How to Create Custom Friend List on Facebook

Organize your friends and family with ease! Discover how to create custom lists on Facebook and control who sees your posts.

Making a personalized Friend list on Facebook is a powerful way for users to control how they connect with others. For this to happen, users must go to their profile’s “Friends” area and click “Create List.” Here, they can give the list a name and start adding people by typing their names into the right field. In this article we will explain you how to Create Custom Friend List on Facebook.

Because of this feature, you can divide your social media into separate groups based on your hobbies, relationships, or privacy needs. Users could, for example, make different lists for close friends, family, coworkers, or hobby groups. Users can send posts, photos, videos, and stories only to certain groups by using this organization’s specialized sharing tools.

Custom Friend lists let users navigate their social network with precision and purpose, whether they want to keep professional decorum, protect their personal privacy, or just choose content for particular groups of people. People can improve their Facebook experience by using this feature to make deeper connections and build a sense of community within certain groups of their online relationships.

Why Create Custom Friend Lists on Facebook?

  • Share selectively: You can decide who sees your posts by sharing them only with certain lists of friends instead of everyone on your page. This can be used to share personal news with close family and friends or business news with coworkers.
  • Sort your feed: By looking at the news feed for a certain list, you can see changes from certain groups of friends. This can help you stay focused on what’s most important to you and not get too much knowledge.
  • Change the content: Make content or ads that are specifically aimed at certain groups, like a neighbourhood sports team or hobby group.
  • Keep in touch with different groups: It’s easy to stay in touch with different groups of people, like neighbours, coworkers, teachers, and even gaming friends.
  • Easy to find friends: You can quickly get in touch with friends on a certain list when you need to.
  • Make plans for events: Plan parties or ask specific groups of friends to do things with you. For more specific solutions to your Facebook issue, visit the official website.

How to Create Custom Friend List on Facebook

  1. Use a computer to log in to Facebook. Click See More > Friend Lists in the menu bar on the left.
  2. Click on Make List.
  3. Type in the names of the people you want to add to the list and give the list a name. As you start typing a friend’s name, Facebook will offer other friends.
  4. You can click Create when you’re done adding friends. You now have the list of people on your friend lists.

Advanced Techniques for Customizing Friend Lists

  • Interests and life events can be used to make lists. For example, you could make lists of people who like music or books, or people who have recently moved or become parents. When people make changes to their profiles, these lists are updated quickly.
How to Create Custom Friend List on Facebook
  • Use info about location: If your privacy settings allow it, you can make groups based on where people live, like “Neighbours” or “Work Colleagues.”
  • Put filters together: You can make very specific lists by combining different factors, such as location, interests, and workplaces.
  • Use the list of “close friends”: For even more control, share certain posts with only your best friends.
  • Make lists that are “restricted”: Add people whose material you only want to see (for example, long-lost friends).
  • Each list should have its own private settings: Change the information you share with each list so that only certain people can see it.


Custom Friend lists on Facebook offer a valuable tool for organizing your social network and controlling who sees your posts. By creating lists tailored to specific interests or relationships, you can ensure that your content reaches the right audience while maintaining privacy and personalization. Start curating your Facebook experience today by creating custom Friend lists and enjoy more meaningful interactions with your friends and acquaintances online.


Are Facebook custom lists private?

Some people who you share a post with through the Custom audience choice may be able to see the names of other people who are on the list or who you pick. You can also choose which friends to include or leave out of your post using the Friends Except and Specific Friends groups.

What does custom friends mean on Facebook?

Custom: If you choose Custom, you can choose which people to share something with and which people to hide it from. If you’ve made friend groups, you can also share with just those people. Only Me: This choice lets you post things to your timeline that only you can see.

What is a custom friends list?

The only things people on your Restricted list will be able to see are your Public posts and posts that you tag them in. You can also make your own lists to organize your friends however you want. You decide who is on these lists and what privacy rules, if any, apply.

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