How to Cut and Paste Files and Folders on Mac

Get a step-by-step guide on how to cut, copy, and paste files and folders on Mac.

If you use a Mac, you understand how to Cut and Paste Files and Folders on Mac by using the keyboard shortcuts Control + X and Control + V. If you use a Mac, you can relate to this feeling. On a Mac, pressing Command accomplishes the same thing; however, there is no straightforward method for cutting and pasting files and folders in the Finder; consequently, you must resort to copying and pasting in order to complete the task, and you must subsequently remove the original.

When it comes to this situation, using Cut and Paste can be a bit challenging. You might be wondering why you can’t just use Command + X to cut the files and folders and Command + V to paste it, which would eventually result in moving the files and folders from one location to another.

It can easily be resolved by using the drag-and-drop interface. You are unable to cut and paste files and folders using the keyboard shortcut Command + X, at least not at this time. While you can cut and paste files and folders by dragging and dropping them, you cannot do so by using the Command + X shortcut.

How to Cut and Paste Files and Folders on Mac

If you’re using a mouse or trackpad, move the cursor to the beginning of the text you want to copy. Click and hold while dragging over the content to select it. Alternatively, if you’re using the keyboard, move the cursor to the beginning of the text you want to copy and hold down the Shift key while using the arrow keys to select the content.

To copy the highlighted text, use one of the following methods:

  1. On the keyboard, press Command+C.
  2. On the menu bar, select Edit > Copy.

To cut the text instead of copying it, use one of the following methods:

  1. On the keyboard, press Command+X.
  2. On the menu bar, select Edit > Cut.

Paste the Copied or Cut Text

To paste the text you just copied or cut, place your cursor in an editable area, such as a text box or document, and use one of the following methods:

How to Cut and Paste Files and Folders on Mac
  1. On the keyboard, press Command+V.
  2. On the menu bar, select Edit > Paste.

Tips and Tricks for Efficient File Management on Mac

  • Follow a consistent pattern for naming things. This will help you find your files and keep them organized. For example, consider using a pattern like [date][project name][file type].
  • Keep files that go together together. Create folders for different types of files, clients, or projects to easily group related files.
  • Use tags to organize files. Tags are a great way to sort files into groups and make them easier to find. You can add multiple tags to a file and search for files by tag.
  • Take advantage of smart folders. Smart folders automatically gather files based on certain conditions. Create smart folders to gather files you’ve worked on recently or files that meet specific criteria.
  • Store files in iCloud Drive. By using iCloud Drive, you can access your files from anywhere with an internet connection. You can also easily share files with others.


Is there a way to cut and paste in Mac?

To cut and paste on a Mac, select the item you want to move, press the Command and C keys simultaneously, and then press the Command and Option keys simultaneously to move it to a new location. After you have copied a file, you can use the option key to access the move command in the edit menu. Once you have done this, the file will be moved.

How do you select multiple files on a Mac?

Choose from a variety of options: Hold down the Command key, then click the items you want to select (they don’t have to be in close proximity to one another). Choose a number of items that are neighboring one another: First select the item you want, then hold down the shift key and click the item you want to select last. The selection encompasses everything that can be found between the two extremes.

Why can’t I select multiple files on Mac?

You’ll have to use the “first and last file” technique. This entails you clicking the file at the top of the list, holding the Shift key, and clicking on the last file. The system will automatically select all the files in-between, including the first and the last. It will also highlight the selected files.

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