How to Beat Auntie Ethel in Baldur’s Gate 3

Tips & Tricks to crush Auntie Ethel and rescue Mayrina in Baldur's Gate 3.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, Beat Auntie Ethel is the Hag. She is a dangerous boss that employs masked minions, illusory replicas, and hostages. Additionally, she guards her cave with traps such as the Baldur’s Gate 3 video game Noxious Fumes. It is possible for Auntie Ethel to return to haunt you more than once in Battlegrounds 3, depending on the choices you make.

She will emerge in both Act 1 and Act 3 with malicious plans both times, but they will not be plots that you are unable to thwart if you handle them correctly. We will explain how to defeat Auntie Ethel, the hag, in Baldur’s Gate 3 below, as well as how to save Mayrina and Vanya. Both of these encounters will take place down below.

Who is Auntie Ethel in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The formidable Hag and Fey creature known as Auntie Ethel is a Level 5 non-player character (NPC) and boss that you will encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3. You will discover her in the Overgrown Tunnel during the first act of the play. You will need to travel to the Sunlit Wetlands and then proceed to the Riverside Teahouse in order to speak with her.

Where To Find Auntie Ethel in Baldur’s Gate 3

How to Beat Auntie Ethel in Baldur’s Gate 3

Once you approach the Riverside Teahouse in the sunny wetlands, you will have the opportunity to meet Ethel herself in a brief cutscene. You will either end up beginning the fight with her here, during which she will turn invisible and put redcaps on you, or she will still disappear down into her lair even if you do not engage in the fight. Following the completion of this encounter, proceed to her fireplace, extinguish it with a water bottle or a spell called Create Water, and then proceed to step through it. If you want to get more details, than you can visit official website

How to Beat Auntie Ethel in Baldur’s Gate 3

  1. You can avoid fighting the Hag by approaching her peacefully. Unfortunately, Mayrina cannot be saved either. When things get heated, she teleports Mayrina and disappears. The fireplace is a mirage that hides a gateway to find them.
  2. Similar to the fireplace, the Gnarled Door is transparent. Four people in masks let the Hag dominate them. Your team can equip some of these masks from the previous room to escape combat.
  3. While wearing the mask, you and your friends must pass a challenging Wisdom check every few seconds. Any character who fails the check becomes Auntie Ethel’s puppet and is unplayable until she is defeated. Other options include killing the other four puppets. After this, jump over the waterfall.
  4. Fire or water spells can destroy toxic clouds here. You must cross through swiftly since the poison will return. You can beat Auntie Ethel and save Mayrina in Baldur’s Gate 3 at the Ancient Abode.

Tips and Tricks for Overcoming Auntie Ethel’s Challenges

  • Prepare yourself for the challenge: Before you take on a project, make sure you have sufficient supplies of food, energy, and tools to finish it within the allotted amount of time. You should think about employing speed boosters such as Coffee or Spicy Eel.
  • The inventory should be organised: Make sure that your products are arranged in a strategic manner so that you do not waste time looking for them when you are competing.
  • Pick the appropriate instruments: If you want to maximise your efficiency, use the best tools for each work. To give you an example, a Gold Axe is superior to a Copper Axe when it comes to chopping.
  • Fishing: Before you go fishing, you should practise your expertise. Pay attention to the movement of the bobber and respond as swiftly as possible. When fishing for fish, it is important to use the appropriate bait.
  • Crops: Planting and harvesting crops should be planned in advance to guarantee that you have sufficient quantities of crops ready to face the challenge. Think about applying Speed-Gro to improve your plant’s growth.
  • Animals: It is important to ensure that your animals are well-fed and content in order to get the best out of them. Ensure that their products are prepared for pickup at the time that it is required.


What is Auntie Ethel weak to?

It is impossible for Auntie Ethel to pass away until all of the Pearlspore Bell mushrooms are eradicated. They are unable to fire and must leave immediately. After one of the Pearlspore Bell mushrooms has been eliminated, Auntie Ethel is called upon to restore order.

Can you kill Auntie Ethel and get her hair?

As soon as the talk comes to a conclusion, she abruptly disappears through teleportation. THEN AGAIN! At the same time that I was killing her, I discovered a corny strategy to get the hair. When Ethel requests you to let her go, all you need to do is make sure that one of your characters is far enough away from the chat that they won’t join in on the conversation.

Can you sneak up on Ethel bg3?

You sneak around with one of the characters until Mayrina is discovered, at which time you are caught. After that, you proceed to the entrance to Ethel’s room. There is a teleporter that whisks you back to the marsh where you were originally. By doing so, you will be able to transport the entire company to Ethel while simultaneously interacting with enchanted individuals.

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