How to Auto-Size Comment Box in Excel: fit your words

Breathe new life into your comments! Learn how to use Excel's auto-size function to keep your annotations dynamic and visually appealing.

This post tells you how to Auto-Size Comment Box in Excel. You may have noticed that when you add a long message to a cell in Microsoft Excel, you can only see a small part of it at first. To see the rest of the comment info, you have to resize the comment box by hand.

For one or two comments, this works fine, but when there are a lot of comments in an Excel sheet, it can get tedious and take a long time to resize each one. This post shows you how to change some settings in Excel so that the comment box instantly changes sizes to fit all of the comment data. It doesn’t clearly explain what kind of information users can expect to find on the official website.

How to Auto-Size Comment Box in Excel

  1. Right-click on the cell containing the comment.
  2. Select “Edit Comment”.
  3. Click on the border of the comment box (your cursor should change to a crosshair).
  4. Drag the edges of the box to resize it to fit the text comfortably.
  5. Click anywhere outside the comment box to save the changes.

Importance of Auto-Sizing Comment Boxes

  • Clearer view of comments: Comments are easier to read and understand when they instantly change to fit their content. This means that they don’t cover up or obscure the cell data below.
  • Less scrolling: It’s easier to read small comments, especially when there are a lot of them or the list is big.
  • Less physical resizing: Users don’t have to change the size of each comment box by hand, which saves them time and effort.
  • Dynamic content: Comments can be different lengths thanks to auto-sizing, which lets you add more formatting or different levels of information.
How to Auto-Size Comment Box in Excel
  • Better for screen readers: Comments that are the right size for their text are easier for screen readers to find and read.
  • Changes to fit different screen sizes: Auto-sizing helps comments change to fit different screen sizes so they can still be read on smaller devices.

Manual Adjustment vs. Auto-Sizing

FeatureManual AdjustmentAuto-Sizing
ConsistencyRequires effortAutomatic
EfficiencyCan be time-consumingSaves time
ComplexityCan be complex for intricate layoutsSimpler to implement
ResponsivenessMay require adjustments for different screen sizesAdapts automatically to different screen sizes
AccessibilityCan be optimized for different needsMay not cater to all accessibility requirements
Learning curveSteeper learning curveEasier to learn and use
Error pronenessMore prone to errors if done manuallyLess prone to errors

Advanced Techniques for Customizing Comment Boxes

  • Conditional formatting: To make comment boxes stand out visually, use conditional formatting on them based on cell values. For instance, use red to draw attention to comments about negative numbers.
  • How to fill and line things: To get a certain look, use the “Format Comment” menu to change the fill and line features (colour, transparency, and borders) of the comment box.
  • Pictures and links: Add pictures and hyperlinks to your comments to make them more useful and appealing to look at.
  • Your own number formats: You can use custom number formats to show certain information in comments, like times and currencies.
  • Formulas and functions: For changing calculations or data presentations, use formulas and functions inside comments.


What is the default comment size in Excel?

When you add a note to a cell, Excel uses the Tahoma font style in size 9 on a PC and size 10 on a Mac. When you’re in Windows, you can also change the style for all comments, not just comments that you make.

Why is Excel not showing full comments?

In the Excel menu, click on the “View” tab. In the “Show” group, make sure that the “Comments” choice is chosen. Pick it if it’s not. You could also try changing the way comments are shown to see if that fixes the problem.

What is the formula for text length in Excel?

Type =LEN(cell) into the formula bar and press Enter to use the code. When you want to count a cell, like B1, you use the word “cell.” Type in the formula, then copy and paste it into other cells to count the characters in more than one cell.

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