How to Add Sub-Tasks in Notion: beyond basic tasks

Master sub-tasks in Notion! Learn how to enable, add, and complete them for efficient task management.

The flexible productivity tool Notion recently added a new feature that transforms the way you manage tasks and projects: the ability to make subtasks and dependencies. User can now carefully divide any project or task into smaller, easier-to-handle parts thanks to this update. In this article we will talk about how to Add sub-tasks in notion.

This level of detail makes it easier to organize and focus on undertaking difficult tasks. Additionally, task dependencies make project planning more complex by letting users arrange tasks based on how they affect each other. By using this feature, both teams and individuals can improve efficiency, streamline workflows, and make sure that projects move smoothly from one stage to the next.

Notion continues to solidify its position as the go-to platform for teams and individuals seeking complete and customisable productivity solutions by providing such customisation and flexibility in task management. Planning a product launch, running a marketing campaign, or just keeping track of personal tasks will be a lot easier with Notion’s new sub-task and dependency feature. If you want more information about Notion to to their official website.

How to Add sub-tasks in notion

  1. Open the database page in Notion.
  2. Click the icon with three dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Choose “Sub-items” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Press the “Turn on sub-items” button.
  5. Click on “Expand” and then select “New sub-item.”
  6. Give the subtask a name.
  7. Repeat the steps to add more subtasks to your task breakdown.

Understanding Sub-tasks in Notion

What do subtasks mean?

  • Notion’s sub-tasks are a powerful tool that let you break down big, hard tasks into smaller, easier-to-handle steps. They’re kind of like sub-to-do lists inside your main tasks. This is useful for:
How to Add sub-tasks in notion
  • Better organisation: See how the steps of a bigger project fit together by imagining how they work together.
  • You can better manage your tasks if you keep track of how each subtask is going and see how it affects the rest of the main task.
  • More teamwork: Give each team member a specific subtask and keep track of their progress on their own.

Best Practices for Creating and Managing Sub-tasks

Making Sub-tasks:

  • Figure out the main tasks: In your database, break down bigger projects into smaller tasks.
  • Include subtasks: Click the dropdown menu next to a main task and choose “Add sub-item.”
  • Nest Sub-tasks (Not Required): For more complicated workflows, you can drag and drop subtasks to make hierarchies.
  • Make use of templates: For common steps or tasks that you do often, make sub-task templates that are already filled out.

Taking care of subtasks:

  • Rank the subtasks: Use properties like “Checkbox” or “Priority” to change the order of subtasks.
  • Sort: You can sort your database by the “Sub-tasks” property to see certain tasks and the items that belong to them.
  • Actions in Bulk: To select and finish several subtasks at once, use the checkbox in the header row.
  • Formula Views: To show subtasks next to their parent tasks, you can make your own views using formulas.

Advanced Tips and Tricks for Sub-task Management in Notion

Getting things done faster:

  • Set priorities for subtasks by dragging and dropping them in the hierarchy to show how important they are right now.
  • How to Keep Track of Your Progress: Make a formula property that will automatically figure out the overall progress based on the subtasks that have been finished.
  • Conditional formatting: Make sure that completed subtasks are highlighted so that you can quickly see how things are going.

Working together and being seen:

  • Share Subtasks with Specific Users: Give team members specific subtasks to work on together.
  • In subtasks, list users: Notify directly the people who are in charge of certain subtasks.
  • You can sort and filter by assignee: Easily keep track of what each person has done and how the work is being divided up.


How do you add subtasks to your tasks?

Set off. Indent the task after you’ve chosen it. You can either click “Indent” in the editing group on the task tab or press the Alt+Shift+Right arrow keys. The chosen task turns into a subtask right away.

Can you assign tasks in Notion?

You can keep everyone on your team on the same page by giving them tasks and adding details about them. When you use Notion, tasks have properties like owners, status, and due dates that help you sort, filter, group, and prioritise your work. Notion lets you make your own views that can help you organise your tasks.

Can you create Asana tasks in Notion?

Notion users can add information from Asana projects, like the task list, to Notion spreadsheets. “Paste as Database” lets users copy the link to an Asana task or project and paste it into Notion.

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