Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Beat Yurgir Orthon

No more infernal flames! Guide to defeating Yurgir & claiming victory in Shar's Gauntlet

Getting through Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3 video game brings you face to face with Yurgir the Orthorn, a tough enemy whose reputation for being hard already precedes him. Players must carefully plan their moves and be very good at strategy to Beat Yurgir Orthon in Baldur’s Gate 3, which stands between them and the prized Moonrise Towers and the mysterious secrets hidden in the Gauntlet of Shar.

Because Yurgir is so strong on the battlefield, a complete plan is needed to be successful. Since the odds are clearly against the player, they need to know everything there is to know about his skills, weaknesses, and fighting style. This isn’t just a fight; it’s a battle of intelligence and skill, and both sides need every edge they can get.

There are many dangerous things on the way to Moonrise Towers, and Yurgir is the guardian of the secrets beyond. Players are told to improve their characters’ gear and skills so that they have a well-rounded party that can handle the difficulties that Yurgir’s domain brings. By carefully planning, players may find ways to take advantage of the surroundings or use unusual strategies that can tip the balance in their favour.

How to Beat Yurgir Orthon in Baldur’s Gate 3

  1. Battle begins on higher ground for Yurgir and his followers.
  2. You must reduce the Merregons before they shoot you if they are alive.
  3. Hit them with big AoEs like Glyph of Warding to choose damage they won’t resist.
  4. Locate cover where Yurgir and his allies can see you.
  5. Yurgir is the key issue.
  6. Your party is forced to leave the blast radius and move into the open by his bombs, which do significant damage.
  7. However, these munitions are essential to winning this conflict.
  8. In an earlier chat, Karlach said Orthons don’t want their bombs hurled back at them, which works here.
  9. Yurgir is vulnerable to his munitions‘ enormous detonation radius.
  10. High-Strength characters can throw them back on the ledge where Yurgir is to hit multiple opponents at once.
  11. These explosives are fantastic for drawing Yurgir out of his turn since he goes invisible.
  12. While still throwing AoE attacks, have a melee party member hold down the Displacer Beast to keep it off your casters.
  13. Have the devil die to win.

Leveling and Character Preparation for Yurgir Orthon Encounter

In Baldur’s Gate 3, Yurgir Orthon is a very strong enemy that can ruin your party if you don’t prepare for him. Here is a guide to help you level up your characters and get ready for the fight: The lowest level you should be for this fight is 5. However, level 6 or even 7 would be better, especially if you’re playing on a harder setting.

Baldur's Gate 3: How to Beat Yurgir Orthon
  • Composition of the Party: Make sure your party has a good mix of people who deal damage, heal, and help. To fight Yurgir’s invisibility, you should have at least one character with the dispel magic skill.
  • Equipment: Upgrade your gear to the best that’s possible for your level. Put things that increase your damage, armour, and saving throws at the top of your list. Yurgir does a lot of necrotic damage, so you might want to wear things that protect you from it.
  • Spells and Abilities: Pick spells and abilities that work against both single enemies and groups of foes. To handle the Merregon adds, crowd control spells like Grease and Web can be useful.
  • Strategies: Make a plan for how to fight. Think about using your tank to get Yurgir’s attention while your ranged characters do damage. You should be ready to deal with the Merregon adds quickly because they can be a real pain.


In Baldur’s Gate 3, beating Yurgir Orthon takes careful planning, strategic thinking, and the ability to change your plans. To obtain additional instructions on this topic, please visit the official website. You can beat him and continue your epic journey in the world of Baldur’s Gate 3 if you know his strengths and flaws, use your party’s skills well, and adjust to situations that change. May your magic work and your blades be sharp!


How do you deal with Yurgir in BG3?

Players should definitely kill Yurgir and side with Raphael if they want to get closer to Astarion. You can start fighting Yurgir right away after your fight with Orthon, but be ready, because he is a strong opponent.

How do you beat Orthon in BG3?

As soon as the orthon disappears, use the cloud of knives on the last place you know he was. He will throw all of his bombs at once, but the cloud of knives will miss them, and he will destroy himself. Use standard mob methods on the rest of them: crowd control first, then aoe nukes. The fight isn’t tough.

Should I help Raphael or Yurgir?

In the game, killing Yurgir doesn’t have any big effects, but leaving him alone makes Astarion and Raphael angry, and it limits the player character’s relationship choices. In Baldur’s Gate 3, players can try to beat Yurgir by passing dialogue passes that make him want to kill his followers or kill himself. This will make the fight easier.

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