Fix No Batteries Available & Fan Running Constantly on MacBook Air

Follow a quick fix for the “no batteries available” issue and fix the fan running constantly on your MacBook Air.

This guide is about the A Quick Fix for “No Batteries Available” & Fans Running Constantly on a MacBook Air. I will try my best so that you understand this guide very well. I hope you all like this guide A Quick Fix for “No Batteries Available” & Fans Running Constantly on a MacBook Air.

If you’ve ever had a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro battery accidentally lost, it can be a confusing feeling. This is often accompanied by a battery menu with an “X” and saying “No batteries available,” a very slow Mac, and even after a reboot, the Mac often has fans running at full speed despite anything unusual appearing in the Activity Monitor. In addition, the MagSafe charger light usually does not turn on and the computer does not even sleep. Oh, something is badly wrong, right? Well, sort of – but don’t worry, this is all related, and it’s fixable.

Before we get into the details or details, let’s discuss the solution: SMC reset.

Recharge the battery and return the fans to normal by resetting the SMC

This is a technical process, but it is easy to follow. This is the same for MacBook Air and MacBook Pro Retina technologies, on virtually all Macs with a built-in removable battery. Here’s how to find instructions for other Macs and older Macs.

  • Shut down your MacBook and plug in the MagSafe power adapter – let your Mac shut down completely before continuing
  • Hold down Shift + Control + Option + Power simultaneously for a few seconds, then release
  • Press the power button as usual to turn on your MacBook

Here are the exact key combinations for what SMC reset looks like on a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro (Retina) keyboard:

Key sequences for resetting the SMC driver on MacBook Air and MacBook Pro Retina

Once the Mac has restarted normally, things should be fine again. Here is an example from the “No batteries available” menu, and after the repair is assigned, the battery will return to normal operation:

No batteries are available, appears on your MacBook Air

Note that the total time of the clock is 2 minutes. In other words, it only took two minutes to fix the whole problem, counting all the power issues, saving an important or two files, shutting down the Mac, restoring SMC with the above keyboard, and restarting the Mac back to normal.

The power settings are also reset

It’s important to note that SMC Restore loses many of the power-specific options and customizations you may have made to OS X through System Preferences, from screen brightness levels to Energy Saver settings, to how your Mac handles things like auto-dimming based on lighting and power sources, screen sleep, hibernate, etc. So you have to go back and do these little power adjustments again.

Why is this happening?

You won’t always find the exact reason why a system management controller goes fragmented with the kernel and power functions, but the basic idea is that at some point something went wrong, maybe for a reason or not.

What is SMC anyway?

For those who don’t know, SMC stands for System Management Controller, and it handles power functions and other core device roles on a Mac, so unexplained power management issues are almost always resolved by restoring SMC. For this reason, power management problems or strange conditions such as running out of batteries, refusing to sleep, a very slow Mac combined with loudly igniting system fans, graphics cards appear, are all very classic symptoms that SMC needs to be reset to get things back on. to follow. Take the time to do it, it works.

Having come across this twice on two different Macs last week, it’s certainly a useful topic to deal with, even if it’s a relatively rare problem to deal with. At the very least, it will help you get information on things like this, so if any of the above happens to you, take a moment before you call AppleCare or go on a trip to the Genius Bar, SMC will reset itself, it will almost certainly fix the problem completely.

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FAQ: A Quick Fix for “No Batteries Available” & Fans Running Constantly on a MacBook Air

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In this guide, I discuss about the A Quick Fix for “No Batteries Available” & Fans Running Constantly on a MacBook Air, which is very helpful.
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mac OS or iOS
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Final note: A Quick Fix for “No Batteries Available” & Fans Running Constantly on a MacBook Air

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