How to Get Wish-Ender Bow in Destiny 2

Want the best intelligence-gathering weapon? Unlock Destiny 2's Wish-Ender bow and wall-penetrating arrows to dominate the battlefield like never before.

Getting started in Destiny 2 is like stepping into a huge universe full of things for beginners to do. There are many immersive experiences in the game, such as story missions that are hard to resist, complex quests that lead to tempting loot, and the discovery of new abilities that can be unlocked. In this article we showed how to Get Wish-Ender Bow in Destiny 2.

It’s clear that the game has a lot of depth because each add-on gives the gameplay new dimensions. People who buy the Forsaken Pack might find a very special surprise, though: it opens the door to a secret called Wish-Ender.

This mysterious and magical weapon adds another level of excitement to the player’s arsenal and gives them a taste of the video game’s hidden treasures. The Forsaken Pack not only adds new stories to Destiny 2, but it also lets you into a secret world full of wonders, turning the game into an adventure full of discoveries and surprises.

Understanding the Wish-Ender Questline

Getting to the Awoken Talisman:

  • Take down the Shattered Throne dungeon until you reach the final boss, Dul Incaru.
  • Talk to the statue of Sager Ido near the exit after the chaos has died down to get the “Awoken Talisman” quest.

Following the Taken Trio:

  • Now, go back into the Shattered Throne with a new goal: find three different bosses that are hidden.
  • Each boss is named after a piece of the Talisman: Xol, Arot, and Quria.

Quria, the Tomb Weaver:

  • Find the big room with several ogres in the Wishful Thinking area. Find a statue that is missing its orb.
  • To call up Quria, put a charged Arc grenade into the statue’s empty hand.

How to Get Wish-Ender Bow in Destiny 2

  1. Acquire Forsaken Pack: First, get the Forsaken pack on your platform. The $19.99 package includes the Dreaming City, Last Wish Raid, and most importantly, the Shattered Throne Dungeon.
  2. Ensure Open Kinetic Slot: you will also need an open Kinetic weapon inventory slot to get an momento from Petra Venj. Too often, quest items don’t go to the Postmaster, and you don’t want that to happen.
  3. Visit the Tower: In the Tower, go to the kiosk left of the Postmaster to get Hunter’s Remembrance for Wish-Ender’s momento.
  4. Pick Up the Quest: Pick up the quest from the bottom-left panel of the kiosk.

Rewards and Benefits of Obtaining Wish-Ender

  • Anti-Barrier Champion Piercing: Wish-Ender can get through Anti-Barrier Champion shields so you can hit them directly without switching weapons. In high-level content like Nightfalls and Grandmaster raids, this is very helpful.
  • Enemy Highlighting and Wallhacks: Wish-Ender marks enemies through walls and gives them a red glow when you hit them exactly right. This gives you a better understanding of what’s going on around you and makes it easier to find targets, especially when things are getting.
  • Crowd Control: “Trinity Ghoul,” the bow’s built-in perk, makes precise hits send Arc energy bolts to nearby enemies in a chain. This can be very effective at getting rid of groups of weaker enemies quickly.
How to Get Wish-Ender Bow in Destiny 2
  • Map Control and Lane Denial: Wish-Ender’s wallhacks and long range let you take over important parts of the map and put pressure on other players from afar. You can stop revives, close lanes, and control the flow of the match with this.
  • Peak Shooting: The bow’s accuracy and precise damage make it perfect for peak shooting. You can quickly sneak out from behind cover, hit someone in the head, and run away before being seen.
  • Special Ammo Efficiency: Wish-Ender is different from most special ammo weapons because it only uses one ammo per shot. This makes it more forgiving and lets you use its benefits more often. Visit official website for more details.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During the Quest

Moving up in power level:

  • Doing Powerful Reward Tasks Too Early: Milestones give you Powerful Gear, but using them before the soft cap (currently 1,200) is reached wastes their potential. Save them for later to get the most out of their boost.
  • Ignoring daily or weekly challenges and bounties: These give you Powerful/Pinnacle rewards and useful XP, which speeds up your power rise.

Taking care of inventory:

  • Keeping everything: Take apart gear that isn’t being used! Vault space is limited, and keeping useless items around makes it harder to keep track of inventory.
  • Not paying attention to armour perks: To make effective builds for certain quests, think about how weapon and armour perks work together.


Can you still get the Wish-ender bow?

Bungie took away all Dreaming Tokens and made the quest easier. There is no longer a chance of breaking the bow’s receipt, which is good news. To get Wish-Ender in Destiny 2, you need to take Petra Venj’s Hunter’s Remembrance quest and beat three secret bosses in Shattered Throne.

How do you start the Wish-Ender Quest in Destiny 2?

You need to go to the Tower and talk to the Quest Archive if you bought the Forsaken expansion. The Wish-Ender quest is in the tab, and you need to do it. See if this quest is there. If not, look in your inventory for three Dreaming Tokens.

Is Shattered Throne easy to solo?

Older dungeons, like Shattered Throne and Pit of Heresy, are usually easier to finish by yourself because they have simpler rules and fewer enemies.

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