How to Change Your TikTok Username

Get a fresh start! Follow these simple steps to update your TikTok profile username

The process of changing your TikTok username is easy and lets users make their profile more unique and reflect who they are or what they’re interested in. First, open the TikTok app on your phone or tablet and sign in to your account. In this article we talk about how to Change Your TikTok Username.

Then, to get to your profile, tap the “Me” icon in the bottom right corner. Next, click on “Edit Profile,” which is usually next to your profile picture. To make changes, find the “Username” field in the editing options and tap on it. Remember that your new username needs to be unique and follow TikTok’s rules about how many characters it can have. TikTok will check to see if the username you want is available after you enter it. Y

Even though it’s not hard to change your username, make sure you pick one that makes you happy. If you change it too often, it may be hard for your followers to find you or get confused. Really think about what kind of username will fit your personality or content before you choose it.

How to Change Your TikTok Username

  1. Open the TikTok app on your phone or tablet. You can use your existing username and password, a QR code, your phone number, or a social login to log in.
  2. On the first home screen, click on the Profile tab. This will take you to your profile. Click on the Edit Profile button when you get there.
  3. Click on the Username section. Your current username should be highlighted there.
  4. Delete your old username and type the new one where it says to do so.
  5. Click “Save.” You’re done!
  6. Before you click “Save,” TikTok will quickly search its database of millions of usernames to see if the one you want is free.

Importance of Changing Your TikTok Username

Branding and Having a Name:

  • Reflecting your content and persona: If your current username doesn’t show what you’re about or how you want to be seen online, changing it can help you find the right people and build your brand.
How to Change Your TikTok Username
  • New beginnings and reinventions: Changing your username can mean a new direction for your content or a personal rebranding. It can also help you break free from any restrictions that came with the old one.
  • Memorable and unique: A catchy and unique username makes you easier to find and remember, which increases the number of people who can find you on the platform.
  • Keywords and relevance: Putting relevant keywords in your username can help people who are looking for certain things find your account.

Safety and Privacy:

  • Keeping your personal information safe: If your current username shows your real name or other personal information, changing it can make your online privacy and safety better.
  • Keeping from being impersonated: If someone else has a username that sounds like yours, changing it can keep people from confusing you and possibly impersonating you.

Tips for Choosing a New TikTok Username

Unique and easy to remember:

  • Show who you are or what you’re writing: Use words that are related to your interests, hobbies, or the type of content you’re writing. (like BookishBard and FoodieForFun)
  • Play with words or puns: Your username can be interesting if you add a clever twist to it. (like RhymeTime and PunnyPanda)
  • Mix elements from real life and fiction: Combine your name with the name of a made-up person or thing. (like ChefChristine99 and GamerGalWonder)

Branding and being easy to find:

  • Think about using keywords: Include niche-specific keywords to make it easier for people to find you. (like DanceDynamite and MakeupMagic101)
  • Keep things the same across all platforms. For better branding, use the same username (or a variation of it) on other social media sites.
  • Stay away from emojis and special characters; they can make your text look messy and can’t be searched.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting Tips for Changing TikTok Usernames

Things in general:

  • Wait 30 Days: Every 30 days, you can only change your username once. Check to see if you need to wait by looking at the last time you changed it.
  • Username Already Taken: The username you want may already be taken. Try different versions or other options.
  • Username not valid: Usernames can only have letters, numbers, underscores, and periods (but not at the end). Do not use any special characters or symbols.
  • Verification Issue: If your account has been verified, you need to contact TikTok support to change your username.

How to Fix Problems:

  • Go back and check your new username’s spelling and capitalization one more time.
  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
  • Log out of the app and then back in again.
  • Close the app by force and then open it again.


How do I change my TikTok username without numbers?

All you have to do is go to your TikTok profile, then in here, tap on Edit Profile, select Username. Now type in the new username that you want. Make your username more personal and that it connects.

How do I create a TikTok username?

Be creative! If you signed up with Google, Facebook, or Twitter, a username will be created for you. You can change it, though! Just tap Profile, select Edit profile, tap Username, and then enter your new name.

Does TikTok username matter?

Yes, your TikTok username does matter (a lot). It has a direct effect on how people see you and your videos.

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