How to Convert MBR to GPT for Windows 11

Get GPT for Windows 11 now! Find out the simple and safe ways to change your disk's format and make it run faster.

Some big changes happen when you upgrade to Windows 11. For example, you switch from the older MBR (Master Boot Record) partition scheme to the newer GPT (GUID Partition Table) system. This change is necessary for the best performance and to use Windows 11’s new features. In this guide we talking about how to convert MBR to GPT for Windows 11.

Changing your MBR disc to GPT is an important part of this process that makes sure everything works together and the user has a smooth experience. Luckily, the conversion process keeps all the data that’s already on the disc, so you don’t have to worry about losing any data. For a conversion to work, you need to follow exact steps, whether you’re using built-in tools like MBR2GPT or software from a different company.

This change in partitioning goes along with Windows 11’s better features. It promises a faster and safer computer environment while keeping your important files safe during the upgrade. Adopting GPT makes systems more stable and supports new features, so Windows users should make the switch.

Understanding MBR and GPT

Let us first talk about what MBR and GPT are before we start the conversion process. Master Boot Record (MBR) and GUID Partition Table (GPT) are two different types of partitions that are often found on hard drives. GPT is linked to UEFI mode, while MBR is linked to legacy boot mode.

How to Convert MBR to GPT for Windows 11

GPT gives you more options and works better with new hardware. One of the best things about it is that you can make as many partitions as you want and the discs can be bigger. MBR partitions, on the other hand, can only have four primary partitions.

How to Convert MBR to GPT for Windows 11

Convert MBR to GPT using Diskpart

  1. Type “list disc” to view the available discs.
  2. Identify the number of the disc you want to convert.
  3. Type “select disc [disc number]” to choose the disc for conversion.
  4. Finally, execute the command “convert gpt” to convert the selected disc from MBR to GPT.

Convert MBR to GPT using Gptgen

  1. Identify the drive number reported by the disk management console or the Diskpart utility.
  2. Using the gptgen syntax, run the commandgptgen [-w] .physicaldriveX“.
    • The “X” represents the drive number you identified in the previous step.
    • The “-wswitch writes the generated GUID partition tables directly to the disk. Alternatively, the tables can be written to files using the default file names “primary.img” and “secondary.img“.
  3. After generating the GUID partition tables, you can use a tool like DD to write them to the disk.
How to Convert MBR to GPT for Windows 11

Convert MBR to GPT using Partition Assistant

  1. Select the disk you want to convert.
  2. Right-click on the disk and select “Convert to GPT disk” in the context menu.
  3. Confirm your operation and click “OK” to proceed.
  4. Click the “Apply” button to apply the changes.

Use the MBR2GPT disk conversion tool

  1. Select Command Prompt in Advanced Startup Options.
  2. Use “mbr2gpt /validate” to verify the drive meets requirements.
  3. Convert the drive from MBR to GPT with “mbr2gpt /convert.”

Benefits of GPT Partition Style

  • Support for larger drives: GPT can handle drives over 2 TB, while MBR is limited to 2.2 TB. GPT is essential for modern high-capacity drives.
  • Unlimited partitions within OS limits: MBR limits you to four primary partitions or twelve extended partitions. GPT supports unlimited partitions, but most operating systems limit it to 128. This flexibility helps manage complex setups with multiple partitions.
  • Higher data integrity: GPT stores multiple partition tables across the drive, making it corruption-resistant. One copy can be damaged, but the others can recover your data. Corruption can cause MBR to lose all data because its table is stored in one place.
  • Better boot security: GPT supports UEFI, the modern system firmware standard. This allows secure boot features like digitally signed bootloaders to prevent system startup tampering. MBR cannot do this.
  • Improved drive management: GPT uses partition-specific identifiers (GUIDs) to simplify management and reduce conflicts when moving drives between systems. MBR uses partition numbers, which can be problematic.


Upgrading to Windows 11 requires converting your MBR disk to a GPT disk. While this process can seem daunting at first, there are various methods available to convert MBR to GPT without losing any data. Whether you choose to use Diskpart, Gptgen, Partition Assistant, or the MBR2GPT tool, make sure to follow the instructions carefully and back up your data beforehand. With the right approach, you can successfully convert MBR to GPT and enjoy all the benefits of Windows 11.


Does Windows 11 support MBR or GPT?

Yes, all versions can use GPT partitioned disks for data. Booting is only supported for 64-bit editions on UEFI-based systems.

Can I convert MBR to GPT without losing data?

Windows has a tool called MBR2GPT.exe that can change a disc from MBR to GPT. One good thing about this tool is that it won’t delete any files on your disc while it converts them.

Is GPT faster than MBR?

GPT again outperforms MBR for fast Windows booting. For faster bootup, you need UEFI, which only works with GPT partitioning. GPT seems like the better choice for SSD MBR or GPT.

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