How To Add Favicon To WordPress Site

Boost brand recognition & add polish with a favicon! Learn how to easily add one to your WordPress site.

This guide shows you how To Add Favicon To WordPress Site. From their humble beginnings as small icons next to website names in browser tabs, favicons have grown into multifunctional assets that are an important part of a website’s recognizable brand. It’s not just for identifying tabs on WordPress sites; favicons are also used for browser bookmarks, iOS home screen buttons, and other touchpoints.

For stronger brand recognition across a variety of digital spaces, adding a favicon to your WordPress site is essential. we added a favicon easily by going to WordPress’s customization settings or the theme’s options and uploading and editing the favicon image. Picking the right favicon that captures the essence of your brand is very important, as it will become a visual cue that defines your website.

For added convenience, making sure the favicon is the right size and format for all devices and platforms will ensure a consistent brand presence wherever your site is viewed. Effectively using a favicon on a WordPress site improves the user experience, brand recognition, and overall look. For more information go their official website.

How To Add Favicon To WordPress Site

Using the WordPress Customizer to Add a Favicon

  1. Get to the WordPress Customizer as the first step.
  2. You can do this by going to Appearance » Customize if you have a classic theme.
  3. Adding your favicon picture to the WordPress Customizer is all you need to do.
  4. The plugin will handle the rest.

Adding a Favicon Using the WordPress Full Site Editor

  1. Navigate to the WordPress admin panel.
  2. Go to Appearance » Editor.
  3. Ensure you have a block theme selected.
  4. Locate the appropriate section for adding custom code or editing theme files.
  5. Add your brand logo code to display it as both a header and a site icon.

Using a WordPress Favicon Plugin to Add a Favicon

  1. Install the Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator plugin on your WordPress website and activate it.
  2. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard and select Appearance » Favicon.
  3. Click on “Select from the Media Library” to either add a new image or choose one from the existing library.
  4. Ensure that the chosen image is square. For optimal functionality, the site icon should be at least 260 pixels wide and no less than 70 pixels tall.
  5. Click the “Generate favicon” button after selecting the image.
  6. The plugin will redirect you to the RealFaviconGenerator website, where you can further customize the favicon as desired.

Importance of Favicon for Website Branding

Makes the user experience better:

  • Quick Identification: Favicons make it easy for people to tell your site apart from others that are in the same browser tab or bookmark list.
How To Add Favicon To WordPress Site
  • Better Navigation: When people come back to your site, the favicon in their browser history makes it easier for them to find it.

Makes the brand more recognisable:

  • Visual Recognition: A well-designed favicon that often includes your logo or other brand elements makes it easier for people to remember your brand.
  • Professionalism and Credibility: A custom favicon gives your website a polished look and sends a message of professionalism, which adds to its credibility.

In a roundabout way, search engine optimisation (SEO):

  • User Engagement: Favicons can improve the user experience, which can have an indirect effect on SEO and make users more interested in your site.
  • Search History and Bookmarks: Favicons that show up in users’ search history and bookmarks can subconsciously remind them of your website, which could lead to more visits and better SEO metrics.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Favicon Implementation

Wrong file name or path:

  • In the HTML link> tag, check the path to your favicon file again. Make sure it’s the exact location in relation to the root directory of your website.
  • Make sure the filename is correct, and for the traditional format, add the.ico extension.

Favicon File Is Missing or Broken:

  • Make sure that the favicon file is on your server in the location that was given.
  • Put the right file up if it’s missing.
  • If it’s there, try replacing it with a new copy just in case it’s broken.

Problems with the cache:

  • Browsers may still show an old copy of your site even after you change the favicon.
  • Do a hard reload of the page (Ctrl + Shift + R or Cmd + Shift + R) and clear your browser’s cache.

Best Practices for Favicon Optimization

  • Simplicity: Favicons are tiny, so keep designs clean and easily recognizable. Avoid intricate details, complex text, or excessive colors that lose clarity at small sizes.
  • Brand Alignment: Maintain visual consistency between your favicon and your website’s overall branding. Use similar colors, shapes, or simplified logo elements to reinforce brand recognition.
  • Size Specificity: While the most common favicon size is 16×16 pixels, consider including additional sizes (32×32, 48×48, etc.) for optimal display on high-resolution screens and devices with varying pixel densities.
  • Format Selection:
    • ICO: The most widely compatible format, combining multiple sizes in a single file.
    • PNG: A good alternative, but Internet Explorer 11 and earlier won’t support it.
  • Transparency: Use a transparent background to ensure your favicon blends seamlessly with different browser tab and bookmark bar backgrounds.
  • File Size Optimization: Minimize file size using tools like TinyPNG or Squoosh to improve website loading speed.


How do I add a favicon to WordPress 2023?

On your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance and click on Favicon. Click Select from the Media Library to add a favicon image or pick one from the library. The plugin will edit your picture for you, so you don’t have to use picture editing software. Your picture should be at least 260 x 260 pixels, if possible.

Does WordPress have favicon?

All WordPress sites since WordPress 4.3 have a feature called “site icon” that makes it easy to upload and crop an image to use as a favicon. The easiest and fastest way for most people to add a favicon icon to WordPress is to follow these steps.

How do I publish a favicon?

In the Settings menu, select Favicon. In the Favicon panel, select Upload and navigate to the image you want to use. Note: Keep the design of your favicon simple — you don’t want people squinting. Click Done when you’re finished, and when you’re ready, select Publish Site/Publish.

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