10 Best Shortcuts for Siri to Enhance Safari on iOS

Are you tired of tedious tasks on your iPhone? The Shortcuts app clears up complex tasks in a single action, but finding the best shortcuts can be challenging. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of Siri shortcuts that enhance the iOS and Safari experience. Here are the top ten shortcuts:

1. Smart power module

The smart power module enhances the phone’s power switching capabilities with extra protection and control circuitry. Though the name can be misleading, it’s an excellent tool to optimize performance.

2. Destiny 2 Wizard

Destiny 2’s Gambit mode mixes PvE and PvP for a fun experience, and this shortcut will help Guardians dominate and collect drops effectively.

3. Water expulsion

Accidentally dropped your iPhone in water? The Water Eject Siri shortcut will remove water from the speaker grill with a low-frequency sound to help you better use your phone.

4. Dark Mode v2

This upgrade to the popular Dark Mode shortcut translates websites into your customized version of dark mode images for easier viewing.

5. Speed dial

Do you call a few contacts regularly? The Speed Dial shortcut allows users to add contacts that appear in a pop-up menu for more convenient dialling.

6. Directions for the next event

This Calendar app-integrated shortcut ensures users can get directions to an event quickly just by activating Siri.

7. Birthday reminder

Never forget a birthday again by using this Siri shortcut to compile a list of upcoming birthdays based on your contacts list.

8. Find my AirPods

If you’ve misplaced your AirPods, don’t worry. This shortcut will ensure you can locate them quickly and easily.

9. Translate web pages

Language barriers can be frustrating when browsing, but this Siri shortcut will translate entire web pages for users.

10. QR code generator

Create QR codes easily and quickly without the need for third-party apps using this Siri shortcut.

Final thoughts on Best Shortcuts for Siri for Safari Browser on iOS

These ten shortcuts will enhance your Safari browsing experience on iOS, allowing for more efficient usage and convenience. If you have any further queries regarding this topic, kindly use the contact forum section. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family if you found it useful.


1. How do I use Siri shortcuts on my iPhone?

To use Siri shortcuts, download the Shortcuts app from the App Store and add the desired shortcuts. You can activate the Siri shortcuts by voice activation, downloading specific icons on your home screen, or setting them to activate automatically.

2. Is it safe to use Siri shortcuts?

Yes, Siri shortcuts are safe to use, and you can create them according to your preferences. Make sure to download shortcuts only from trusted sources and verify them before running them.

3. Can I create my own Siri shortcuts?

Yes, you can create your own Siri shortcuts by using the Shortcuts app on your iPhone.

4. Are Siri shortcuts restricted to Safari?

No, Siri shortcuts can be used for various apps and tasks on iOS. However, the ten shortcuts mentioned in this article are focused on enhancing the Safari browsing experience.

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