Cloudflare: How To Add TXT Record

Confidently add TXT records to your Cloudflare domain for verification, email authentication, and more. Follow our detailed guide for a seamless process

This article shows you how To Add TXT Record in Cloudflare. Usually, the registrar where the domain was bought stores domain DNS records for management purposes. While if you’ve added Cloudflare to your setup, your DNS records are probably managed by Cloudflare’s platform. Additionally, Cloudflare has powerful DNS management tools,

such as the ability to add different kinds of records, like TXT records, which are often used for verification, authentication, and other reasons, like SPF and DKIM for email authentication. Simply add a TXT record in Cloudflare. Going to your Cloudflare dashboard, picking the right domain, and then going to the DNS settings section.

Users can easily navigate Cloudflare’s interface, which makes this process go smoothly and correctly set up DNS records for the best domain functionality and security. Users can improve performance, security, and flexibility in managing their online presence by utilizing Cloudflare’s advanced features for centralised DNS management. If you want more information go their official website.

How To Add TXT Record in Cloudflare

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare account.
  2. Pick your site from the list of sites that say “Select Website.”
  3. On the left side of the screen, click DNS.
  4. On the right, click the “Add record” button.
  5. Type TXT in the field that says so.
  6. Fill out the Name bar with the information given by the site you want to use.
  7. In the TTL field, type “Auto.”
  8. To finish the process, click on Save.

Accessing Your Cloudflare Account

  • Standard Login: To log in, all you have to do is go to the Cloudflare login page and enter your email address and password. Aside from that, you can also use Single Sign-On (SSO) or Sign in with Apple if your account lets you.
Cloudflare: How To Add TXT Record
  • If you believe you have forgotten your password, please click “Forgot your password?” on the page where you sign in. Enter the email address that is linked to your account, and Cloudflare will send you a link to reset your password.

Fixing Problems with Access:

  • Not the Right Credentials: Make sure you enter the right email address and password a second time. Watch out for capital letters and other special characters.
  • Didn’t Get Email: If you didn’t get an email to reset your password, check your spam folder. You could also ask for a new reset link.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): You’ll need to enter both your password and the code from your authenticator app if 2FA is turned on.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

  • You might be having trouble with your server, Cloudflare, or your DNS settings if your website is down. First, make sure that your server is up and running. If it is, clear your browser’s cache and cookies, or try a different browser or device to see if the problem still happens. You can get help from Cloudflare if you’re still having issues.
  • People who try to access your website may see error messages. If this happens, the first thing you should do is try to figure out what the error code is. When you know the error code, you can look it up in the Cloudflare knowledge base or community forums to see if anyone knows how to fix it.
  • Too many plugins, large images, or code that hasn’t been optimised can all make your website load slowly. You can use a tool like Google PageSpeed Insights to find places where your website could be faster if you think it is.

Cons with DNS:

  • Domain doesn’t point to Cloudflare: You will need to change your DNS settings if your domain doesn’t point to Cloudflare. You can do this through the company that registers your domain name or hosts your site.
  • DNS propagation: Changes to DNS can take up to 24 hours to reach all computers around the world. It might take a while for the changes you made to your DNS settings to take effect if you just made them.

Best Practices for TXT Records in Cloudflare

  • Keep it up to date: You should only add TXT records that are needed for your domain to work. Don’t add records that aren’t needed because they can make your DNS zone more crowded and cause problems.
  • Use the right names: You should give your TXT records names that are clear about what they are for. This helps you understand and manage your DNS settings better.
  • Set the right Time To Live (TTL). The TTL tells other DNS servers how long to keep your record in their cache. Use a low TTL for records that change often, like verification tokens. Use a higher TTL for records that don’t change, like site verification.

Practices in particular:

  • Verification: For different types of verification, like email and website ownership, use different TXT records. This makes it easier to keep track of them and get rid of them once verification is done.
  • In order to protect your domain from spoofing and spam, you should set up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records for email authentication. When setting up these records, use best practices.
  • Add verification TXT records for Google Search Console and other SEO tools as part of site verification.


How do I add records to Cloudflare?

In the Cloudflare dashboard, go to the “DNS” section. Set up A records for your site: Find the part of the record that says “A” (Address). Put the domain name (like www) in the “Name” field and your web server’s IP address in the “IPv4 address” field to add a new record for your site.

What is the TXT record limit for Cloudflare?

As long as you don’t have more than eight,192 characters in the Content of all of your TXT records with the same Name, you’re okay.

What is MX and TXT record for your domain?

TXT record: This is used to store text-based information from the outside domain for the domain that was set up. This can help you figure out who owns a domain. MX record: This is used to send mail based on the domain that was set up. This can be used to send email requests to the mail servers for a certain domain.

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