6 Proven Tips to Extend Your iPhone Battery Life

Keep your iPhone running longer with these effective battery-saving tips. Learn how to extend your battery life today.

This guide is about the 6 Tips to Extend iPhone Battery Life That Actually Work. I will try my best so that you understand this guide very well. I hope you all like this guide 6 Tips to Extend iPhone Battery Life That Actually Work.

Almost every iPhone user loves the iPhone, but if there’s anything unfortunate, it’s almost always the battery life of the devices, or rather the lack of it. Almost everyone who constantly uses their iPhone offers some variations on this complaint, and for many of us, it’s the first iPhone to be charged all day too, rather than just charging it overnight and having it ready for the next day. Addicting to a wall charger is never fun, so we’ll focus on some tips that are proven to work and extend battery life. As you can see, some of these methods have a few potential drawbacks, and you need to determine if long-lasting batteries are worth the trade-off. It doesn’t apply to everyone, so just mix the tips that suit your needs.

These tips extend battery life for all iPhone users and all iOS versions, but you probably won’t have to bother with any of these unless your iPhone’s battery life really suffers. It’s usually pretty self-evident, because yes, because for those of us who are affected by a battery drain, the battery is 30-60% by noon despite moderate use. If you’re not sure, you should use the battery to about 5 percent and then see how long the battery has actually lasted by checking usage statistics, if you only see a few hours of actual device usage, you may have an extra drain problem that can be solved with the tricks below.

1: Turn the brightness down and turn off the automatic adjustment

Setting the screen brightness low and disabling automatic adjustments can have a huge impact. If you don’t do anything else recommended here, do this:

  • Open Settings and go to Brightness and Wallpaper
  • Slide the adjustment bar as far as it will go
  • Turn “Auto-Brightness” to OFF

Decrease the brightness and turn off the automatic adjustment

Yes, this makes it difficult to view the screen outdoors in direct sunlight, but it’s a small price to pay to use iPhone for significantly longer. This change alone can increase battery life by an hour or two, if not more.

2: Turn off LTE

You’ll remember that despite the criticism, Apple didn’t approve of LTE right away – and battery life is exactly why they waited. The iPhone 5 definitely gets a better battery life than many other LTE devices, but it’s still not great. If you don’t use LTE a lot, turn it off and the battery will thank you.

  • Select Settings> General> Mobile Phone> Enable LTE OFF

Disable LTE

For us data-hungry people, this hurts because LTE is part of what makes the iPhone 5 so great. But unfortunately, the use of LTE networks causes the mobile phone devices to use more power, which reduces battery life. You can also consider turning it off and on just when you really need to do something fast, but that does a little inconvenience.

3: Disable unnecessary location services

GPS uses quite a bit of battery, and many applications use location for a number of reasons. Each time you open or use a location-dependent app, it lasts your battery life, so turning off as many location-aware services as possible will help extend your battery life. Disable this for literally anything that absolutely doesn’t require it (basically the weather, Maps, Google Maps and Find My iPhone are all that should stay here).

  • Select Settings> Privacy> Location Services> Turn All Unnecessary Services OFF

Disable app location services

You can also go to the core route and turn off all location services completely, but if you try to use Maps for directions, it won’t know where you are.

4: Disable unnecessary use of cell data

No, you don’t turn off cell phone data completely (although that would help, but then your iPhone is of course much less useful), instead you turn off cell phone information for items that aren’t just necessary, like updating iCloud documents, iTunes data, FaceTime, Passbook updates, and Synchronization between reading list devices.

  • Go to Settings> General> Mobile Phone> Change All in “Use Mobile Phone Data:” to OFF

Disable Mobile Data for Services and iCloud

This basically means that none of these services work or update during cellular connections, and instead the update relies on the wi-fi network. This reduces cell phone modem usage and extends battery life.

5: Disable mail sending and set fetching to manual

This means that iPhone no longer checks for new messages on its own, meaning if you want to know if you’re waiting for emails, you’ll need to launch the Mail app and perform an update by dragging to check yourself.

  • Select Settings> Mail, Contacts, Calendars> Get New Info> turn Push OFF
  • In the same Settings menu, scroll to Search and select Manually

Disable the Push setting and set the email to Retrieve manually

For those of us who need to get new emails as quickly as possible, this is not the right option. One compromise is to disable Push, but keep Fetch on with aggressive settings to get new emails faster, but it still hits the iPhone battery. If you can afford to wait to check your email manually, go for the manual route for maximum impact.

6: Turn off Bluetooth

Who uses Bluetooth all the time? Almost no one, so why do you have it on all the time? Instead, do the following: turn it off and then on only when you’re actually using it for headphones or keyboards. Otherwise, you are sending both a Bluetooth signal and searching for available devices, even if you do not need it, and it consumes battery power.

  • Select Settings> Bluetooth> OFF

turn off bluetooth for better battery life

Fortunately, this hasn’t been buried deep, so turning it on and off when needed isn’t very harmful, and for many of us, just keeping it away all the time is hardly a sacrifice.

7: Disable unnecessary notifications and push

Bonus! Don’t forget to turn off unnecessary notifications and push alerts, all of which increase iPhone activity and can lead to low battery.

  • Go to Settings> Notifications> go through all the unnecessary applications and select None

Repeat this as needed, and in the future, when new app downloads ask to allow Push notifications, consider “Don’t allow” instead.

Yes, there are plenty of other battery tips, but ultimately the six offered above make the biggest difference without you getting too crazy with individual settings.

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FAQ: 6 Tips to Extend iPhone Battery Life That Actually Work

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In this guide, I told you about the 6 Tips to Extend iPhone Battery Life That Actually Work.
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In this guide, I discuss about the 6 Tips to Extend iPhone Battery Life That Actually Work, which is very helpful.
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Apple Devices only.
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mac OS or iOS
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Final note: 6 Tips to Extend iPhone Battery Life That Actually Work

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