How to Create Google People Card: a step-by-step guide

Create your Google People Card and control how you appear in search results.

In Google Search, making a Google People Card is a simple process that lets people show who they are, what they can do, and how to reach them. Users must have a Google account and a computer or mobile device that can connect to the internet in order to start this. The first step is to search for your name on Google. In this article we will explain you how to Create Google People Card.

In the search results, you may see a choice to make a personal card. Users can also type “add me to Search” directly to get to the creation page. People can enter information like their name, address, job, and a short bio once they get there. Adding links to websites, social media accounts, or professional portfolios makes the card more interesting and trustworthy.

To make the card more visible and useful to people looking for the person, it’s important to include correct and pertinent information. Users can see what their card will look like before posting it to Google Search after filling out the form.

What is a Google People Card?

On Google Search, a Google People Card is like a business card. It gives you power over what people see when they search for your name. There are things you can add, like your job, website, social media accounts, and even a short bio. It’s an easy way to keep track of your online life and connect with other people. It’s kind of like a digital sign-up sheet.

How to Create Google People Card

  1. Search “add me to search” to see the people card option at the top.
  2. Fill out info. Press the button to begin. The screen will appear:
  3. Complete the following information: Name, Location, About, and Job.
  4. Simply preview the card before it goes live after filling out the fields in step two.

Importance of Having a Google People Card

  • Centralized Information: Your People Card puts all of your contact information, website, and social media profiles in one place, which makes it easy for people to get in touch with you.
  • Networking Chances: People or businesses looking for professionals in your field could find you through your People Card, which could lead to new partnerships or chances.
How to Create Google People Card
  • Display in Search Results: Your Google People Card can show up high in search results when someone searches for your name. This makes it easy for them to find you online.
  • Better First Impression: A well-designed card is like a digital first impression; it gives possible clients, employers, or coworkers a quick look at your professional background and how to contact you.

Monitoring and Analyzing Your Google People Card Performance

  • Search your name often: Keep an eye on how often your Google People Card shows up in name searches. This can help you figure out if your card is being properly sorted and shown.
  • Incognito or Private Browsing: To make sure you see accurate results, use incognito or private browsing mode to get rid of any personal search past bias.
  • Track link clicks: If your card has links to your website or social media pages, use link tracking tools like Bitly to keep track of how many times those links are clicked. In this way, you can see how many people click through from your card.
  • Examine action on profiles: Keep an eye on the engagement numbers on your website or social media pages that are tied to your card. This could include things like likes, comments, shares, or website traffic, which are all subtle signs that your People Card might have an effect.


How do I find my people card on Google?

Google your name to find your card always. The “About me” page contains other Google Account information. Some people’s “About me” page won’t show card information.

Can anyone create a Google people card?

Create a Google Search persons card to establish your presence. Please send a persons card with your information. People can search for you and find your card on Google Search. Create a Google Search persons card to establish your presence.

Can I create business cards in Google Docs?

Google Docs is a popular cloud-based word processor. Business cards can be made on it easily and effectively without a design application. It also offers a shared workspace with creative tools for easy card design.

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