How to Create Crayon Text Effect in PowerPoint

Learn how to transform ordinary text into playful crayon art in PowerPoint!

You can add some creativity to your PowerPoint presentations by trying out different text effects, such as the Crayon effect. This effect gives the text a hand-drawn, fun look that makes the presentation more interesting to look at and easier to remember. This guide shows you how to create Crayon text effect in PowerPoint.

To get this effect in PowerPoint, you can use shape fills, outlines, and textures, among other formatting tools, to make the lines and textures look like crayon strokes. Making the crayon effect look even more real by adding bright colors and wavy lines can help. Trying out different fonts that look like they were written by hand can also improve the overall look.

By changing the text in this way, presenters can give their slideshows personality and originality, which will help them grab the audience’s attention and make the presentation more immersive. In the end, using unique text effects like the Crayon effect can make PowerPoint presentations look better and make them stand out from other presentations that use standard designs. Explore the official website for comprehensive guides and resources

How to create Crayon text effect in PowerPoint

  1. Start up PowerPoint.
  2. Flip the slides so that they are empty.
  3. Add the text box to the slide by drawing it on.
  4. To copy the text box, right-click it and choose “Cut.”
  5. Then, paste it as a picture.
  6. In the Picture Format drop-down menu, click the Artistic button and then pick the Pencil Sketch tool.
  7. Pick a colour by clicking the colour button.
  8. The text in PowerPoint is now drawn with crayons.

Benefits of Using Crayon Text Effects in PowerPoint

  • Appeal to the Eyes: Crayon text effects give your presentations a unique look that sets them apart from other text styles. The look of being hand-drawn can get people interested and help them remember your slides.
  • Making people feel creative and playful: Crayon text effects can help you make people feel creative and playful, which can be especially helpful when you’re talking to younger people or adding energy and fun to your content.
How to create Crayon text effect in PowerPoint
  • Smart use of money: Unlike images or graphics, crayon text effects can be made directly in PowerPoint, so you don’t have to buy or licence images or pay for other resources.
  • Customisation: PowerPoint lets you change a lot of things about text effects, like the colour, size, thickness, and style of your crayon text to fit your presentation’s theme and your own tastes.
  • Quick and Easy: Adding crayon text effects to PowerPoint is pretty quick and easy, especially when compared to making or finding images. You can improve your slides and add these effects to your text with just a few clicks.

Tips and Tricks for Enhancing Crayon Text Effects

Shades and Feel:

  • Pick out a palette: Choose the bright, primary colours that you usually find in crayons. You can mix them for a fun look or use just one colour for a stronger look.
  • Create a texture: Use the “Fill Effects” menu to add a soft texture overlay. Try different textures, such as “canvas,” “watercolour paper,” or even a noise pattern. Change the scale and transparency to make it look more real.

Shadow and Shape:

  • Change the shape of the letters: Try out letter shapes that are a little off. To change a single point, use the “Points” option in the “Draw Text” toolbar.
  • Add soft shadows: Put a soft, light shadow around your text to make it look 3-D.

Adding layers and effects:

  • Layer several text boxes: Make several copies of your text that are slightly different in colour, texture, and shadow. They can be stacked on top of each other so that they look like crayons.
  • Have fun with transparency: You can change how transparent each text layer is to give the image depth and blend.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Crayon Text Effects

The “Crayon” effect is not available.

  • Solution: Make sure you’re using a version of PowerPoint that supports the “Crayon” effect. This effect is typically available in PowerPoint 2010 and later versions.
  • Check Compatibility Mode: If you’re working with an older PowerPoint file that was created in a different version, opening it in Compatibility Mode might disable certain features. Try exiting Compatibility Mode (File > Info > Compatibility Mode > Exit Compatibility Mode) to see if the effect becomes available.

The text doesn’t look like crayon.

  • Double-Check Effect: Verify that you’ve applied the “Crayon” effect from the “Fill Effects” menu within the “Format Shape” pane. Other effects like “Outline” or “Shadow” might be applied on top, masking the crayon style.
  • Adjust Colors: The “Crayon” effect uses a specific palette of colors. You can customize the colors by going to “Format Shape” > “Fill” > “Gradient Fill” and adjusting the individual stops. Experimenting with different color combinations can achieve a more crayon-like appearance.
  • Consider Alternatives: If the “Crayon” effect isn’t achieving your desired look, consider using other artistic effects like “Watercolor” or “Papyrus” or exploring third-party add-ins and templates that offer more specialized artistic text styles.


How do I make text colorful in PowerPoint?

Select the text that you want to change. On the Home tab, choose Font Color, and then select the color that you want to change the color of the text to.

How do you add effects to text in PPT?

On the Animations tab of the ribbon, open the gallery of animations, and select the one you want. On the Animations tab, open the Effect Options list to select from among the available options. Effect options are available for text or for choosing the direction or intensity of an animation.

Can you make text glow in PowerPoint?

In Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you can apply glow and soft edge effects to shapes, text, and other objects. To view the glow and soft edges options: Select the object that you want to format. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, click Shape Effects or Text Effects.

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