that rare thing: an imitation that was often the same as it was. That goes even for the creepy intro. “There’s nothing wrong with your TV,” a voice says, as the screen goes into flickering convulsions. “Don’t try to adjust the image. We will arrange the shipment.


Rating: 3.8/5

Killjoys is a fast-paced space adventure about a trio of hard-living, party-loving bounty hunters who work for RAC (Reclamation Apprehension Coalition), an independent interplanetary organization of assassins and recovery experts known in the J-cluster as Killjoys. . The show revolves around their lives and activities on the Quad, a densely populated planetary system, which is ruled by a tyrannical class-based corporation known as the Company.

With the entire system teetering on the brink of revolutionary war and their own bloody past finally catching up with them, the three fight daily to maintain their RAC neutrality by focusing on the one law a Killjoy won’t break “The warrant is everything.”

Final words: Top rated Sci-Fi Tv Shows

I hope you understand and like this list Top rated Sci-Fi Tv Shows, if your answer is no then you can ask anything via contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes then please share this list with your family and friends.

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